
like Tokyo,

is also divided into 24 districts.

With the ‘Chuo-ku’ as the core, Kita-ku, Higashinari-ku, Joto-ku, Nishi-ku, and Nishinari-ku surround it.

Similarly, Osaka also has its own port area: relying on convenient sea trade transportation, it has developed into a core area for import and export trade. In addition, the Konohana-ku and Taisho-ku on the left and right are the most prosperous industrial areas in Osaka, and naturally they are also where the emerging chaebols gather.

The three major metropolitan areas of the island country all rely on sea transportation for development.

In fact, most of the ‘international cities’ in the world are mostly located on the seaside.

At the junction of the Minato-ku and Konohana-ku, a group of bikini beauties are playing in the open-air swimming pool on the roof of a high-end apartment.

Across the river below the apartment, you can see the ‘Universal Studios of the Island Country’ in Konohana-ku.

This large-scale movie theme park, built more than 20 years ago at a cost of 2 billion US dollars, has 8 areas, including New York, Hollywood, Old JS, Harry Potter's Magical World, Water World, Goodwill Village, Universal Wonderland, and Jurassic Park.

All of them are one-to-one restorations of various classic movie scenes, with a large number of amusement facilities, allowing people to explore the "Hogwarts Castle" in the morning, experience more than 100 stunt shots in the 3D screening room at noon, and dine in the tropical rainforest restaurant surrounded by dinosaurs in the afternoon.

However, the lively park across the river is not the object of the beauties' attention.

Their eyes drifted to the other side of the swimming pool from time to time: there sat a one-armed yellow-haired young man.

From the outside, he looked like the unlucky guy who was messing around on the street and had one arm chopped off.

But the actual situation is: he is the owner of this apartment!

Just because he picked up the "Hundred Ghosts Spirit", he immediately soared into the sky.

Around him, there were several hooligans wearing flowered shirts and sunglasses, standing guard: these hooligans also exuded an aura that ordinary people feared.

They were all Huangmao's younger brothers when he was in the "energetic club", and now he has been trained to be his confidants.

What? You asked where the big brothers in the club went?


"It's been so long, and there is no report yet."

The one-armed Huangmao frowned. Although he lost a hand in the battle with Ibaraki, it didn't affect him much.

Because his "magic" is a short-term burst, as long as his two legs are still there, he can at least run away if he can't win.

Just as Huangmao frowned and thought, a younger brother took out a mobile phone.

After the call was connected, he listened to two sentences and immediately came over respectfully.

He handed the phone to the yellow-haired young man with both hands.


"Hello, it's me."

"Where are you now?"

A hurried voice came from the other end of the phone,

"Are you in XXX apartment? Leave immediately and find a place to hide——"

? !

"Hey, why should I hide?"

The yellow-haired young man frowned and stood up angrily.

He had already heard that the person on the other end of the phone was a director of the police department of the Osaka Metropolitan Police Department.

But so what,

"Who do you think I am?!"

He is a noble original extraordinary.

"You——Takahashi Ai Ling is going to you!"

The person on the other end of the phone was also very angry. If it weren't for the interests involved, he didn't want to get involved at this time.

"Hurry up! Bastard, Takahashi Ai Ling, no, it's her cat that's back! And with her..."


"Something's going on!!"

Before the words on the phone were finished, there was a commotion around the yellow-haired young man.

The younger brothers in flowered shirts and sunglasses pulled out special models of Desert Eagles from their waists while shouting. These specially made high-powered pistols can be used to hunt wild beasts.

However, it is not difficult to see from their expressions that they are facing a "ferocious beast" that they are not going to face: in the distant sky, a huge black and white cat leaped in the air, with a little girl riding on its back; and next to it was a beautiful woman in ancient costume full of "paper feeling".

"That is-"

"It's 'Paper Dance' ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Seeing who is coming, these "super brothers" burst into shrill exclamations.

Unlike the elusive 'blood hakama', 'Paper Dance' performed a scene of summoning Rashomon and fighting the Self-Defense Forces in Shibuya in front of the entire island nation.

In the government's propaganda, it is a terrifying object that can be surrendered and begged for mercy without being held accountable.

If you can provide the whereabouts of Paper Dance, you can get a reward of 5 million.

US dollars!

But now it is obviously not a question of considering the bounty.

"Call the police quickly~~~"

"Let the Metropolitan Police Department support, the Self-Defense Forces, and the Self-Defense Forces!"

The gangsters, whose faces changed drastically, shouted for support, but the yellow-haired man who was in contact with the Metropolitan Police Department had heard a busy tone.

