I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 114: A gathering of heroes (not really)

After Iori Ichika left,

"The Metropolitan Police Department has time to hold a 'supernatural exchange meeting', which must be the whereabouts of the sea ninja."

"And the sea ninja has probably fallen into the hands of some 'unknown forces', otherwise they would never use the word 'please'."

You gave the three beautiful girls present a serious 'analysis' of the situation:

"The purpose is, on the one hand, to strengthen the cooperation between supernaturals; on the other hand, it is possible to use everyone's hands to deal with the 'unknown force' that recruited sea ninjas."

Although there is only one 'Chunnin' level among the supernaturals related to the government, the rest are 'Genin': in the official terms of the island country, they are 'Tiger level' and 'Wolf level'. It is almost impossible to deal with the sea ninjas rated as 'Demon' level and the 'unknown force'.

But it is not without a chance: modern weapons are not lacking in lethality, but they cannot be used in the face of various strange abilities of supernaturals.

"Will it be dangerous?"

Faced with the worried words of Qiongmei, You waved his hand.

"Don't panic,"

"I've been studying the technique recently, and I'm confident that even if there's danger, I can run away if I can't win."

This is not bragging. In recent times, in addition to sending out several shadow clones to promote the "supernatural event", Yu has been practicing the main body: summoning!

It's not summoning any summoned beasts, but summoning "Rashomon". That's right, Rashomon is also a summoning technique: unlike the pirated version that was once done in Shibuya, the genuine Rashomon is the top defensive ninjutsu in Class B.

Every time you summon a Rashomon, the defense will double.

The first generation once used the "Five-Layer Rashomon" to deflect the "Ran Blade Tailed Beast Ball" of Madara Susano's Nine-Tails, which shows how high the defense is.

Yu can only summon one Rashomon now, and he is confident that he can block most hot weapons; unless someone drops a nuclear bomb, in that case it is estimated that more than three gates will be needed to resist.

"So, are you going to visit the exchange meeting?"

Yuu, who was about to watch the show, looked at Qiong and the class leader, but both shook their heads.

"I want to cultivate feelings with 'them' for a while, and strive to establish a tacit understanding and sign a contract as soon as possible."

The class leader explained while holding a fox, and Qiong's reason was simpler:

"It's troublesome,"

As a homegirl, being able to come to the shrine to play is already an outdoor activity with 'a lot of exercise' for Qiong; asking her to go to a 'exchange meeting' full of strangers is impossible just to think about it.

"Well, then you can play with Xiaoying at that time, and I'll go see what's interesting about the 'exchange meeting'."

"Okay, okay~~Except for Xiaobai, there's usually no one to accompany me."

Xiaoying was the first to raise her hand in approval.

During this period, even Nagisa Ichiha was so busy that she was nowhere to be seen;

She had to face the flattery of various bigwigs every day, which made Xiaoying very annoyed.


A few days later,

The official island country still did not announce the whereabouts of Hainin.

Most citizens gradually withdrew from the frenzy and did what they should do: and those forces that constantly obstructed the island country's search for the whereabouts of the sea ninja gradually came to their senses.

The Metropolitan Police Department's personnel have shifted from searching for the sea ninja to arresting these forces that "muddy the waters".

All signs indicate that they have been "fished"!

Fortunately, the island government has no intention of escalating the situation, and let these forces understand that the sea ninja has not fallen into the hands of the island country.

Although there are some losses, this is enough. As for the whereabouts of the sea ninja——


"What do you think the master is doing at this time?"

A helicopter landed on the apron of the Metropolitan Police Department headquarters in Chiyoda Kasumigaseki.

Two boys and girls in wide robes and large sleeves jumped lightly from the cabin, followed by several men carrying shotguns on their backs.

"I don't know, it depends on the actions of that 'blood hakama'."

Isugaya Dai, who has black curly hair and looks like a boy, answered that the reason they came here was to use the power of the country to track down the traces of the 'blood hakama'.

"If the legend is true, then the government has no reason to refuse to cooperate with us."

The two children talked to each other, completely putting themselves on an equal footing with the island country: this made the surrounding Metropolitan Police Department staff feel unhappy.

What a little kid who doesn't know how high the sky is.

"You two, please come this way."

Without a single dissatisfaction on their faces, the carefully selected staff members bowed and raised their hands to signal.

"Many extraordinary beings have arrived first."

"Well, please lead the way."

