I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 123 You passed!

"Super Beast Fake Painting·Falcon Hunting!"

Yuu followed the giant bird from the sky and drew his fingers in the air quickly, and the ink formed the shape of falcons.

The next second, these 'ink eagles' grew taller when they saw the wind, and turned into giant birds with a wingspan of ten meters; they fiercely pounced on the surging 'tide of monsters' and fought with the dense 'beggars'.

In addition to him, three girls in school uniforms also jumped down.


"Spit web attack!"

With the order from Qiongmei,

the white spider girl squatting on her shoulder opened her mouth.

Puff puff puff,

a piece of 'spider web' the size of a fingernail was spit out, and with the support of the magical chakra, it also expanded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant web covering a range of dozens of meters, covering the 'beggars' in front.

Ninjutsu·Spider Nest Flower

Don't think that Xiaozhi can only clean mosquitoes at ordinary times, as if she is a doll.

But she is essentially a summoned beast with the ability of the 'Earth Curse Seal', similar to the 'Kidomaru' of the Otonin Four; dealing with these bastards who are essentially 'bugs' can be said to be a professional match!

Once she unfolds the 'Curse Seal II' state, she weaves a nest on the spot to hatch small spiders, eating and giving birth, that is the real 'fighting to support the war'.

Of course, the intensity of the battle in front of her does not require her to go all out.

As these giant nets wrapped large areas of bastards, the messy situation was cleared up.

"Summoning technique!"

On the other side, the squad leader Nao bit her thumb and slapped it on the ground.

Bang, bang, bang,

Three foxes with different fur colors appeared in the smoke, swinging their tails and twisting their waists, with a slender figure, which made people think of 'fox spirits' at a glance.

"Ahri, deal with the bastards."

Hearing the squad leader's words, a fiery red little fox stood out from the crowd.


As the fiery red fox raised her head and 'roared', balls of flame floated out of her hair, forming fireballs the size of a human head: in the blazing fireballs, black holes representing eyes and mouths appeared, forming the facial features of a human's evil smile.

Fire escape: Ghost Lantern


As soon as these flaming heads appeared, they rushed towards the monsters, exploding into fireworks in a 'self-explosion' way.

"Ya Mu, go help the ordinary people over there."

The other amber fox nodded, and its body began to swell, turning into a three-meter-tall 'cute beast'.

With a few leaps, it came to the fleeing crowd, claws and teeth, and swept its tail, and quickly cleared a large area: without paying attention to the ordinary people who were in doubt, it turned around and pounced on other areas.

The third fox squatted on the squad leader's shoulder, and as the squad leader ran towards the man struggling in a pool of blood, her hands radiated green light.

"Don't move, I'll help you heal your wound."

The man's face healed rapidly after his palms passed through the air.

This is not the ability of the squad leader, but through the connection with the spirit beast, she can consume her own 'spiritual power' and exert the healing ability of the fox 'Zheli'.

"Come and help, gather the seriously injured people!"

"I'll do it,"

The man who turned over was stunned for a moment, and immediately joined the rescue operation.

After the fleeing crowd noticed that the 'monster tide' was blocked, they stopped running around and gathered here.

"Is it a superhuman?"

"Government rescue, don't run around!"

"Gather here, let the children and women in the middle, and the men with weapons stand on the periphery."

With the backbone, the panicked crowd immediately gathered here in an orderly manner.

"Evil demons retreat!"

Throwing the 'paper man' in his hand,

using 'spiritual power' to control the paper man to stick to the head of the monster, with a light sigh from Hanakaiyuan Yuura, it exploded.

The paper figure in her hand was half the size of a palm, and was cut in the shape of the Chinese character "大", just like the ones used by traditional Yin-Yang masters: but in the center of the paper figure, there was a word "Explosion". The effect was just as the literal meaning, which could cause a violent explosion.

Well, it was essentially a detonating talisman.

"Master, how many of these monsters are there?"

In the explosion, in addition to the monsters that were killed on the spot, the other "injured" monsters actually began to split out of thin air!

Although they were temporarily blocked after continuous splitting, the flying monsters were still densely packed, and they were actually ready to bypass everyone and attack the convoy blocking the road.

"Well, that's it."

After a "careful" observation, You had already seen the key.

"Qiong, Nao, Yuura, pay attention."

"Some of these 'beyonds' are illusions: there are not as many as we see."

The 'beyonds' rushing over here covered the sky and the sun, and at a glance there were no less than tens of thousands of them: You and others were wearing communication headsets, and other areas also had 'overwhelming' beyonds spreading outward.

