I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 122 Small Tactical Nuclear Warhead

“Guys, we are your awesome bloggers ‘KYG’!”

The voice of the 'extraordinary blogger' came from the live broadcast screen that was flashing crazily.

"I am currently located off the coast of Dazhi Island, and I am being chased by Rain Girl, but I am not panicking at all."

"Because I run faster than him, hahahahaha~~~"

Amidst the laughter of the bloggers flying at high speed, a barrage floated over.

[No, I’m going to vomit! 】

[Can the screen stop shaking like this? I can’t bear it, you bastard. 】

[It’s good to watch it. Don’t be picky: Are you going to watch the government’s edited film? 】

[Blogger, pay attention to safety, the entire Waka County has been sealed off by the military: not only be careful of the supernatural demon tide, but also be careful of the government's bombing. 】

"Thank you friends for your concern, let me, the fastest man in the world, bring you a live broadcast!"

"Okay, I'm going to land in Mie County soon."

The young man holding the live broadcast tool was running wildly on the sea at the speed of a high-speed train.

At the terrifying speed of 70 meters per second, even if he has not mastered the skill of 'treading water', he can still walk on the waves: the continuous exploding water columns on the sea form a straight line, which is what this 'extraordinary blogger' left behind traces.

This made Kishida Jun, the ‘rain girl’ in the sea behind, unable to help but speechless.

Is running fast considered an ability?

never mind,

Originally, he wasn't planning to chase this guy down.

The opponent was running too fast, even among the extraordinary, it was still in the "shocking" category.

He came here this time because of Lord Gui Jibai's order.

The situation in Mount Koya has spread throughout the island country.

In this era where everyone has a mobile phone, when encountering anything, they first take a video and post it on WeChat Moments;

In addition to hundreds of temples, Mount Koya also has a large number of tourists: Facing the sudden outbreak of "demon tide", many tourists subconsciously took photos of it and then posted it online as their last "last words".

Even though the government immediately blocked the information, many people still learned the truth.

Prime Minister Chiyoda's official residence held an emergency press conference. The cabinet government stated that it would never give up on any civilians. The Self-Defense Forces, sea, land and air forces have entered a state of full alert and are constantly rushing to Waka Prefecture. They will definitely block the 'demon tide' in Mount Koya So much~~

In short, the entire island country is in turmoil, and the areas far away are secretly thankful; while the areas around Waka Prefecture are seeing large-scale refugees!

In this case, even if there is no order from 'Kijibai', Kishida Jun will come over to check the situation.

He didn't want to see ruins when Liangzi was resurrected.

Not only him, other extraordinary beings are also coming here:

If these 'monsters' are allowed to spread and turn the island country into a desert, will everyone still be fooling around?



Thousand-year-old temples have been reduced to ruins, and the green trees on the mountains have been eaten away.

The densely packed 'Bi Yao' flapped their wings and swam leisurely in the sky like a school of fish. Such a strange scene made those who witnessed it almost doubt whether this was still the planet they were familiar with.

Of course, there is no one here now, not even other creatures, only a huge number of 'Bi demons'.

call out--

Thousands of meters in the sky, an F-35A fighter jet roared past.

The fighter jets that entered the high-speed cruising state were at a high speed that was difficult for the 'monsters' below to catch up with.

Therefore, the 'Bi Yao' that spread across the entire sky did not pay attention to the metal creations whizzing past above, but continued to spread outward.

Just because they don't care about the fighter jets doesn't mean that the fighter jets won't attack them: as the cabin opened, a 'missile' detached from the launcher, and sky-blue flames emerged from its tail and began to accelerate, speeding towards a mountain peak.

In this regard, the 'Bi Yao' all over the mountains and plains are still indifferent.

It's just a 'missile', but it can...

When the missile landed, a ray of light, countless times brighter than a thunderbolt, suddenly erupted from the point of impact, penetrating the sky full of 'Bi Yao' and piercing the thick dark clouds!

Centered on the impact point of the missile, the air within a radius of several hundred meters shook violently, and a wave-like shock wave surged out in all directions! Then, the blinding light became brighter and brighter, like the sun in the sky suddenly falling onto this land, as if the heat that could melt everything spread out.


A thousand-meter-long mushroom cloud rose in the sky over the Koya Mountains!

This mushroom cloud continued to rise, becoming more and more huge, and all the buildings, trees, earth, rocks, and monsters at the center of the explosion...

