"The Light Forest is separated from the Dark Forest by only one river, which is a relatively special existence."

"Actually, these two forests are not weaker than the Terrans, but I don't know why, and the strongest among them rarely take a step out of the forest."

"There are rumors that some kind of prohibition was planted in the two forests to achieve a certain balance in the Tian Yuan Continent."

After speaking, the old dean stared directly at Li Shu.

"See what I do? It's not a ban I set!

The old dean let out a long sigh and looked into the void.

"Of course I know it's not you! But I suspect it's my master... Blah blah! It was the prohibition set by your master Chu Zi elders!

"Under the whole world, I am afraid that he is the only one who can have such means."

Chu Zi: ??? I had nothing to do

, "Of course, it's just one of the rumors."

"There is also a rumor that both forests are waiting for the man in the underworld."

The one in the underworld?

What person is worthy of two forces that are not weaker than the Terrans to claim for ten thousand years?

The more the old dean spoke, the more mysterious he became.

Li Shu didn't quite believe it either, "Hmm! What you say is very powerful, but what does it have to do with me?

The old dean thought for a moment.

That's right!

It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you!

If the Light and Dark Forest really has to wait for someone, it should be your master Chu Zi senior.

Besides, these are just rumors.

What is the specific situation, it is estimated that only the spirit beasts in the two forests know.

"Then I'll go!"

The brilliance flashed.

The four-winged heavenly dragon carried Li Shu into the air and galloped towards the east.


The four wings are thousands of miles away.

After traveling like this for more than half a month, a huge forest with no end in sight finally appeared in front of you.

The Spirit Beast Forest, vast and boundless, is located in the easternmost part of the Tian Yuan Continent.

Viewed from above, the river splits the forest in two.

To the south of the Great River is the Bright Forest.

The Terrans had made a deal with them tens of thousands of years ago.

The Terran Royal Beasts also have to help when the Bright Forest is in danger.

Most of the spirit beasts needed by the Terran Beast Master, who are proud of them, are also located here.

Every year, there will be many spirit beasts with decent qualifications. In the hands of the Terrans.

It can be said that the Terrans have been able to compete with alien races for so many years, and the Bright Forest has contributed a lot.

However, the number of spirit beasts needed by the Terrans was much more than that.

More spirit beasts were captured by bounty hunters from the outskirts of the Bright Forest.

In addition to the bounty hunters, there are also many teenagers who want to become imperial beast masters but suffer from lack of resources gathered here.

In case they can sign a divine beast here, it will be their best chance to soar into the sky.

However, the bloodline of spirit beasts on the periphery of the Bright Forest was generally not very high.

It's almost impossible to pick up leaks here.

Those whose bloodlines are against the sky and have the qualifications to evolve into divine beasts will not take a step out of the Bright Forest at all.

Some kind of prohibition is deeply rooted in their blood.

The Forest of Light is a paradise for them, but also a cage that limits their freedom.

The situation in the Dark Forest is similar.

However, because of their innate dark nature, they rarely have contact with the Terrans.

Rumors are true and false.

A few days ago, the Dark Forest did dispatch three ancient fierce beasts and risked being eaten out of the Dark Forest.

However, their target was not the Forest of Light, but the source of the dark aura in the depths of the alien race.


Receiving the four-winged heavenly dragon into the spirit beast ball, Li Shu held Chu Zi and fell from the sky.

The two decided that the final distance would be better on foot.

In case it flew over their heads and was regarded as a provocation by that group of spirit beasts, it would be troublesome.

When he came, Ming Yue had said that the spirit beasts were not very good-tempered.

Although there is the golden signboard of Chu Zi old-timers, who knows if the spirit beasts will buy it.

Moreover, this so-called Chu Zi old-timer was made up by the two.

If there is any danger, it is up to them.

Besides, the two of them came to the Bright Forest this time to ask for the spirit beasts.

Metamorphosis is the main purpose.

In case the spirit beasts hide and lock up, the method of transformation is only half said....

Or add a little moisture....

Causing the transformation to be only half of the form?

Transformed, but not completely.

That's not worth the loss.

After another half a day, a leisurely meadow appeared at your feet.

Further ahead are rows of towering trees that need to be hugged by dozens of people.

There is no end in sight, and the darkness is not visible.

Sen's cold breath continued to come from inside, making people shudder.

It seems that in the depths of darkness, there is a terrible creature creeping, staring coldly at the periphery.

It is also like an abyss that devours all things, waiting for the lost to throw themselves into the net.

It's terrible!

It's terrifying!


Do you want to go back now?


Not anymore!

"Ye is gone!"

Chu Zi struggled and wanted to go back, but was pulled by Li Shu.

"How can this work? The incarnation is in front of us, how can we go back?

"You don't want to take shape? I still want you to take shape!

"Besides, they invited us this time, there will be no danger!"

As soon as the words fell, a scream came from the Bright Forest.


It makes your scalp tingle to hear.

Then, several figures stumbled out of the Bright Forest with rolling belts.


"It's so atrocious!"

"It's bloody!"

"It's so violent!"

"In the end, it is a spirit beast, the body is wild and difficult to tame, and before I could speak, I was beaten violently!"

"Hey! To come out alive this time, it is really green smoke from the ancestors! Several

people sighed for a long time, quite feeling like the rest of their lives.

Chu Zi: ...

Li Shu stepped forward and with a glance, he clearly perceived the realm of several people.

Three king levels, seven spirit levels.

Although the strength is not very strong, this is the periphery of the Bright Forest after all.

And they are all experienced bounty hunters, and normally they should not be injured.

"Several, have you gone deep into the forest?"

Several people glanced back at Li Shu.

Breathing stops in an instant.

Is there really such a unique person in the world?

The girl just stood there, but it was like a green lotus blooming in the vast forest of light.


Although they don't know Li Shu, it is common sense that appearance is talent.

It looks so beautiful, there is no reason for bad qualifications.

"Hey! How dare we go deeper!

"Who knows what serious illness the spirit beasts have committed? As soon as we entered, we were attacked by several A-grade spirit beasts!

"Little sister, don't go in! With your qualifications, joining the Big Seven Colleges is no problem! No need to come on this adventure!

"Listen to my advice, the spirit beasts in this are very cruel!"





It seemed to confirm that the Bright Forest was very cruel, and as soon as the words fell, a few more people ran out in disgrace.

"Made! It's brutal! "

Spirit Beast Riot! Omen! Big ominous! "

It's big!"

"Guess what I just saw?"

"Juvenile white. Tiger!

"White. Tiger? It's that white. Tiger?

"Made! What to think! It's that white. Tiger!

"Withdrawn! Although the spirit beast is good, it is not important! I'll come back when it's safe! "

Bounty hunters looked at the Forest of Light and called out brutality.

Li Shu stepped past them and calmly spoke in the face of the behemoth-like Bright Forest.

"I'm coming."


Ten thousand beasts roar in unison!

The Bright Forest is boiling!

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