Not planning to save these people is not to say that Lu Yuan’s heart is so cruel, but that he really can’t help these people. After all, for the meat he bought, he needs to bear the consequences, and he is not buying pork himself. Yes, he didn't eat a bite of the meat himself. Of course, he didn't need to help with these things. After all, the own golden fruit has a miraculous effect, but after breaking through the land, it can bear two fruit every month.

Although all the people who got sick in Area 3 hated Lu Yuan for a while, they couldn’t help it. They knew that even if Lu Yuan could take them to the hospital, they wouldn’t necessarily be able to rank up for treatment, let alone. Increasingly expensive treatment costs.

Moreover, there is a serious shortage of medicines in hospitals. Major hospitals have jointly issued a statement that each hospital accepts no more than 100 people who have been infected with the mouse virus every day.

Three days later, the entire No. 3 area was covered with plains. Those lucky enough to have eaten the sick pork and did not die, put on white filial attire to commemorate their family members. Some even set up a mourning hall in front of Lu Yuan’s house. Mother Lu was shocked when she came back.

"Damn it! It turned out to be a mourning hall in front of my house! It seems that it won't work if you don't teach them a lesson!"

Lu Yuan saw a group of people outside through the window, and his heart suddenly became angry.

Just when he was about to go out to teach these people, he suddenly heard a sirens from the road.

Then several police officers got out of the car and frowned when they saw the people in front of Lu Yuan's house.

"What are you doing? Why are you gathering here! Do you want to do things too?" A police officer looked at the man in filial piety with an angry face and couldn't help feeling a little displeased.

During the recent period, the police department of ** has started a large-scale clean-up activity in order to rectify the chaos of beating, smashing and looting in the city. Whenever you see a place where people gather, you will immediately be particularly vigilant. The performance of violent conflict will definitely shoot and kill without hesitation.

A group of people dressed in filial obedience with anger on their faces pointed to Lu Yuan's home and said viciously: "It's him! He has a car at home but he doesn't want to send us to the hospital! We need to ask him for an explanation!"

"Yes! He killed our family! He is the executioner! Watching so many of us die indifferently!"

"Police officer, we request to arrest him, he is the murderer!"


The crowd was angry, but they did not notice that several police officers had silently placed their hands on their waist pistols.

"Naughty! Now we order you to leave here immediately! We already know your situation! At that time, the pork seller had been captured by us, and he was the culprit! You surrounded this place to entrap the good people!"

Lu Yuan heard their conversation far away, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

So he quickly went downstairs, opened the door and walked over.

A police officer saw Lu Yuan's face with a hint of surprise.

"You are the director Lu? I didn't expect this to be your home!"

Lu Yuan smiled and nodded at the other party, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and scattered around: "Comrade police officer, you really can't blame me for this. Many of us have persuaded me when they bought pork. But they just didn’t listen to persuasion, which caused a catastrophe! I heard that the pork seller was caught?"

"Yes! We have been caught. His behavior has seriously threatened the lives of other people. It is understood that more than 70 people have died in Xincheng District because of the people who bought his pork. He is full of evil! The superiors have already started investigating him, and it is estimated that he will be executed tomorrow!"

Hearing the police say this, those wearing filial obedience immediately transferred their anger to the pork seller.

"Police officer, that damn guy is going to be shot tomorrow? Where is it?"

The police officer glanced at the crowd and said, "In order to act as a warning, tomorrow we will conduct a public trial on him in the central garden of the second district of the new city!"

After speaking, the police officer took out a notice paper from the car and pasted it on the wall of Lu Yuan's home.

"The time for the public hearing tomorrow is set at 12 noon! I hope that everyone who has been wronged will be able to attend this hearing. Also, Lu Yuan has nothing to do with this incident, and he is also the city’s star factory director. , I hope you will stop harassing him! If we receive an alarm and someone harassing his family again, we will definitely not let anyone off!"

After speaking, the other party nodded towards the landing, and then led away.

Lu Yuan gratefully looked at this group of police officers. If it weren't for them, these people would not divert their attention. Thank them so much!

I saw the people who had been kneeling on the ground or sitting on the ground stood up in the crowd, and the eyes of Lu Yuan no longer showed anger, and even some regret flashed in the eyes of some people.

"Go together tomorrow! Kill this dog bastard! Take revenge for our dead family!"

I don't know who yelled such a voice, so the anger among the crowd was ignited again, and everyone raised their hands and asked to directly kill the pork seller tomorrow.

In the end, the crowd slowly dispersed, and Lu Yuan's heart that had mentioned his throat finally fell.

Without these police officers, this group of mobs would not know what they would do. Maybe their homes would be attacked by them, and grandparents and parents might be in danger.

With a sigh, Lu Yuan returned to his own bedroom, secretly rejoicing that he was fortunate not to save anyone. If it is really saved, it will be fine. It will only lose a few fruits, but if there are too few fruits and the effect of the medicine is not enough, it will kill people. It is estimated that the charges will fall on the owner, and then I really can't tell.

Early the next morning, Lu Yuan heard someone chanting slogans at the entrance of the village, followed by the noise of the crowd.

Looking out through the window, I saw dozens of people dressed in filial attire gathered on the road in the No. 3 district and rushed towards the No. 2 district.

Lu Yuan quickly put on his clothes and was going to have a look.

Followed everyone all the way to the second area, and saw that the central garden of the second area was already crowded with people. The smell of sweat, urine, and baba filled his nostrils. Lu Yuan covered his mouth and nose with his sleeves.

The situation in District 2 is similar to what I saw in the city. The roads here are full of traces of urine and urine, and the roads are full of rubbish. People's mental state is far from that of the people in District 2. Everyone was skinny, and his clothes were in tatters.

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