I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 113 The Current Status of the Sacred Tree

In the sacred tree area,

Golden sunlight shines on the sacred tree, and the breeze blows the huge leaves gently.

A thousand-meter-high tree stands on the ground, so huge that anyone who sees it will be amazed and worship it.

Not to mention ant-like humans, even human high-rise buildings are just low weeds in front of this giant tree.

With the island country's top construction groups and craftsmen working day and night, there is no "ruins" in the entire area: countless new courtyards with ancient fragrance and quaintness are densely spread between the huge tree roots, all wooden structures, and no trace of steel and concrete can be seen.

On the giant tree roots like hills, countless vermilion "torii" are erected one by one, forming an undulating shrine road on the tree roots for worshippers to pass.

"Please store all metal and electronic equipment here and take them out when you leave."

"NO, NO, NO~~"

At the "entrance" outside the sacred tree, an American black man shook his head and was about to use the tried and tested "skin color discrimination".

The person in charge of the inspection didn't waste any time talking to him and pressed a red button.

Amid the dense footsteps, a team of anti-explosion police wearing bulletproof vests, bulletproof helmets, and holding shotguns rushed over immediately, aiming their guns at Lao Hei, as if they were going to pull the trigger in the next second!

"America Daddy!!!"

In this situation, Lao Hei immediately used the most proficient Japanese language, and raised his hands high to make a French military salute.

"Dog, dog, dog——"

The anti-explosion police also copied poor English and used the barrel of the gun to command Lao Hei to follow them.

Seeing that the island government was so decisive, a large number of foreigners carrying metal tools and electronic devices in the crowd waiting to "worship" came to the access point obediently, handed over their belongings, and then underwent physical examinations.

It's more troublesome than going through airplane security.

But they only dared to complain in their hearts. After all, the flights to the island country are now full, and the queues have to wait until a month later.

Not to mention the electronic reservations for worshipping the "sacred tree", which are snapped up as soon as they are released at 12 a.m. every day, making countless foreigners who stay up late want to smash their phones and computers.

As for the "mere" 500,000 yen ticket fee, it is not worth mentioning: it is only 3,000 US dollars, and foreigners who can come to the island country at this time are not short of this "small money".

"What is this?"

In this regard, walking on another "approach to the shrine" with few people and countless torii, You couldn't help but complain.

This road to the "tree" is a special passage, which can only be set foot by extraordinary beings, senior officials in office, and chaebol personnel: even in the field of the sacred tree, noble people can't squeeze the ordinary road with ordinary people.

"Are there any people in the God's Crossing?"

"Foreigners who want to worship the God's Tree must pay a price."

The sister Qiong, who was walking and playing with her phone, answered casually,

"The islanders have one free worship opportunity every year: but because the flow of people is too large, people in each region must worship in the 'time zone' divided by the government. At other times."

If you want to step into the range of the God's Tree, you must also pay!

Although many people can't get a spot even if they have money.

"Is that so,"

Looking up at his own God's Tree, You couldn't help but touch his chin.

After the appearance of this God's Tree, it has refreshed countless 'Guinness World Records' and brought a truly 'massive' flow of people: not to mention the islanders today, everyone wants to come to worship the God's Tree, and even foreigners are constantly pouring in.

Although they know that the God's Tree will not protect those of them who are not even 'shallow believers', it is also good to breathe in the air that exudes 'divine power'.

This is not a joke!

According to experts, the sacred tree itself is the embodiment of the "divine power" and will continue to radiate the "divine power" to the surrounding areas. The creatures living in this area will be improved in both physical and intellectual aspects. They may even awaken to be extraordinary beings! "I heard that the land price near here has been hyped up to thirty times that of the port area." The squad leader took over the topic and couldn't help but sigh: The port area was once the peak of Tokyo's land prices. Now, they would rather have a piece of land in the sacred tree than a house in the port area. It can only be said that the desire and awe of ordinary dignitaries for the "extraordinary" is difficult for them, the "extraordinary beings", to understand. "Well, these things have nothing to do with us." You is not going to ask about the impact of these "sacred trees", and he is too lazy to ask: the more dignitaries gather here, the more they can protect the sacred trees: this place has been designated as a "no-fly zone", and any aircraft approaching will be shot down without warning. Even in several areas outside, the island government is building various radar air defense positions: to prevent the crazy forces from destroying the sacred tree.