The other party hung up the phone.

Of course, they were not rushing to save him, but abandoning him!

The island country has the trump card of "Kafka", but let's not talk about whether it is worth sending out the trump card; even if Kafka came immediately, it is estimated that he can only help Huangmao collect the body.


Don't care.

Of course, it is impossible to ignore.

A large number of drones and surveillance equipment on the streets were taken over.

Even if it's too late to rescue Huang Mao, at least we need to know how he died: Takahashi Ailing's 'Nekomata' was so dead that even his body was made into a potion.

Now, it has only been a few days, and he appears alive and kicking again. And it also clearly has the ability to 'change shape' and 'fly'. How can this not make the Osaka government shocked and angry?

What are you doing? Just tell me earlier if you can be resurrected! As a result, these officials are no longer human beings inside and outside. After Huang Mao is killed, he will most likely come to cause trouble for them. As for the possibility of Huang Mao counterattack, it simply does not exist.

In addition to Takahashi Ai Ling and her cat, there is also Paper Dancer!

These two people made no move to 'hide their whereabouts' at all, and flew through the sky like a thorn.



When Director Zhuya is on the front line,

When I learned the news, I could only use the word 'shocked' to describe it.

The time for the emergence of extraordinary beings is not short, and the number of extraordinary beings that die is certainly not too small: no matter what kind of extraordinary beings they are, they will disappear after being 'killed' once.

But this 'nekomata' has just died a few days ago and is back alive and kicking?

This is not scientific, this is not extraordinary!


Has been transferred to the island country’s police department expert,

I am accumulating merit for redeeming the ‘extraordinary potion’.

The divine master of Yushima Tenmangu Shrine hesitated for a moment before speaking slowly.

"It is said that cats have nine lives. Maybe this 'Cat Mata' has such an ability? It is also possible~~"

"Shouldn't the original extraordinary have only one ability?"

Over such a long period of time, the island government has gained a relatively ‘detailed’ understanding of the extraordinary. Almost all ‘native extraordinary’ people only have one ability. Or a branch ability that extends from this ability.

That 'Nekomata' Photon already has the ability to 'hide and seek', so why does it have the ability to 'resurrection'?

These two abilities are completely unrelated! Could it be that there is any connection between escape from earth and resurrection?

"This, I don't know the inside story either."

"But - the key now is: Takahashi Ai Ling's situation."

As Takahashi Ai Ling once again possesses the extraordinary. Or rather she once again possesses the 'Catomata' and walks with the 'Paper Dancer', how should the island government deal with it?

Director Zhuya had learned about her family's situation from the report and had great contempt for Osaka officials.

Forcing one's own people to the enemy's side, a group of bastards who see small profits and forget about righteousness.

However, maybe it is because of this change that the cat will be resurrected?

Extraordinary existence is really elusive.

"Director, we."

"We have many wounded people and we really can't spare any manpower. Let Osaka find a way first."

After rejecting Osaka's request for help, Director Zhuya was unwilling to use his precious extraordinary power on such nonsense: besides, he didn't lie.

Most of the extraordinary beings are still recovering from their injuries in the hospital, so why should they really be sent out as ordinary cows and horses?


"Let them ask the SDF."

The Self-Defense Forces now have the island country’s real trump card in their hands.

‘Ibaraki’ Jinchuuriki, first-class land general:




The rooftop of an apartment across the river from Universal Studios,

All the beauties had already run away, and the area around the huge swimming pool was already a mess.

Several gangsters with twisted bodies were floating in the water. It was easy to see from the red-dyed water that there was no need to rescue them.

A huge five-meter-long 'milk cat' is using its paws to fiddle with a gangster, making him sink and float in the swimming pool: there is no malicious intent, it's just pure play.

after all,

She is essentially a cat.

"Damn it, I knew it."

The only one who was still alive was a young man with yellow hair whose legs were turned into flesh.

It is easy to see from the traces left on the ground that he was slapped on his legs by huge cat claws: his muscles and bones were twisted and exploded, along with the roof.

This was the result of the force exerted by the giant 'Nekomata', otherwise it wouldn't be a problem at all to smash the apartment apart with a slap.

After being 'resurrected', Nekomata, who had insufficient control over this body, was in an active stage.

"I knew that as long as you had power, you would come to trouble me!"

"Damn it, I should have taken action personally to eradicate the root cause!"

Facing the broken legs, the yellow-haired young man supported his upper body with one hand and still screamed.

