I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 190 The fate of ordinary people

Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz,

Amid the rapid humming of propellers, several small drones flew straight down and crashed into the shell of the synthetic beast.


In the explosion and smoke, the shock wave gathered by the "Monroe effect" ejected the metal jet at a terrifying speed of 9000 meters per second: although it could only last for a short moment, it was enough to penetrate the metal armor several tens of centimeters thick.

Penetrating the bone shell of the synthetic beast is also a piece of cake!


After being hit by several armor-piercing shells, the huge synthetic beast couldn't help but wail in pain.

Although its body was strong enough, it didn't need to be washed out of the cockpit with a high-pressure water gun like a tank soldier, but its inside was also a mess, and its strength was greatly reduced on the spot, and it instantly fell into a disadvantage in the confrontation.

"Lie down!"

With an angry shout, he grabbed the opponent's giant claws with both hands.

The black mercenary captain, who maintained a "wrestling" posture, overturned the synthetic beast to the ground with one force.

The mercenary captain took a step forward, his eyes glowing red on his shoulders as he ‘saw’ the weakness of the synthetic beast. He raised two fists as big as casserole pots and smashed them down –

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a round of punches, the synthetic beast, which was also ‘wolf-level’, was beaten so hard that its limbs twitched and it could not get up again.

“Muscle relaxant, quick –”

Seeing that the synthetic beast was beaten half to death, the other mercenaries immediately changed to special ‘muscle relaxant bullets’ and shot them into the body of the synthetic beast with a bang.

"As expected of the captain, he captured another one."

Franky, a mercenary with mechanical prosthetic limbs, whistled,

"It's so easy! Our merits can soon be exchanged for another bottle of extraordinary potion~~"

Ever since their captain got lucky and drank a bottle of level 3 potion that produced the highest-grade "extraordinary potion", their mercenary team took off on the spot: ordinary leprechauns were no longer in their eyes, and their goal was to hunt synthetic beasts with higher value.

They could also fight against "extraordinary knights" and "extraordinary mages": as for "extraordinary assassins", they were too dangerous, so they should forget about it.

In addition, the captain's "mutated eyes" could detect from a long distance, making him even more comfortable.

"Hey, hey, my drones also contributed!"

Kaplan, who took off his VR glasses and carried computer equipment on his back and was in charge of technology logistics, spoke unhappily.

"Don't underestimate the power of technology!"

"Okay, okay,"

"After we go back, I'll exchange a bunch of planes for you so you can fight as much as you want!"

The other mercenaries laughed jokingly. They certainly knew that Kaplan's drone was very powerful: at an altitude of hundreds of meters, an inconspicuous black dot was suspended there.

It was difficult for ordinary people to detect, but under the gaze of the "eyes" on the shoulders of the mercenary captain Matthew, even the texture of the parts on it was clearly visible.

"There are only two small drones left in Kaplan, ready to return."

That's right, hovering in the air hundreds of meters was a "drone mother machine" that looked like a large "disc rack".

Strictly speaking, this is a large drone with a diameter of two meters: but below it, there are a large number of small drones in standby mode.

Under these small drones, there is an armor-piercing bomb: as long as Kaplan operates the controller in his hand, the large drone will drop the small drone, and then the small drone will carry the armor-piercing bomb and, under Kaplan's control, launch a fearless charge at the enemy!

Weapons that once looked like science fiction movies have become a reality under the stimulation of strong demand.

This set of drone "mother-child ship" system costs nearly one million dollars, and it is a special edition: But for the current Hive Mercenary Group, it is nothing~~

Taking this controlled synthetic beast back will bring a lot of US dollars.

You know, the price of a living body is much higher than that of a corpse!


When the mercenary team returned to the base on a transport plane, they saw a group of people who "should not" be here.

Wide double eyelids, straight jaws, slightly raised chins, brown and chestnut hair, gray pupils. Although they are all white skin, they are also fully armed. But the Hive Mercenary Team can see at a glance that these are Slavs, they are:

"Big Mao's army?"

The blond Kaplan was surprised,

"This is-"

"Shut up."

Raising his hand to stop his subordinates from speaking, the black mercenary captain glanced and walked towards a lieutenant from an island country.

"Sir, can I ask you something?"

A few minutes later,

"Da Mao's army will be responsible for the defense lines in the two directions of Jingu Mountains and Zuxiang Mountains."

"Aren't these places America's responsibility areas?!"

"It has nothing to do with us,"

The black mercenary raised his hand to interrupt the team members' exclamation,

"The game between countries and the struggle of big men are too far away from us."

"All we have to do is do our own job well, and at the same time-"

Exchange for extraordinary potions,

Let the whole team become extraordinary!