If the prime minister dies, just elect a new one; if the military port is destroyed, just rebuild it.

If the sacred tree is damaged, the entire island cabinet will perform collective seppuku.

Of course, the sacred tree is not easy to be damaged.

Looking up at this super giant tree, who would have thought that this is actually a living device for "planetary energy absorption"?

And it is owned by him, an extraordinary high school student who came to the shrine to "play".


"Xiao Qiong, Nao-chan."

The three did not go to the "main hall" where countless people worship,

but went around to the small shrine behind the woods: this is the real "core" area.

Sitting on the back of the huge 'Hakuzo Lord', surrounded by a group of jumping foxes, Tiannu Ying waved to the three of them.

"This way~~"

"Do these foxes have spiritual auras on them?"

Facing Yuu's words as he walked towards him, 'Hakuzo Lord', who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed and dozing, spoke.

"These are my wives and concubines."

? ? ?

Yu and the others were filled with questions,

The white fox opened his eyes slightly and glanced at them.

"What, Onmyoji?"

"As the divine envoy of Master Yu Yijin, I can't enjoy it?"

"No, of course."

Raising his hand to rub his temples, Yuu looked speechless.

Sure enough, even a psychic beast understands that 'if you are poor, you will live alone, while if you are rich, you will have a group of wives and concubines': after not seeing each other for a few days, Xiaobai already had a harem full of people.

"They are all offerings sent by mortals. I, Lord Bai Zang, have a kind heart and don't want to see them suffer, so I reluctantly accepted them."

The giant fox stood up as Xiaoying slid off his back.

"For the sake of you all being Xiaoying's friends, do you want to sign a contract with them?"

The 'them' in Bai Zangzhu's words naturally refers to the various 'beautiful foxes' surrounding his feet: these female foxes sent as tribute from various parts of the island country are all smooth, charming and cute, and they are even original products.

While being ‘favoured’ by Lord Bai Zang, he was also taught to start practicing;

Their eyes and expressions are vivid, and their IQs are no less than those of children.

"No need, I already have a 'Shikigami' in my family."

As Yuu waved her hand to refuse, on Qiongmei's shoulders, 'Xiao Zhi', whose lower body was a spider and upper body was humanoid, raised his upper body, clenched his fists and glared, fearing that his family's 'status' would be threatened.

"A bride?"

"That's fine~~"

Since Yuu refused, 'Hakuzo Master' did not insist.


"Hakuzoshu-sama, can I, I?"

After mustering up the courage to raise her hand, monitor Nao raised her hand.

In Yuu's 'secret space', she has been trained to have a 'crane-like body', and it is easy to open a skull with just one punch.

But if I could have stronger power, at least I wouldn't be instantly killed by 'Xiao Zhi' next to Qiong Mei, right?

Initially, the squad leader thought that the little spider next to Qiong Mei was just a pet. It was not until he was instantly knocked over by the opponent during the 'sparring' that he realized that it was Qiong Mei's 'bodyguard'.


Bai Zangzhu glanced at the monitor,

"As long as these children are willing to sign a contract with you: ask your man how."

? ? ?

"No, no, no, Yuu, no"

"I didn't say who it was, why are you so worried?"

There was a wicked smile on the white fox's face, as if he was ready to watch a show, because:


Qiongmei, who was originally in a good mood, glanced at the monitor.


The spider "Xiao Zhi" standing on Qiong Mei's shoulder also snorted coldly and gave the squad leader a roll of his eyes: Although she didn't know why, she just followed the steps of her master's sister.

Hey, Xiaobai, are you itchy? !

Forget it, people shouldn't be as knowledgeable as psychic beasts.

"In that case, Nao, try to get along with these females and foxes."

"As long as the other party is willing, I can let you sign a 'Shikigami Contract': when needed, you can summon them out of thin air to help in battle."

"Okay, okay."

The squad leader cautiously walked towards the group of 'female foxes', but was surprised to find that these foxes were very attached to her, and they all looked very happy as they walked around.

