I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 144 Yin Dun Creation

"XXX is here,"

The tram door opened and the little girl stepped out of the tram.


On the tram, a young man bumped his companion with his elbow.

"Do you think that little girl just now looks like the owner of Nekomata?"

"I think you are dazzled?"

My companion who was playing with his mobile phone didn’t even raise his head.

"How could such a big shot take a tram?"


That is the existence that controls the original transcendent, and they are among the upper-class figures in the supernatural world.

How could such a big shot squeeze into a tram with ordinary people like them?

Well, let’s just call it an anecdote.

Take out your mobile phone,

He took a picture of the back of the little girl who got out of the car and left:

"On the train, I met the owner who looked like 'Nekomata'. 》

This post quickly attracted the attention of many people on the Internet, but most of the comments were in the nature of ridicule, "Eight points, no, very similar", "It's me, it's me!" ’, ‘If I hadn’t seen the iconic milk cat, I would have believed it’.

However, it was this post that caught the attention of interested people.

"BOSS, target. Appearing alone in Xicheng District?"

In an old rental house in Xicheng District, a strong man who was watching videos online informed his boss of the news.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, there was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and then turned into a voice of hatred.

"Do it cleanly."


Closing the laptop, the strong man wearing sunglasses waved his hand.

Several big men, who knew by their looks that they were not good people, nodded and accepted the order and began to prepare the 'props'.


Osaka, Xicheng District.

In every city, there are rich areas, and naturally there are also places like slums.

Xicheng District is an old urban area in Osaka with relatively slow urban renewal. It used to be a place with relatively developed industry, and most of the residents were working class. Many cheap hotels with simple equipment were opened here.

But when the ‘Lost Twenty Years’ came, the industrial structure changed, job opportunities decreased, and the number of poor people increased day by day;

Nishinari Ward has become the dirtiest and messiest district in Osaka, and the Ai Neighborhood in Nishinari Ward is an indelible mark of the slums in Osaka.

There are a large number of homeless people called "hobos" living in the Ai Neighborhood. After entering the alley, the shacks set up on both sides will make people think that they have arrived in a Latin American slum. The vending machines are all local. I don't know. What kind of off-brand drinks and beers are produced in small factories?

In such a chaotic place, illegal activities such as gambling, pornography, pornography, and underground economy will naturally develop, causing public security problems.

Surely, isn’t this a given for the people who live here?

Walking on the old streets, Takahashi Ai Ling did not feel any discomfort, but instead felt an inexplicable sense of ease and ease.

The streets are lined with one- and two-story traditional buildings, and deeper in the alleys are simple houses made of wooden planks: these are the residences of workers engaged in the construction industry.

When the urban area of ​​Osaka was rapidly expanding, many people from remote rural areas came to Osaka to work as construction workers.

But even in a city like Osaka, in addition to a few large high-rise apartments, most of them are privately built independent houses. The project volume is small and the construction period is short. Naturally, there is no need to provide collective work shed accommodation.

These migrant workers have to find a place to stay by themselves, and Xicheng District has a large number of such simple houses.

Over time, this area became a gathering place for low-cost rental housing.

"Well, I feel more accustomed to it here."

Walking alone in the "slum cell" of a big city, the girl's steps were light and agile.

Compared with that gorgeous 'home' that was unfamiliar to her, this was the place that held most of her memories.

Ahead is the familiar home——? !

After a pause, Takahashi Ai Ling stopped.

"Dad, mom, hurry up~~"

A little boy wearing a simple vest carries a vegetable basket.

He was trying hard to move forward, but he still turned around to urge the middle-aged man and woman behind him.

"Let you show off your strength"

"I'm not trying to be brave! I will definitely take the food home!"

With the middle-aged couple smiling and the little boy answering seriously, the three of them arrived at the former 'Takahashi' home at a walking pace.

As the middle-aged woman took out the key and opened the door, the middle-aged man took the food basket lovingly, indicating that he had completed the 'manly feat', and the little boy:

He turned around and glanced at the stunned Takahashi Ai Ling who was standing not far away.

Why is this pretty young lady so stupid?

".there is none left,"

Seeing the warm family of three entering the house, Takahashi Ai Ling lowered her eyes.

Her former 'home' is no longer there.

"Photon, if you hadn't picked up the 'Hundred Ghosts True Spirit', wouldn't we be a family of three?"