In this way, even when facing big men, they can have bargaining chips: instead of dying inexplicably in a mission without knowing the inside story.

"Let's go, take the synthetic beast to exchange for merit."

Exchanging extraordinary potions with military merit is the way for ordinary soldiers to change their fate.

As for how America will respond?

At best, they will just fight,

Do you dare to throw mushroom eggs at each other!

As long as the mushrooms are not lost, daily life can still continue.

As for the rest, it is not a problem for these mercenaries to worry about.


Yoshida City,

Naruzawa Junior High School,

"Hey, hey, hey, I say~~"

"Why do we have to go to the toilet in a group?"

Several junior high school students who went to the toilet complained while flushing the urinal.

"What are you doing? It makes us look like girls."

"This is the school's rule. If you want to be asked to talk to your parents, you can do it alone~~"

"Tsk, forget it."

The complainers are just talking.

Those who dare to act alone at this time are either daring or don't want to live.

The supernatural disaster called "evil spirit parade" is all over the island country. It is said that in the "Yellow Spring Crack" natural disaster a week ago, the supernatural countermeasures department suffered "heavy casualties" and even rumors of annihilation. Although the government has been constantly refuting rumors, it is very strange that no supernatural special police have come forward in the past few days.

In addition, I heard that even the army of the Great Mao came to "aid disaster relief", which gave people a feeling that the government was going to be finished!

"Alas, in a small place like ours, there is not even a supernatural person"

Another junior high school student holding a bird couldn't help but sigh.

They are located in Yoshida City and Narusawa Town at the foot of Mount Fuji, not far from Aokigahara:

A week ago, although the "Yellow Spring Crack" was quickly blocked, they were also attacked by many evil spirits: many people died.

"What are you afraid of!"

"According to the teacher, we have a lot of people and are in high spirits. Ordinary evil spirits should be afraid of us!"

In theory, it is like this, but if you really encounter evil spirits, you can still maintain your courage.

It is hard to say.

In times of crisis, the true qualities of heroes are revealed.

"Let's go. By the way, why is the toilet so far away?"

"Who made us the old campus?"

The footsteps gradually faded away, and a figure hurriedly ran into the toilet.

"Naoto, Naoto?"

"Are you here——"

The junior high school student in school uniform looked around anxiously, his eyes fell on the closed door at the end of the toilet.

"Really, why did you run to such a place alone?"

As the junior high school student walked quickly to the end of the toilet, he raised his hand and tried to knock on the door:


The door of the toilet opened, revealing a pale face.


"Great, Naoto."

"If something happens to you, how should I explain to my parents?"

The junior high school student outside the door breathed a sigh of relief and tilted his head outward.

"You should call me,"

"Let's go back to the classroom."

The junior high school student in the toilet lowered his head and walked out without saying a word.

"This world is getting more and more chaotic, but don't worry, I will protect you——"

The junior high school student in front kept talking, but the junior high school student behind him was silent. When the two walked out of the toilet and came into the sun, the boy behind him finally stopped.

"What's wrong, Naoto?"

"Brother brother"

The pale boy raised his head, tears welled up in his eyes, and his trembling teeth made a clattering sound.

"Why is it you?"

"How can I muster the courage when you are like this?!"

? !

"Naoto, what are you talking about--"

The 'junior high school student' in front asked in confusion.


"My brother, the real one died seven days ago!"

The pale boy lowered his head, and tears finally couldn't stop falling from his cheeks.

"He was killed by a group of evil spirits in order to protect me."


At this point, the boy named 'Naoto' softened all over, and knelt on the ground without restraint.

"Why is it you?!"

If it was any other evil spirit, the boy could still muster up the courage to face it; but facing his former 'brother', he was left with only sadness and regret.

"You have also become an evil spirit, are you going to take me away?"


Just as the boy was desperately pounding the ground, a pair of illusory shoes appeared in front of him.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Something fell on his head, illusory, but it seemed real.

Naoto looked up,

and saw a familiar face in his tearful eyes.

"I'm your brother, how could I hurt you?"

"I will protect you, Naoto."


At this moment, a loud scream suddenly sounded next to him: a girl who had just come out of the toilet fell to the ground, trembling and pointing here:

"It's an evil spirit! Help me————"


Tokyo, Metropolitan Police Department.

"So, these are the 'two brothers'?"

In an interrogation room, a junior high school boy sat on a chair stiffly.

Next to him, another junior high school boy sat stiffly in the air, without a chair under his buttocks, looking like a master of 'horse stance'.

But if you look closely, his illusory figure and unclear feet prove that this is an 'evil spirit'.