Although the tone of the conversation was loud, facing these staff members, the curly-haired Dai Igu was not arrogant, which made these Metropolitan Police Department elites couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

What a polite little girl, what a pity. If they could join the Metropolitan Police Department, maybe it would be a good thing for them not to join.

After all, how could two children be the opponents of those big men?

I didn't know when I was fooled and lost my life.

"Teacher, let's go~~"

On the helicopter that stopped on the other side, a lively female high school student was pulling an embarrassed middle-aged uncle off the plane.

The middle-aged man was even more uneasy when the girl hugged his arm, especially when the Isugaya siblings looked at him.

It was like looking at a beast!

"Aioi-san, in public."

"Hehehe, does the teacher mean that we can only let go in private when no one is around?"

? ? ?

Seeing the bookish middle-aged man blushing because of the teasing of the high school girl; the faces of the people from the Metropolitan Police Department around him could hardly hide their envious and jealous eyes.

This one is the winner in life!

Sakuma Satoru,

After leaving school with an ordinary height, ordinary appearance, and ordinary grades, he was just an ordinary teacher, and even almost died because of illness.

However, during the last 'journey' of his life, he met the female high school student next to him. He was impressed by this terrifying 'flying devil' and hung on him all day long, giving him sweet kisses from time to time, becoming a risk-free person. The extraordinary existence is simply the envy of others!

Da da da da,

Another helicopter landed, and a little girl wearing exquisite children's clothing was carefully helped off the plane.

"The cat in her hand"

"Well, it's Nekomata, but I don't know what abilities it has."

As 'orthodox' onmyoji, the Ikariya siblings are very talented. The younger brother learns onmyoji very quickly, while the elder sister has good 'perception' ability:

"Someone's here again."

The sister with curly black hair looked up at the sky,

Soon, a small black dot quickly enlarged, and then under the gaze of many ‘extraordinary’ people:


A giant black bird flapped its wings and landed,

The next second, the giant bird turned into ink and flew back to the fallen boy's hands.

? !

"This secret technique is"

"Ashiya family,"

The two sisters talked very quietly, and with their extraordinary strength, they were confident that no one could overhear their conversation. However:

"This secret technique is"

"Ashiya family,"

In the special operations conference room of the Metropolitan Police Department,

The exact same words came out of the mouths of several experts staring at the screen.

lip reading,

Faced with these extraordinary beings, the Metropolitan Police Department naturally did not dare to bring various surveillance equipment too close; but even through instruments hundreds of meters away, it was still able to clearly observe the actions of everyone: especially the Ikariya siblings. words and deeds.

Unlike other 'wild' extraordinary beings, they have family inheritance and naturally have more knowledge.

Sure enough, the two of them recognized the footsteps of their friend 'Misundere' at a glance.

"The Ashiya family's secret technique?"

Director Zhuya frowned, as if he had heard of this family somewhere.

"It's Ashiya Michimitsu!"

The god of Yushima Tenmangu Shrine immediately replied that as the 'god of learning', he was well aware of all kinds of ghosts and mysteries and had been hired by the Metropolitan Police Department as a resident expert.

It's him~~

Everyone in the conference room reacted one after another,

When it comes to Onmyoji, we can’t do without Abe Seimei; and when we talk about Abe Seimei, we can’t do without his mortal enemy: Ashiya Michimi.

Abe Seimei's ancestor also had royal blood, and he was a disciple of the head of the Kamo family who was the general manager of the "Onmyo Ryo". His life could be said to be smooth; while Ashiya Michitoshi was an Onmyoji from the common people. Both of them were the strongest at that time. The Great Onmyoji.

But there was only one spot for the 'strongest', so as expected, the two started fighting.

"It is rumored that Ashiya Michitoshi's onmyojitsu is as good as Abe Seimei's."

"I just lost to Qingming in the most critical battle."

Next, there are two versions: the first one is that Ashiya Michitoshi couldn't swallow this breath. Although he lost the battle, he took advantage of Seimei's corner and kidnapped his wife; he used Seimei's wife to kill him, and was finally left behind. After the resurrected Qingming was killed, the two of them fell in love with each other for the rest of their lives.

"The second record is that Daoman failed in the battle and was exiled to Harima. However, it was a blessing in disguise. His descendants settled here and developed a huge Onmyoji family business."

"Hiss, even Qingming's wife can be kidnapped."

Iori Kazuka, who crossed his arms with his chest, took a breath of air.