"A bird of a feather."

Well, it would be better if there wasn't Qiongmei's cold complaints.

"So, how's your 'miko selection' going?"

Qiong Mei was sulking, the squad leader was teasing the female fox, and Yu was chatting with Xiaoying.

"It's a mess."

When it comes to this issue, Xiaoying's whole body feels bad.

"The first, second, and third rounds of various assessments and tests."

"It's not like you are being tested,"

Regarding Yu's words, Xiaoying answered with a 'pale' smile.

"But I am the examiner."

"After so many tests, I feel like my faith in Master Yuejin is about to be shaken."

Girl, if I say you are the most pious, you are the most pious.

"Then just let Kazuye help you?"

"And Mrs. Nagisa, they must all be towards you."

Xiaoying sighed at Yu's suggestion.

"Not only Xiao Yiye, but also my father and mother, and even Uncle Lianghei, the driver of Yiye and I, are all helping. Otherwise, how would I have the time to hide here and be lazy?"

This 'Uncle Ryohei' is the middle-aged bodyguard who was thrown away by the earthquake catfish before.

For the sake of his loyalty, You saved a hand at that time, and Xiaoying gained the healing ability, so he didn't let him rush to the street on the spot.

Now, he has become a ‘big shot’ along with Xiaoying.

"Is that so?"

Yuu stopped talking and turned to look in the direction of the woods.

A few seconds later, Yori Ichika's fierce face, as if someone owed her money, appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Brother Yu, you are all here."

Raising his hand to say hello to You, Yiori Ichika's eyes fell on Xiaoying and he knelt down on one knee to caress her chest.

"Master Yu Shenzi."

"No gift,"

Xiaoying Linkong made a 'raise her hand' gesture.

Whether she liked it or not, she gradually got used to the respect and humility everyone treated her with.

"Officer Yiori is here. Is there something going on at the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"Yes, Lord Godson."

In response to Xiaoying's inquiry, Yiori Yihua answered seriously.

"The police are preparing to hold an 'extraordinary exchange meeting' and would like to invite the Son of God to attend as a distinguished guest. You see."

"I won't go."

Tiannu Ying shook her head slightly, her identity was revealed here.

Everyone would feel uncomfortable if he went there: not former friends like Yu-kun, Xiao Qiong, and Nao-chan.

"Yes, I'm disturbing the Son of God."

With modern and developed communications, the entire island country can communicate with each other at the touch of a finger.

Iori Ichika still went to the door in person: even though he knew that the other party would definitely refuse.

"What about you, Brother Yu?"

"Do you want to attend the exchange meeting?"

"Although it is not mandatory, all the extraordinary people under the government of the island country will participate: everyone can exchange combat experience and abilities and characteristics with each other to cope with this increasingly chaotic situation."


After touching his chin, Yuu did not give an immediate answer. Instead, he asked:

"Has the whereabouts of the sea ninja been determined?"

? !

As soon as these words came out, even Qiong Mei and the squad leader turned their heads.

The whereabouts of the sea ninja are definitely one of the hottest topics in the island nation during this period. No, in the entire world.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from a smart person like you."

Iori Ichika nodded,

"Already confirmed,"

"We are also preparing to announce this incident and the subsequent impact at the exchange meeting."

"By the way, Brother Yu, do you know anything about the Kamo family?"

"Kamo's family?"

Yuu frowned slightly and then spoke.

"You mean the Kamo family that has the 'former ghost' and the 'back ghost'?"

These are the two powerful shikigami owned by Yu Xiaojie, the originator of Onmyoji. It is said that he swept through the era with these two shikigami and was revered as a "terrestrial sage".


"The government has found a descendant of the Kamo family who masters onmyojitsu,"

"But the other party seems to want to restore the glory of the family. It's a pity~~ By the way, they will also participate in this exchange meeting."

After saying that, Yi Zhiyihua waited for Yu's answer: No matter which onmyojitsu Yu inherited, it is impossible to remain indifferent after hearing the golden sign of 'Gamo'.


"It's worth seeing."

Sure enough, Yuu, who touched his chin, gave this answer.

Speaking of which, although they are all ‘downlines’ spread by myself, most of them have actually never been seen.

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