Still living happily together?

A Hatchimal pet egg,

It's enough to make her happy.


The illusory cat meows sounded,

This voice made Takahashi Ailing turn her head subconsciously.

However, what caught his eye was a black business car driving by quietly!

And, the car door has slid open in advance; and there is a strong man wearing a hood in the car, holding out his hands.


With a pull and a cover, the little girl was dragged into the commercial vehicle.


The car door is closed.

One movement moves like flowing water and clouds,

When a black business car drives by, no one will notice that a little girl is missing on the street.

Without giving the little girl any chance to struggle, her hands were cut behind her back and then wrapped with tape, including her ankles.

Kidnapping? !



Soon, the commercial vehicle stopped in front of a construction site.

This is the construction site of their ‘boss’, so naturally there are no taboos.


After a big man carried Takahashi Ai Ling down, her hands and feet were tied with tape. The biggest struggle the little girl could do was to try hard to shake her body.

Several big men entered the construction site, turned left and right among the construction materials, and soon a deep, square cavity appeared in front of them.

The foundation that is being prepared for watering is an excellent place to treat it.

It is twenty meters deep, which is more than enough to bury a hundred people, not to mention one little girl.

"Tear the tape off her mouth,"

The leading strong man turned around and signaled that a big man tore off the tape on Takahashi Ailing's mouth.

"My home phone number is XXXXXX,"

"If you want money, ask my dad."

The little girl whose tape was torn off did not call for help randomly, but quickly said these life-saving words.


"We are not kidnappers."

Instructing one of his subordinates to carry Takahashi Ai Ling to the front of the foundation cavity, the leading strong man slowly spoke.

"We are killers ordered to take your life."

? !

"If your family behaves like ordinary people, our boss can still let you live."

But recently, the little girl's father has been jumping up and down, trying to return to the ranks of extraordinary people - this is not possible. If her family grows again, there is no guarantee that it will not threaten the boss. In this case:

"If you understand, then go with peace of mind."


The little girl who was about to be thrown into the foundation suddenly shouted with joy, making several big men shiver.

Of course they knew who 'Mitsuko' was. It was the name 'Nekomata' that the little girl who had a grudge against their boss once had.


The leading strong man turned around suddenly, but:

Nothing behind you?

Indeed not!


"It turned out to be a hallucination before death,"

The frightened strong man turned his head and looked at the happy little girl, with some pity in his eyes.

The poor little guy, the kitten he raised inadvertently picked up the "Hundred Ghosts True Spirit"; inexplicably became the "guest" of the big shots; and inexplicably went to the battlefield. Now, he will die here in an inexplicable way.

"You, go and bring the mixer truck over."

Instructing one of his subordinates to start preparing for the burial, the strong man took one last look at the little girl.

"Go on the road with your dreams in mind——"


? ? ?

A laughter like a silver bell suddenly sounded, causing all the big men who were preparing to bury the body in cement to freeze in place.

"You are wrong,"

"She did see the 'photon',"

"It's just that the current Nekomata is in a state of soul."


Amidst the sound of paper flying,

The white paper that appeared out of thin air began to gather, combine, and fold behind everyone.

Soon, a graceful figure appeared out of thin air: a face drawn on paper, clothes cut out of paper, and legs made of folded paper.

"Paper paper."

"Paper dance ahhhhh!!!"

Several big men let out shrill screams, as if they had seen something infinitely terrifying.

paper dance,

The monsters under the command of the great demon "Kuei Hakama" are extraordinary beings that the island government has designated as "extremely dangerous."

Although the strength is only 'only' tiger level, to ordinary people like them, it is synonymous with invincibility and despair!

"Your Excellency"

The leading strong man was sweating profusely and couldn't speak clearly.

He is a 'weak dog' level man-made extraordinary, but facing this person in front of him, what's the difference between him and an ordinary person?

"Hey, little girl."

However, 'Zhi Wu' didn't look at these hooded men at all. Instead, his eyes fell on the little girl being carried on the shoulders of the trembling man.

"This 'nekomata' asks my master to let you stay together. It is willing to pay any price!"

‘Zhi Wu’ raised one hand, as if there was something invisible squatting on her arm.

"how about you?"

"What are you willing to give-"

"My everything!"

The little girl answered without hesitation,

The crazy father, the mother who doesn’t go out, the Kojiro who throws away his toys, the home is already occupied by others.