According to the island country's supercomputer estimates, the number is constantly expanding and has approached the tens of millions level!

But if some of them are 'illusions'.

"Don't be fooled by your own eyes, use other senses to lock on the enemy and find the real beyonds among them."

After all, 'Oboro Clone' is just a D-level ninjutsu. It looks dense when used, and it will continue to split after being attacked. It is very bluffing, but it is just bluffing.

This is not a B-level ‘shadow clone’ with a physical body; an illusion is an illusion, which can make a novice Genin flustered, but once calm, he can lock the real body through other means.

“Yes, Master.”

Hearing Yuu’s words, Hanakaiin Yuura simply closed her eyes.

Puda, puda, puda,

The sound of flapping wings fell into her ears, and the girl tilted her head and threw out a ‘detonating paper man’ in her hand.



As the detonating paper man exploded,

a group of charred and broken bodies fell, and several ‘beauties’ around him disappeared at the same time.

“Not bad, you mastered it quickly.”

Yuu nodded. In front of him was the ‘first formation’ he arranged for the three girls, which tested their courage against the enemy and their ability to locate the enemy by sound.

Most of the "monsters" in the sky are illusions, and the rest are temporary "ninjutsu" that are only equivalent to the level of ninja school students: they are not even spiritual beasts, but "consumables" that can only last for a period of time.

According to the classification of the island country and the American government, it is considered a "weak dog level", that is, E-.

Theoretically, it is weaker than a fully armed American soldier: of course, the number is enough to make up for this shortcoming.

This is the tactic of the rock ninja "Upper Water Stream Clan" in the Naruto world, first using a large number of temporary flying ninjutsu to consume: if you can't kill you, you will be exhausted!

After consuming a large amount of chakra from the opponent, the upper water stream ninjas will wait for the opportunity.

However, the parasitic insects of the "Aburame Clan" can devour chakra and clearly locate the location of the "Queen Bee".

The Queen Bee was killed by a wave of decapitation tactics, and the insect swarm immediately died collectively: the ninjas of the upper water stream clan were left alone, and naturally they were not the opponents of the Aburame clan who could still cooperate with the parasitic insects to fight.

"I can do that, too,"

Qiongmei took out a 'detonating paper man', closed her eyes and listened carefully.


She threw the paper man somewhere with a bang.

It exploded in vain.

"Don't waste my talisman paper casually,"

Given Qiongmei a powerless 'hand knife' on her head, You rolled your eyes at her.

"Your blast hit nothing, focus your attention."

"Got it~~"

Qiongmei, who was not convinced, threw out another detonating paper man.

However, another stab hit nothing, causing the nearby monster to roll its huge eyeballs.

Well, it seems that Qiong really has no athletic talent.

But it doesn't matter, it's just training: if the paper man is detonated, You can use 'paper escape' to copy it at will.

By the way, tell other battlefields about your 'discovery', although they will soon notice it.

"Hey, everyone else pay attention."

Press the headset,


Da da da da da,

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

On the outskirts of Hashimoto City, the closest to Koya Town, a large number of Self-Defense Force soldiers have already built a defense line here.

Bullets were sprinkled into the sky like water, and high-explosive bombs were whistling with long tail flames, turning into huge fireballs.

The soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces fired wildly into the sky, and the artillery regiment in the rear continued to provide fire support, but they only barely blocked the "tide of monsters"; as the "bey monsters" that broke through the firepower network pounced down, the hands and feet that could not be covered by the bulletproof vest, as well as the face and neck under the helmet, became fatal parts.

The continuous screams were irritating the nerves of other soldiers!

After decades of peace, they suddenly encountered war.

It was good that they did not collapse on the spot.


"Mixed with a lot of illusions?"

On the top of a building, Iori Ichika, who was stepping on a pile of "bey monster" corpses, holding half of them in his hand, and covered in amber juice, pressed the headset.

"I said that these 'beauties' can never be killed, it turns out that some of them are fake!"

Looking up at the dense beauties in the sky, Yizhi Yihua gritted his teeth.

Do you have to be so 'despicable'? !

"Thanks, Brother You."

"Did the others hear it? Keep your eyes open and find the real one!"

After saying that, Yizhi Yihua twisted his neck.

"It seems that I have to use that trick,"

Standing on the roof, Yizhi Yihua took a deep breath,

This breath was endless, as if she wanted to compress the air on the roof into her lungs.

A silent sense of oppression that seemed to explode with terror and destruction at any time was accumulating and brewing with Yihua as the core

Squeak, squeak,

As if attracted by her momentum, a large number of beauties swooped towards her.


"Roar, roar, roar, roar!!!"

