The human king looked at the four words and froze.

Cultivate well?

Of course I know to practice well.

But the problem is that the emperor class is not a cabbage.

If I could reach the emperor level by cultivating well, I would have cultivated well long ago!"

"What is the profound intention of Chu Zi senior?"

The human king stood at the head of Tianyuan City and stared into the void, silent for a long time.

Plunged into deep contemplation.


The Wind Beast flew eastward.

Li Shu walked out of the enchantment and let the wind ruffle her hair.

Take a look below.

Aoyama has not changed.

Green water flows for a long time.

Just as when I came, the mountain is still a mountain, and the river is still a river.

Looking at it again, it has a different kind of scenery when it comes.

Mountains are no longer mountains.

The river is no longer a river.

"The mountains and rivers are still the same, my heart is different."

Li Shu muttered.

I can't help but close my eyes and feel the difference in this moment.


I didn't see any gestures from her, but the spiritual power around her seemed to be guided, frantically gathering around her.

Diffuse but not disperse.

The rhythm continued with her breathing.


"Suck it!"


"Suck it!"

After a long time.

The six stars on Li Shu's forehead flashed with brilliance, absorbing all the spiritual power around him.


A mouthful of turbid air exhaled.

Glancing inwardly at the dantian, Li Shu nodded secretly.

The realm has already shown signs of breaking through to the high-level of the imperial level.

Han Peng called outrageous.

Chu Zi was not surprised.

Geniuses can't be like ordinary people.

How can a person who can barely improve by cultivating hard be called a genius?

If you say so... Am I not a genius among geniuses?

Chu Zi smiled, put aside his unrealistic thoughts, and continued to fight the landlord with the two spirit beasts.


All the way east.

The old dean unfurled the banner that had been prepared long ago, harnessed the wind beast, and swept through the sky.

The mood is very good.

Even sang a ditty.

"We are a common people, really happy ~"

There is no skill, it is all feelings.

Although when he came, he was ready to blow up the Heaven Academy to win the championship.

But he never expected that Li Shu would actually win the championship in this way.

From the beginning of Wang Cheng hanging on the list to become the top of the list, sweeping all the way.

Later, the Changshi Monument left its name, overpowering the successive champions, and together with his mysterious master Chu Zi old-timers, he became a unique existence.


Later, the foreign race attacked strongly, and the survival of the Terran race was only at stake.

It was Li Shu who stood up again.

Respectfully ask Chu Zi old-timers to return from nine hundred and ninety-nine days away strongly, and suppress foreign races with one look.


Returning from nine hundred and ninety-nine days away?

The old dean frowned slightly.

Not right!

Did they pass it wrong?

Nine hundred and ninety-nine days away is too inconsistent with the peerless demeanor of Chu Zi's old-timers, right?

Well! They must have passed it wrong!

Chu Zi old-timers should have returned from nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine days away!

Thinking about it like this, the old dean instantly felt that things became reasonable.

Back in Tianyuan City, Li Shu, with the strength of an emperor-level imperial beast master, faced the ambush of the family master, and was stunned to cross the two realms, and blasted the sect-level powerhouse to death!


The old dean frowned again.

Xiao Shu single-handedly counter-kills a sect-level powerhouse?

Not quite!

Spanning the two major realms, counter-killing sect-level powerhouses, this matter is too outrageous.

Others will think I'm bragging.

It should be me cooperating with Li Shu to counter-kill the sect-level powerhouse.


That makes sense.


After flying like this for another two days, the city of Terrans began to appear below.

The flight altitude of the wind beast fell rapidly, flying close to the city.

【Li Shu】Two big characters shine brightly.

"Li Shu?"

"Is it that Li Shu who beat all the trainees in Tianyuan City to win the championship?"

"Is it the Terran Tianjiao that can attract the different phase through the breakthrough?"

"Is that invincible Chu Zi elder the only disciple left in the Terran clan?"

"It is said that she has a divine beast, which was left to her by the elder Chu Zi, and now it has been named a divine beast that protects the country, and is on an equal footing with the green dragon of the human king!"

The eyes of the crowd below lit up, and their eyes stared at the low-flying wind beast above without blinking.

"Not likely! I remember that Tianyuan City didn't take this road when he returned to Xuanwu City!

"I don't think it's likely, if you go to our Xuanye City, you will have to go around in a big circle!"