You must know that 'Ampere Seimei' is the son of a white fox in the legend: his father, Daisen, once rescued a white fox from the evil ghost 'emon'. Ampere Qingming.

Therefore, in the legend, Ampei Qingming was graceful and his appearance was naturally the best choice.

How could he kidnap the wife of such a handsome man, that Ashiya Michimitsu.

"It wouldn't be surprising if Brother You is like this."

Regarding her evaluation of being a capable person, Director Zhuya rarely refuted her.

"It turns out that he is a descendant of the Ashiya family. Let him go to Harima. It seems that these new generation of onmyojis don't care about the family reputation."

"Ha, Director, what era is this?"

Just because Director Zhuya didn't refute, it didn't mean that Yiori Kazuka didn't disagree with him.

"Still indulging in the glory of a thousand-year-old family? Besides-"

"Do you think Yuu-chan and the Ikariya siblings think that they are not as good as the legendary Tadayuki Kamo and Michimitsu Ashiya?"

Although these two are both famous Onmyoji, they were also dead thousands of years ago; their achievements have been fixed and will not increase, only waiting for future generations to surpass them: I believe that none of these Onmyojis in the new era will think that I will be inferior to the ancients.

What kind of young man is he if he is not vigorous?

"you're right,"

Director Zhuya looked at the screen,

Above are the three 'Onmyoji' who are greeting each other. None of them are the kind of people who are willing to take orders from the government.


"Are these two kids also magicians?"

Noticing the gazes of the Isotani siblings, Yu took the initiative to raise his hand to say hello.

"It's Onmyoji,"

The older sister, who was wearing a white dress with wide robes and long sleeves, and had a bit of an 'Otsutsuki' look spoke up.

"Brother, are you from the Ashiya family?"


After being stunned for a moment, Yuu nodded.

"You can say that, but that was all a thousand years ago, who cares?"

"I'm just a high school student who wants to study 'quietly' now. I don't want to use magic for power. Let's go together?"


Facing Yu's invitation, her sister nodded, followed closely by her brother.

"Welcome, everyone,"

When the three people who were chatting about the 'Onmyoji' technique came to the lobby of the Metropolitan Police Department, there were already many people here.

In addition to the 'old acquaintance' Hoshino Tanimura with two dogs, there are also a rich second generation with a giant eagle standing beside him, a girl holding a kitten, a dull middle-aged man, a young man with dyed blond hair, The kappa looking left and right, the combination of the teacher and the high school girl, and...

Yi Zhi Yi Hua.

Behind her, there were two other young men wearing special police uniforms, but they did not look like police officers.

Obviously, they are all so-called ‘original extraordinary’.

"Although some people didn't come, the fact that you all can come has already made the Metropolitan Police Department shine."

"Well, I know you don't want to hear such polite words either."

Iori Ichika clapped his hands,

"Everyone, please come with me."

In addition to those who explicitly refused, there are also more than a dozen extraordinary beings on the run in the island country: after gaining power, those guys expanded to the point where they thought they could stand up and call the shots, facing the Metropolitan Police Department's solicitations, all kinds of ridicule, and even directly killing people.

Since they can't reach an agreement, the island country's government doesn't mind and let them see the power of modern technology!

It's just an existence that has just obtained the 'Hundred Ghosts True Spirit'. Do you really think they are all those thousand-year-old monsters?

The number of extraordinary beings who have been secretly beaten to pieces by the government has exceeded ten fingers!

If it weren't for trying to capture them alive, those who escaped would have been caught long ago.

But that kind of thing will definitely not be exposed.

At this time of year, no newspaper or media dares to shout about "freedom of speech", so naturally no one knows about it.

Of course, Yuu, who emanates power, knows everything: However, if he dies, he dies. He has become extraordinary and has no brain, so there is no use in keeping him.

Anyway, if you struggle desperately before death, you can also gain a wave of proficiency.


Under the leadership of Yori Ichika, everyone came to a huge elevator.


Facing this huge elevator with 'suspicious' written all over it, except for the 'official' people, other extraordinary beings looked hesitant.

"Hahaha, don't worry."

"You are the backbone of the future of the island country,"

Iori Ichika showed a 'malicious' smile, which made everyone hesitate even more.

"The Metropolitan Police Department will never harm you: Besides, you all have various magical abilities. If you work together, it will not be difficult to escape from this Metropolitan Police Department."

The other party has said so, then:

"Let's go,"

Yuu was the first to take the step,

"Come here, let's see if there is anything interesting in the Metropolitan Police Department."

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