They were instantly destroyed into a sea of ​​scorching gravel and burning black coke; a ring of air waves hundreds of meters high was like tens of thousands of monsters, roaring and running in all directions, trampling the earth and shaking the sky with incomparable cruelty and ferocity. !

"B61-12 small tactical nuclear warhead."

On the multi-purpose command ship cruising off the coast of Wakayama Prefecture, Commodore Thomas crossed his arms and looked at the mushrooms rising on the screen.

"With an equivalent of 1,500 tons, the diameter of the fireball at the center of the explosion is 95 meters. It can kill unprotected personnel exposed within 1.2 kilometers outside the bunker. It can destroy wooden buildings within 600 meters and brick buildings within 350 meters from the center of the explosion. , and high-rise buildings within 25o meters..."

This is the most expensive nuclear weapon developed by America in the past decade or so. Four of them cost 100 million US dollars!

It can be built into the bomb bay of the F-35 fighter and launched like an ‘ordinary’ missile.

This makes the F-35A a dual-function aircraft with conventional and nuclear strike capabilities.

The guidance components include the tail components of the GPS/inertial navigation system, and its error range does not exceed 30 meters: considering the power of the explosion, this error is no different from non-existence.

But a few minutes later:


"The 'Bad Demons' in the Koya Mountains did not show any signs of exhaustion, panic, or return to defense."

"They continue to spread around and are not affected by the nuclear explosion at all."

"The decapitation failed,"

Many American generals in the command room were not surprised by this; including the senior officers of the Maritime Self-Defense Force on the island country, they were only slightly disappointed.

Since we know the location where the 'blood hakama' summoned the 'tide of demons', if we don't fire a shot, wouldn't it be a shame to the name of modern 'beyond visual range strike'? Just as they guessed, the other party was not aboriginals who stayed there stupidly and waited for them to bomb them.

Rather, they were extraordinary beings lurking in human society and had long known a lot about human "weapons".

"At present, the area where the "monsters" have spread has exceeded 2,000 square kilometers; plus it is almost all mountainous and forested, the power of the explosion is greatly reduced. If we can't find the key to curb these "monster tides", even if all the "B61-12" are used, it will be..."

It will be useless.

Besides, America only has about 500 "B61-12s", all of which are used here. Do you really think they are here to do good?

More powerful strategic nuclear bombs are possible, but the island government will definitely not do it.

Throwing small tactical nuclear warheads at their own homes can still cover it up.

Throwing strategic nuclear bombs will definitely cause the cabinet to step down collectively.

"Plan A failed, implement Plan B."

The implementation of the "decapitation" tactic with small tactical nuclear bombs is just an attempt.

Since it doesn't work, let the Self-Defense Forces take over with 100,000 horses! There are also extraordinary people, it is time to show their skills.



"Tsk, tsk, so decisive?"

On the hill next to him, 'Blood Hakama', who was standing side by side with the sea ninja, was amazed.

The mountain he used to 'summon' the monster was like being 'bitten', and a hole with a diameter of hundreds of meters appeared.

The heat wave of 4,000 degrees high temperature spread out from the hole, and an uncomfortable 'numbing' swept across the skin, which looked like the crater of an erupting volcano, but that's all!

"The power is a bit small,"

Standing on the top of the hill next to him as if nothing had happened, 'Blood Hakama' commented leisurely.

"As long as you are not involved in the range of 100 meters in the center, it is difficult to cause fatal injuries."

With the speed of ninjas, if you see the missiles and run again, you can run out of the core area: the more you are outside, the more the power decreases.

This should be a small tactical nuclear warhead. If it is a strategic nuclear warhead, it should not be so that it can't even "rise" a mountain: most of the mountains near Koyasan are only two or three hundred meters high.

Didn't they say that the island country doesn't have nuclear bombs?

It seems that America has taken action. If it is not their own country, they can let it go.

Well, although the current nuclear weapons can completely reduce the impact of "radiation" on the environment to a negligible level.

"One bomb blew up more than 3,000 monsters, and they were deliberately scattered; if hundreds or thousands of bombs were bombed, my "Shikigami" would face sleeping again as soon as it was resurrected."

Of course, that is impossible.

Daring to drop a small tactical nuclear warhead is already a decisive decision by the island government.

After this test, if they can't find a way to curb the "monsters", I think the island country and America will not continue to use this weapon: then the next step should be the appearance of ordinary troops and extraordinary people.


"Beep beep,"

"Toot beep~~"

"Damn it, what's going on ahead?"