"Besides, rumors say that the old dean is low-key, if it is really his old man who leads the team, he will definitely deliberately avoid the Terran city to avoid causing unnecessary trouble!"

"However, I see that the spirit beast above really resembles the Wind Beast of the Exploding Heaven Academy!"

Listening to the discussion below, Li Shu stared at the old dean with an unkind face.

The old dean was stunned and slapped his forehead sharply.


"I was injured by a sect-level powerhouse when I was in Tianyuan City, my head was hit hard, and my brain was not very bright, so it is very reasonable to recognize the wrong way, right, Han Peng?"

Han Peng smiled bitterly, "Yes."

Li Shu was helpless.

How could she not know what the old dean thought.

It is enough to let Han Peng, who has always been serious, memorize his life deeds, it is enough to see that his [low-key]

With his character, he will never allow anyone not to know about the victory of the Exploding Heaven Academy.

Although Li Shu was anxious to go to the Bright Forest, the old dean really didn't say anything to her.

When facing a sect-level powerhouse in Tianyuan City, he knew that he was invincible, but he desperately wanted to protect.


"You hurry up, leave immediately after speaking!"

The old dean was overjoyed and quickly agreed.

In a moment, several figures rose from below.

The leader said aloud, "Below is the City Lord of Xuanye City, dare to ask the old dean Chu Feng in front?"

Xuan Ye City instantly became quiet.

The old dean carried his hands behind his back, allowing the breeze to blow on his face, looking like a noble man in the world.

"Chu Mou said low-key, I don't want the city lord to know my thin name, I am really ashamed!"




The sound of gasping for air was constantly heard below.

Is it really Old Dean Chu Feng?!

Other words... Li Shu is also on it?

The city lord of Xuan Ye City shook violently, and looked at the girl sitting cross-knee behind the old dean.

The girl's face was shocking.

Except for Li Shu, other women do not deserve such a look.

Plus the one in her arms... Forehead... Protector Beast?

It's really special enough.

"The old dean is here, Xuanye City is full of brilliance, and the thatched house is full of color!"

"I didn't say it! The old dean must appreciate his face and stay with me for a few days!

After that, the city lord of Xuanye City looked at the old dean expectantly.


"Cough, cough!"

Before the old dean could speak, he coughed violently.

His face instantly flushed.

"Is the old dean unwell? I have a few pills here, your old man will accept it!"

The old dean waved his hand, his face painful, and said loudly, "No need! It's just a new injury, don't worry! "

In order to protect Li Shu a few days ago, I fought hundreds of rounds with the sect-level powerhouses of Tianyuan City, but I only have the honorable level, and I have been injured a little after a long battle, so it's okay!"




This time it was those Terran powerhouses who gasped.

They know how hard it is to fight across levels.

The higher the realm, the more difficult it is.

Although the old dean was not able to defeat the sect-level powerhouse, it was enough to be famous in history if he could fight for hundreds of rounds!


I just said, how could Li Shu fight back and kill a sect-level powerhouse?

Is this reasonable?

This is unreasonable!

Gathering his mind, the city lord of Xuanye City continued to speak, "In that case, the old dean can't leave!" It's never too late to go after recuperating your injuries! The

old dean waved his hand again, his expression was not without regret, "I have received the kindness!" I still don't pay attention to this little injury! After all, my master has guided me in the method of self-healing!

"That's right! My master is Chu Zi old-timer! "

Huh? Groove! "



There is a groove sound below!

The entire Xuanye City was covered by a sleeping trough.


Li Shu was completely speechless.

Chu Zi is also full of black lines, calling a good guy.


The old dean roared and rode away on the wind beast.

Hidden merit and fame.


"What apprentices did Chu Zi seniors teach? It can actually make the Venerable Royal Beast Master fight with the Sect-level Royal Beast Master! The

City Lord of Streamer City sighed.


"Hey! How fortunate too! "

The White Tiger City City Lord is very envious.


"To see his old man's side, this lifetime is enough!"

The city lord of Shangyuan City was in tears.


A few days away, the old dean dragged on for more than two months.

Fortunately, Xuanwu City is already in sight.

"Xiaoshu, time is in a hurry, I won't delay your time."

Li Shu turned around and left.

"Wait! I have a few more words, you must listen to me, it is about the Bright Forest! "

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