I Plant A Field In The Last Days

Chapter 91: Tossing and Murdering Criminals

Sun Zhe, Chen Ke, and Song Heng were also far away from Lu.

Song Heng quietly said to the three of them: "You know, they plan to kill the pork seller while he is being tried! When I went to the factory last night, I heard them looking for rocks nearby! I got up in the morning! I saw that all the bricks of the flower garden we had set up in front of my house were swept away! It is estimated that this pork seller will die miserably."

"What? They plan to do it in advance? But so many policemen are watching! Will they let the police shoot if they do it?" Sun Zhe looked at the people wearing white filial attire with some fear, and secretly retreated half a step. .

"Haha! Do you think why the police had to notify them in person when they came yesterday? It would be fine to post an announcement on the Internet. I have to come here in person. I think part of the reason is to let the families of these victims. Let's kill this scourge with our own hands!" Chen Ke pointed to the hands of some people in the crowd.

I saw that these people were carrying guys, bricks, sticks and the like in their hands. Everyone was looking angry and waiting for the police to arrive.

Sure enough, around 11 o'clock in the noon, five police cars drove on the main road, of which the third police car was hung with a barbed wire, but there were still some bullet marks on the body of the police car, and two windows were even broken. .

Seeing the police car coming, people rushed in angrily and surrounded the police car and demanded that the pork seller be released, but the police officers never opened the door.

"Naughty! Give it all away! Otherwise we'll shoot!"

A police officer poked his head out of the car window and shouted at the people, but his voice was not enough to calm these angry people.

I saw more and more people surrounding the third car, reaching out to pull the pork seller off the car, and the car was swaying and almost being pushed to the ground.

With a "bang" gunshot, everyone immediately fell silent.

I saw a police officer holding a gun, and the muzzle was blowing into the sky with plumes of smoke.

"Leave me all back! Even if we don't step back, we will shoot assaulting the police!"

There were still people in the crowd who didn't believe that the police would shoot at them, but until the black hole pointed at Own, the crowd slowly retreated, and finally the car finally drove into the predetermined position and stopped.

Then several police officers moved out of the car with chairs and tables arranged in a row. Several police officers held guns in their hands and watched the angry crowd vigilantly.

Finally, the door of the third car was opened, and a dirty pork seller was pushed out of the car by a police officer.

At this time, the situation at the scene was extremely tense. The police officers held their guns and stared at everyone. Once they found someone was doing it, they would shoot immediately.

The man who sold pork was stinking all over and was escorted to the center of the garden by several policemen, and then he was handcuffed to the branches of the tree.

Then a somewhat flattened police officer stood up and took a piece of paper and began to read the crime of the pork seller.

"Received instructions from the higher authorities, the suspect Zhu Minghan in District 2 of Xincheng District, Qingshui City publicly sold pork that had been bitten by an upgraded rat on August 17, causing 75 deaths! More than one hundred people are still in the hospital. Rescue, this vicious incident has received the attention of the leaders..."

"Now sentenced to death by Zhu Minghan! Deprived of political rights for life!"

After the police officer Xie Ding just finished reading, he didn't know who threw a brick at Zhu Minghan from where, and it happened to hit the opponent's forehead. For a while, the blood was flowing, and the whole person's face was full of blood. The other party wailed desperately for help. The police officers on the side tried to find the person who threw the brick, but before they could react, they saw a riot in the crowd.

"Kill him! Revenge for our family!"

"Kill him! It's too cheap to shoot him! Tear him to pieces!"

"Can't just let him go! We want him to live forever and never forget what he did!"


I don't know who made the first mouthful, and then countless people followed to respond, and then the crowd no longer cared about the policemen with guns in their hands.

People rushed through the cordon and pushed a few police officers away and rushed towards Zhu Minghan.

The police officer who gave up his face was shocked and shouted at the crowd: "Stop! Stop! You are breaking the law like this! Stop!"

However, people turned a deaf ear to what he said, and they hit Zhu Minghan with all kinds of murder weapons.

Zhu Minghan, who was leaning on a tree branch, was trembling with fright like sifting chaff, and the blood on his head was no more painful. He desperately wanted to open the shackles of the handcuffs, but how could the flesh and blood give the handcuffs made of steel? Open it!

As the first person rushed up, he gave him a heavy punch in his stomach, which made blood flow in his mouth, desperately begging for mercy, but to no avail.

The angry crowd no longer intends to use all kinds of bricks to hit him, so it would be cheaper to kill him, so they use their hands, feet, and even teeth.

Zhu Minghan was wrapped in the crowd and made a scream, while the policemen on the side had guns in their hands but never received the order to shoot.

This continued for about ten minutes, and Zhu Minghan's screams finally disappeared, and the crowd dispersed.

On the branches of the dead tree hung an empty handcuff, which was already full of blood and minced meat, and the trunk seemed to have been painted with red paint, bloody and terrifying.

Zhu Minghan on the ground has long since died of anger. He was beaten to death by people. The bones in all parts of his body have been broken. The flesh on his arms, thighs, and stomach is also a piece of meat on the east, and a piece of meat on the west. People took them out and scattered all over the place.

The entire flowerbed in the central garden exudes a strong smell of blood. Lu Yuan and the four of them immediately felt a churn in their stomachs when they saw this scene, and they vomited directly after receiving Lu Yuan.

Several other people also turned around and started to vomit. This kind of purgatory on earth deeply stimulates everyone's brain. If there is anything more terrifying than Death, I believe that after experiencing this tragic killing With own conclusion.

The police officer who thanked the ceiling looked at the blood all over and took up the gun and fired a shot towards the sky with anger. The gunshot seemed very ironic. Everyone had been killed. He shot this shot here. What's the point?

Finally, after investigation by the police, in line with Zhu Minghan’s murder first, the victim’s family would kill him later, and the law is the principle of lighter punishment if there are too many people. All those who participated in the killing of Zhu Minghan must pay 50%. If you don’t have a fine for a catty of rice, you will be treated as a debt payment.

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