Early morning, Mastiff Dragon Company headquarters.

Yang Yueying saw that there were many people around the bottom of the company building, and she felt strange? “Am I going wrong, yes, this building!” Yang Yueying, who is a road idiot, was surrounded by suspected journalists.

“Miss, hello, are you an employee of the Mastiff Dragon Company? Can you talk about the efficacy of your new drug development this time? ”

“Hello Miss, I am a reporter from Didu Satellite TV, can you take me to visit your pharmaceutical base?”

“I’m from Penguin Media, do you know that M Bangsheng Pharmaceutical Company is preparing to sue you for infringement?”

Men and women, long guns and short cannons kept flashing, fortunately, with the help of the company’s special security guard, Yang Yueying entered the company with difficulty!

Yang Yueying sorted out her mood, and also made up a decoration at the elevator, and then reported the current situation of the company to Zhang Long: “Brother, there are many onlookers at the gate of the company, and today is more lively than yesterday, as you expected!” (Thumbs) Just heard that there are rumors outside, M Bangsheng Pharmaceutical Biotech is ready to sue us for infringement? (Sanmao bitter black face)”

Look up, my mother! How come there are still people doing 377 live broadcasts with mobile phone holders?!

It seems that there are still young female anchors using their mobile phones to expose the inside of the Mastiff Dragon Company!

A rush of high heels sounded, and Yang Yueying, as the company’s executive president, looked unhappy, and she asked in a commanding tone

“What department are you in, playing live broadcasts in the company as an employee of the Mastiff Dragon Company? I don’t want to go to work anymore! ”

The female anchor retorted: “Isn’t this not yet at work!” ”

The male employee next to him pulled his clothes and whispered: “This is the CEO of our company!” ”

“Sorry, we’ll withdraw!” , The male employee quickly dragged his girlfriend away from the mastiff dragon, “I’ll let my girlfriend go home!” ”

“Oh, Li Dazhuang, what are you doing, your hand hurts me!” , the female anchor’s eyes were unhappy, so she had to leave in ashes.

Looking at the couple, Yang Yueying shook her head.

(BGDB) At the other end, in the intensive care unit of the Capital Hospital, the old chief Jiang Zaiming has woken up.

“Dad, are you okay! But worry about me dead. The girl, Xiaodie, stayed awake all night and guarded him.

“How am I in the hospital?” , Jiang Zaiming only felt that Meimei slept beautifully

Jiang Xiaodie told Jiang Zaiming what happened yesterday in the old cadres nursing home, and the old Jiang only recalled it at this time.

He sighed and said: “Hey, people are old and useful, girl, I want to watch you get married now, give birth to a big fat boy, and I will die without regrets…”

“Dad, what do you say about this!” , Jiang Xiaodie said with disgust.

“Although Dad is old, he is not confused! I think you think that if Chen Qun can’t get along with you, don’t force yourself, adults can’t decide in marriage, your mother is gone, I still have to worry about this for you! Jiang Zaiming said seriously.

Jiang Xiaodie’s eyes moved away, thoughtful.

He felt like getting up and wanted to go for a walk, and found that he seemed to be in his thirties and forties again.

Jiang Xiaodie hurriedly went to help: ‘Dad, don’t toss if you can’t do it. ’

“No, girl, how do I feel much younger!” , Jiang Zaiming said and waved his hand to signal that he did not need to help.

I saw Jiang Zaiming’s leisurely stroll, and it didn’t seem like a patient over half a hundred years old who had undergone heart bypass surgery.

“Dad, slow down!” , Jiang Xiaodie couldn’t believe her eyes at this time. It is already a miracle that Jiang Zaiming can recover in a short time, not to mention that old Jiang is now alive, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a young man.

Zhang Long also received a thank you call from Jiang Xiaodie at this time, and in addition to the old Jiang’s impressive look at himself, he also revealed Jiang Xiaodie’s appreciation for himself.

Zhang Long is a code farmer, and the nerves will naturally not notice these subtle feelings.

The following days can be described as red oil, recombinant reagents and tablets all entered the market simultaneously, and the experiments and the national drug administration have been reviewed and checked.

At this point, Zhang Long also has to thank Lao Jiang and Jiang Xiaodie, after all, if it were not for the attention of the No. 5 chief, with the efficiency of the department and the tiger eye of the national pharmaceutical company, I am afraid it would not be so fast!

Blessings and misfortunes come together, and when the new drug of Mastiff Gene Recombinant was just launched, it didn’t take half a day for “Mastiff” to receive a lawyer’s letter from Miguo Bangsheng Pharmaceutical Company!

Zhang Long opened the lawyer’s letter and couldn’t smile bitterly, only to see that the international veteran biopharmaceutical formula “Bangsheng” actually accused Mastiff Dragon’s new drug of being a copycat and needed to be seen in court!

“Boss, what should I do now?” , Yang Yueying fell into the bottom of worry at this time, after all, this time she has just started with an international veteran pharmaceutical company, just like a child and an adult fight.

Looking at Yang Yueying’s declining appearance, Zhang Long smiled slightly: “Yueying, don’t worry, we didn’t steal their pharmaceutical formula, you can rest assured that they can’t help us.” ”

As the so-called people are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being strong, Yang Yueying, as an old employee of Zhang Long’s previous notebook company, knows this, she is worried that the mastiff dragon is like a tree that grows up and will attract wind, if it cannot be controlled in time, it is likely to repeat the mistakes of the past! _

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