The little girl Takahashi Ailing tilted her head.

"you're drunk,"


"Only drunk people talk nonsense."

The little girl pointed out the mistakes in the yellow-haired young man's words seriously.

"If you don't run away, Guangzi won't die; if you don't send someone to kill me, I won't come to trouble you."

The little girl can't understand why adults always like to attribute their own faults to others as a matter of course: the guy in front of her is like this, and so is her father. No, that's not her father.

Her father is diligent and conscientious, and can protect Ai Ling from the wind and rain.

That drunk guy is not dad!

"Ai Ling hates drunks the most,"

The little girl turned around,

waved his hand,



After receiving the owner's order, the giant milk cat turned its head and opened its bloody mouth towards Huang Mao, whose legs had been beaten to pulp.



The world is purified.

"Where are we going next?"

"Lord Okamimatsu."

After solving the 'black hand behind the scenes', Takahashi Ailing asked obediently.

"Aren't you going home?"

Faced with the smile of 'Paper Dance', the little girl shook her head.

"I don't have a home,"

"No, my 'home' is here."

Touched the big cat that came over: this kitten is indeed her 'Photon'.

The soul comes from the test subjects collected by Yu from the battlefield, and the body is created by Takahashi Ailing using the 'Illusion of the Kurama family'.

Theoretically, the current 'Nekomata' Photon can only move with the ability of Takahashi Ailing. After all, it is just a simple soul body, not even enough to affect the real world.

Whether it is this world or the world of Naruto, people have souls after death.

It's just that in the world of Naruto, the soul will go to the Pure Land after death.

As a result, most ninjas will not study soul ninjutsu.

But there are exceptions: the Uzumaki clan!

The Uzumaki clan is a descendant of Ashura and a distant relative of the Senju clan. The family members are good at using sealing techniques.

In the field of ‘soul’, the Uzumaki clan has conducted in-depth research, and the most representative one is:

Shiki Fuujin!

This S-level forbidden technique is very famous.

By making a contract with the Death Mask in the Uzumaki clan’s storage hall, the Death God can be summoned.

Selling one’s soul to the Death God means that after devouring the target’s soul, one’s own soul will also be devoured by the Death God. After that, the soul of oneself and the enemy will be in the stomach of the Death God, hating and fighting each other forever.

Orochimaru was chopped off one hand by the third generation with this trick, and the fourth generation also used this technique to seal the Yin attribute chakra of the Nine-Tails.

After the Uzumaki clan was destroyed, there was also a person who was also good at sealing and souls among the members who were stranded outside.

Uzumaki Hinoka

was hired by researchers on the Sea Country’s Summoning Island to seal the ultimate summoning beast.

However, the Ultimate Summoning Beast went berserk, and the researcher and she were eaten.

But ‘Uzumaki Honoka’ was able to bind her soul to the island in the form of a seal: wait until the prince, Kaihuang, Yamato and others passed by on a mission, guide them, and solve the out-of-control ‘Ultimate Summoning Beast’ before unsealing it and heading to the Pure Land.

It can be seen that even if there is a Pure Land, the Uzumaki clan is also quite knowledgeable about ‘souls’.

And there is no Pure Land in this world.

Where will the soul go?

This is a question that Yu has always been interested in, so he gave this little girl the illusion of the Kurama family and the ability to ‘see’ the soul.


The paper dance folding fan pointed to the direction of ‘Universal Studios’ in the north.

“We are going to the ‘Stray Animal Treatment Center’, where there are many cats that are about to be or have been dealt with.”

“Use your ability to ‘revive’ them all, and then”

Then how to do it is up to the little girl.

Anyway, Yu only needs this experience.


Hayakawa Residence,


The silver-haired old man holding the microphone was stunned by shock.

"Takahashi Ailing has once again gained the loyalty of the 'Nekomata' and has killed the original extraordinary who secretly hindered her family."

"Mr. Hayakawa, you'd better be mentally prepared."

The other end of the phone was a senior official in Osaka who had a close relationship with the Hayakawa family.

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone directly.

Being able to call at this time to 'tip off' is already a great kindness.

As for what will happen next?

God knows!


After hanging up the phone, the old man walked to the window.

A helicopter descended from the sky, and more than a dozen fully armed soldiers rushed into the 'Takahashi family'.

Soon, a drunken middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman were carried out.

In this situation, even the silver-haired old man who had experienced ups and downs all his life felt powerless and confused.

What will happen next, and how many people will die?

It all depends on Takahashi Ailing's mood.

"The world is unpredictable~~"

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