Murakami Masato, Murakami Naoto: The two names Naoto and Masato,

together mean 'bravely moving forward'.

"Exactly, what do you think, You-kun?"

I see a ghost!

Okay, it's a ghost

"This is a 'guardian spirit'."

You spoke, defining the nature of the phenomenon in front of him.

The so-called guardian spirit, as the name suggests, is a spirit whose duty is to 'guard'.

In island culture, guardian spirits not only appear in legends and stories, but also deeply influence people's beliefs and lives.

Many homes and shrines have their own specific guardian spirits, to which people seek protection and good luck through prayers and offerings. These guardian spirits are not only reflected in literary and artistic works, but also play an important role in daily life.

"Our experts think so too,"

"Today happens to be the seventh day after the 'Underworld Crack'."

The first seven reincarnations of souls are a common custom in East Asian civilizations; from "Book of Wei": "From the beginning to the end of Qiqi, the edict was to set up a thousand monks and order seven people to become monks." ’

Director Zhuya looked at the two 'people' in the interrogation room, although one of them was a young boy who was an 'evil spirit'. But this is the Metropolitan Police Department, not to mention that all of them are brave and fearless, there are quite a few extraordinary ones, and it is easy to disperse the evil spirits with three punches and two kicks.

But this one in front of me is no ordinary evil spirit!

"Will this 'Guardian Spirit'..."

What are the disadvantages?

"There are definitely disadvantages."

Yuu spoke slowly while looking through the information collected by the Metropolitan Police Department.

"If the guardian spirit is to exist in this world for a long time, it will definitely consume the host's vitality."

"Or, you can let him kill people and absorb the life force."

"Well, that's a crime."

Director Zhuya coughed. After all, he is also the police director of the island country. Killing people and sucking out life force must not be mentioned on the table.

"Well, then let the 'host' exercise more."

"One body bears two souls, so it's natural that it will be a bit difficult."

After saying that, the mood of Yuhua changed.

"Of course, it's not without its benefits."

He raised his hand and pointed at the reserved young man in the interrogation room behind the glass curtain.

"After having the 'Guardian Spirit', he has the ability to fight against evil spirits and even kill evil spirits."

Ordinary people cannot kill evil spirits.

No matter how brave or fearless you are, it is difficult to kill evil spirits because:

The evil spirit will escape!

After all, they are the remnants of human souls, and the behavior patterns of evil spirits are similar to humans.

When encountering a ‘torch’ that cannot be beaten, one naturally knows how to give in and escape. And when ordinary people face evil spirits that can travel through buildings and the ground at will, what can they do to chase after them?

Only extraordinary people, with the blessing of "spiritual power", can directly kill evil spirits instantly: if they encounter evil spirits trying to escape, most of them, even extraordinary people, can only stare.

Fortunately, the evil spirits are not so 'smart' and don't know how to escape if they can't be defeated; otherwise, this extraordinary disaster called the 'Evil Spirit Parade' will definitely make the island country miserable: as long as the evil spirits escape collectively, except for a certain person Besides the little girl, what other good ideas can other extraordinary people have?

Both are 'spirit bodies', but this young man named 'Zhenren' has the same thinking and memory as before.

Naturally, you can catch the evil spirits and beat them up, leaving them with no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

"Is that so?"

Director Zhuya's eyes lit up and he became energetic.

At the same time, he gave the secretary next to him a look, and the other party stepped back with understanding.

The entire island country is checking to see if no one else has obtained the ‘Guardian Spirit’!

"There are two key points in the formation of a guardian spirit."

Yuu returned the information in his hand to Director Zhuya and began to summarize.

"First, you need to die in a fierce battle with evil spirits."

Because only in this way can the soul be "contaminated" with the characteristics of evil spirits.

"Second, it requires a strong desire to protect."

If it weren't for a strong obsession, it wouldn't have touched the 'rules' set by Yu, and then condensed into a spiritual body capable of action.

"Even so, the guardian spirit will lose most of its memory, leaving only the most unforgettable obsession. It must be directed at one's relatives——"

After saying that, Yu turned to look at Director Zhuya who was thoughtful.

"Director, don't even think about creating an 'artificial guardian spirit'."

"It's about the soul. If you are not careful, you will become a high-level evil spirit. When the time comes~~"

"How come?"

Director Zhuya shook his head,

"I despise it, but others—"

If you can get yourself a 'guardian spirit' that protects you 24 hours a day, those big shots can use any dirty tricks.

Onmyoji’s classic shikigami, the ‘Inugami’, isn’t the way it was made filled with blood and darkness?

"That's your job as police chief,"

"Let's go and see other people's 'cultivation' progress."

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