In her eyes, she could see a hazy kitten squatting on the arm of the big sister made of paper.

Although she couldn't see clearly, she could feel:

That’s photons!

"I want to be with 'Photon'!"

"Okay, the contract is established."

Bang! !

At this moment, the leading man in the hood suddenly turned around and sent his younger brother flying away with a shoulder collision.


In the surprised eyes of this young man, he took the little girl on his shoulders with him.

Falling down into the deep foundation cavity!



After a dull tearing sound, the scream disappeared.

Below the foundation are vertical steel bars. If they fall, there is only one way to die!

But the heart of the leading strong man was completely frozen, because the scream belonged to his men.

There was no sound from Gao Qiao Ai Ling


"I miss you so much~~"

The next second, the little girl's voice sounded behind him.

As the strong man turned his head stiffly, a huge translucent 'milk cat' flew out, with a happy little girl lying on its back.

It's over,

Not only himself, but also the boss

"Big sister, thank you."

Being carried by the huge 'photon' and flying in front of Zhi Wu, Gao Qiao Ai Ling thanked the other party seriously.

"What should I do next, big sister?"

". Just call me Zhi Wu."

The 'Zhi Wu' holding a folding fan stopped the little girl from calling her 'big sister', and her playful eyes fell on the leading strong man and several other strong men.

"Aren't you curious about why they want to kill you?"

"Come, use your 'ability' to try to get the answers you want from them."

Waving her folding fan, Zhiwu wore a 'big villain' smile on her face, and said something that made these big men despair:

"Don't worry,"

"Even if they are 'played' to death, I can still capture their souls and continue to torture them."

Gu, kill me!

In the eyes of several big men that had begun to turn white, cats appeared out of thin air and surrounded them from all directions.


Illusionary life!

The ability that Yu gave to this little girl,

This is the bloodline limit of the Kurama clan of Konoha: this bloodline limit allows them to use the nature change of Yin Dun in illusion, so that they can attack the five senses with illusions or mental attacks, and even create illusion space to turn 'virtual' into 'real'.

Yin Dun, using mental energy, can create material images from nothing.

Yang Dun, using body energy, injecting chakra or will into inorganic matter to give it life.

These two escape techniques are exactly why the old man of Six Paths is called a ‘sage’: the combination of Yin and Yang escape techniques can create things out of thin air and give life, just like a god!

The so-called nine tailed beasts are the chakra life that the old man of Six Paths ‘pinched’ out of thin air with the chakra of the Ten Tails: in a sense, the old man of Six Paths is the ‘father’ of the tailed beasts.

And the ability that Yu gave to the little girl is the ultimate use of Yin escape techniques inherited from the ‘Kurama clan’ to the old man of Six Paths.

Turn the false into the true!


The little girl turned her head while the shrunken cat rubbed her ankle.

“Big sister, I already know.”

The Kurama clan is a family of illusions. In addition to the abnormal ability of ‘Illusion True Life’ to turn the false into the true, ordinary illusions can also be used.

It is easy to torture ordinary people with illusions: what’s more, these big men have already been scared.

"It's that guy!"

"He ran away from the battlefield and killed Photon and Uncle Spider, why did he do that?"

The little girl asked angrily, and got an indifferent shrug from 'Paper Dance'.

"This is human."

That's right, the one who secretly dealt with the Takahashi family was the extraordinary survivor in their group: the yellow-haired young man!

In the battle that was originally a group of three to take care of each other, he was afraid to fight and led to the tragic deaths of Nekomata and Spider-Man: This behavior is certainly despicable, but - a living extraordinary is always more important than a dead extraordinary.

Facing Ibaraki, running is not shameful.

But if someone in the Takahashi family becomes an extraordinary again, because of the hatred of 'Photon', it may become a reason to bring him down!

The yellow-haired man also made friends with many senior executives and dignitaries, so it was not difficult to secretly stop the Takahashi family; seeing that he still worked for the government, the Metropolitan Police Department and the Self-Defense Forces pinched their noses and endured it. But what was unexpected was that this guy was still ready to kill.


Yu, who secretly collected 'extraordinary souls' for research, had noticed all this.

"Big sister, can I go take care of my personal business?"

Faced with the calm words of the little girl after petting the kitten, Zhiwu smiled slightly.

"Of course."

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