As she roared to the sky, the air that had almost turned into liquid suddenly gushed out under the compression of her inhuman physique, turning into layers of air waves visible to the naked eye, carrying majestic sound waves, spreading out in a cone in front like waves of a raging sea.

The cone-shaped sound waves spread out, and all the enshrouded monsters trembled on the spot, and the air around them became blurry!

The next second, large groups of monsters fell like raindrops.

"Cough, cough, cough,"

"It's powerful, but..."

It's a bit painful.

She raised her hand and rubbed her neck. The sequelae of this 'self-created skill' were not small.

Although she roared down hundreds of monsters, it was just a drop in the bucket for the entire sky.

"Tsk, I don't know what happened in other places?"


Gojo City, Aiya Town.

"Citizens please take note, citizens please take note."

"The demon tide is not all composed of 'Bi Yao'. Some of them are illusions created by 'Bi Yao'. Please be careful when distinguishing them."

"Repeat that."

On the radio in the streets of the town, there were repeated reports about the weaknesses of the 'Bi Yao'.

These words are not meant for ordinary people, who just need to flee for their lives; they are not even meant for soldiers in the Self-Defense Forces, because the soldiers all have earphones; these messages are intended for those who have not joined the government but came here on their own initiative. 'Extraordinary One'.

"Is that so?"

On the roof, the young man holding two daggers was thoughtful.

"Mr. Shanshan, do you have a way to mark the true identity of 'Bi Yao'?"


There was a flash of lightning, and Toru Shan appeared on the other side of the roof holding a steel pipe.

"I'll give it a try,"

As Yamatoru clasped his hands together, a large amount of electric light centered on him, crackling and spreading out. These electric lights were very fine and did not seem to have much lethality.

In fact, it did not have much lethality, and the tiny electric light swept hundreds of meters. Except for the radio suddenly making a "hissing" noise, not a single demon was shot down. but:

Dots of electric light jumped out from some monsters.


Saitosuke, holding two daggers, flew out and killed the monsters with tiny electric lights on their bodies!

There is no doubt that these are the real bodies in the tide of ‘Bi Yao’ that fills the sky.

In front of the five defense lines outside the city:



After becoming gigantic, the height reaches five meters.

A Shiba Inu with one eye blind and a military dog ​​with a mechanical prosthetic leg swooped out.

Wherever they went, the monsters were smashed into pieces. They have a sense of smell that is tens of thousands of times better than ordinary people, and they can easily distinguish those that are illusions and those that are real.

There is no need to attack them specially, just by 'bumping' into them, you can smash the 'Biyou' on the path: after all, they are just cannon fodder for the students of the ninja school, facing those who have stepped into the chunin level through constant fighting and training. , that is, for the two weak tiger-level ninja dogs, they are just bugs that can be easily killed.

But even so, these monsters still came in dense numbers.

Even if they can only leave a scratch on the opponent's body each time, even if they just let the opponent swing the knife one more time and release the technique once, their purpose has been achieved.

The battle has just begun, now it’s just the ‘appetizer’.

In the Shimoichi town east of Gojo City:

Da da da da,

Dozens of heavily armed hunters wearing exoskeleton armor were constantly shooting at the monsters in the sky.

The armor on their bodies is enough to allow them to stand up to monsters in close combat.

What’s more, they also have:

"Sister, did you hear that?"

"Well, these demons are mixed with a lot of illusions."

The ones protected in the center by these hunters from Bamian Mountain Village, no, now renamed "Isotani Village", are naturally the Isotani siblings.

"Distinguish between reality and illusion"

"It's a little troublesome, but we don't have ways to deal with it."

After saying that, the two began to form seals with their hands. It immediately attracted close attention from the drones in the sky. Or should we say voyeurism?

"Hao Fireball!"

The long-freckled brother opened his mouth and blazing flames surged out of thin air.

"Big breakthrough!"

The elder sister, Igogu Dai, opened her mouth and spit out a gust of wind.

The wind assists the fire, and the fire borrows the power of the wind. When the two ninjutsu are mixed together, the power is immediately doubled!

The huge fire pillar pulled out a fire storm that was tens of meters long, covering a large number of monsters within the attack range with the power of beacon fire.

The flames burst out in waves, causing the air in the battlefield to be violently burned out; creating a strong suction force, turning the surrounding air into a fierce airflow that swarmed in, sweeping many demons ruthlessly into the flames. fuel'.

This made the Self-Defense Force soldiers deployed a hundred meters away,

They all have the illusion that their mouths are dry, their skin is cracked, and they are about to be burned by flames.

"Is this a transcendent?"

Even two kids are so strong!

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