On the road at the foot of the mountain, in the traffic jam, drivers honked their horns anxiously.

School buses, passenger buses, trucks, and family cars gathered into a long queue, blocking the originally low-traffic road.

Wakayama Prefecture is located in the southwest of the Kii Peninsula of Honshu, facing the Pacific Ocean, bordering Osaka Prefecture to the north and Nara Prefecture to the east. Most of the area is mountainous, with lush and vast forests, rich timber resources, and well-developed industries such as forestry and furniture manufacturing.

In the traffic jam, there are a large number of trucks with various "timber processing plants" printed on them: they are full of ordinary people with apprehensive faces.

"The one in front, get out of the way quickly-"

"It's blocked further ahead"

"Damn it, move forward!"

The drivers stuck their heads out of the cabs and yelled at the top of their lungs. Given the islanders' emphasis on "etiquette," such a scene is almost impossible.

But now we are running for our lives, who cares about etiquette? !

If we delay any longer, we will lose our lives.


At this moment,

a terrified voice came from the back of the convoy,

making many people subconsciously look in the direction of the voice, and then their faces changed drastically.

Above the mountain beside the road, a dense mass of black spots spread from the sky like a "wave".

"It's a demon tide, hurry up!"

"Damn bastards, what are you delaying for?!"

The horns at the rear of the motorcade rang out, like the footsteps of the God of Death, urging the vehicles in front to go faster and faster!

However, how is it possible that when the roads here were built, the extreme situation of the entire village, town, and county not being considered was the exodus: in the entire Wakayama Prefecture, everyone who received the government notice immediately took the transportation around them. , trying to escape the county.

However, such a large-scale evacuation will bring about a huge congestion!

"Hurry up,"

"Those monsters are flying over -"

Seeing a large number of 'monsters' flying out of the mountainous area, the vehicles behind them could no longer hold back and drove to the roadside, trying to avoid the vehicles in front.

But it’s not just one person or one car that does this, it’s everyone!

When everyone did this, it only spread the congestion to both sides of the road, which in turn worsened the congestion: many people even jumped out of the car, abandoned the car and fled on foot!

"Police, Hunter Association, and retired members of the Self-Defense Forces, those who are armed come with me——"

Seeing the 'dark clouds' behind him getting closer and closer, someone shouted and turned.

Immediately afterwards, many people also approached him: as a county famous for its timber, although Wakayama does not have many ferocious beasts, there are also many small animals, so there are also many old people with shotguns: under the call of the leader, they Gathered at the end of the line.

"Everyone, our relatives are behind us, we must stop them!"

"Fight these monsters——"

Those who dared to come to the back of the team at this time were almost all men with "bloody" nature; these men holding shotguns, pistols, logging chainsaws, and even axes and baseball bats roared in unison, but:

When the overwhelming 'monsters' swooped down, their courage was like sculptures on the beach.

A wave will swamp it.


"Run quickly!!"

"Let me go, you bastard!"

"Help me, help me, I can't run away."

As the densely packed 'monsters' swooped down, the convoy collapsed instantly, and people fled in all directions.

But how could two legs outrun monsters flying in the sky? Although these monsters are only as big as a human head, the two rows of sharp teeth under the huge eyes are not decorations in any way. And they have other weapons:


The monster swooping down turned sideways,

The 'ear'-shaped wings swept across and directly chopped off a policeman who was staying at the rear until blood splattered on his chest.

In addition to biting with sharp teeth, the outer edges of these monsters' wings are as sharp as knives, carrying the kinetic energy of swooping down from the sky, tearing apart flesh and blood.


The shotgun in his hand had been broken into pieces, and a bone-deep wound had been cut on the leading man's face. If he hadn't been so agile, he could have cut off his head in just one move, just like the old hunter next to him.


With a roar, he threw the broken shotgun in his hand, picked up a bloody axe, and raised the weapon.

"I'm not afraid of you—"


next moment,

A monster hit his chest, and the two immediately rolled into a ball.

Before the man could get up, more monsters flew down and bit him fiercely with their sharp fangs.

Are you dying?

Sure enough, in the face of crisis, I can only be an ordinary citizen who runs away.

Instead of a hero——


The light amber liquid poured over the man's head and face.

In the chaos, he saw a huge black bird landing next to him, its wings sweeping across. More than a dozen 'monsters' were helpless and torn into pieces flying in the sky.


Government help has arrived!


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