I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 228 Copying Ability

"Dear viewers!"

"Today's event comes to an end"

"Let us congratulate the winners again-"

Amidst thunderous applause, the first day's 'kendo' competition has come to an end.

The top three of the male and female groups were all freshly announced. After her neck was pierced, Miyuki Zecheng, who had been treated with ninjutsu magic, actually beat the other females and won the championship: Although some people were unconvinced and suspected that the treatment was left in her body. 'Spiritual power', but in the end we had to accept this reality.

Xiao, who was worried, 'only' got third place, which can be regarded as a bottle of extraordinary potion.

Although for other eliminated contestants, they are already envious and jealous!

"Congratulations everyone!"

Osaka officials came over with a smile.

“Are you ready to step into the ‘new world’?”

After hearing the official's joke, these young boys and girls gave different answers.


"I can't wait,"

"Becoming a transcendent is just my first step."

There are a total of six contestants in the men's and women's groups. Some are impatient, some look proud, or some are pretending to be calm. But without exception, everyone is bright-eyed and high-spirited!

Only Takashi frowned, he was still brooding over Busujima-senpai's sudden change.

It is true that everyone has their own secrets that they don’t want others to touch.

But the feeling given to him by his senior sister was like——

Being pushed around?


There was a gentle push from behind,

"Let's go, classmate, third place is not bad."

Subconsciously, I turned around and saw the hearty smile of the second placer.

"The next step is to drink the potion and become a transcendent - why are you still standing there?"

That's right,

Shaking his head, Xiao drove away the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Become a transcendent first, and then find a way to find the whereabouts of your senior sister.

As for the risks of drinking the potion?

The top three who can pass through the layers of screening and make it here from more than 3,000 high schools in the entire island country have absolutely no problem with their mental and physical abilities.

"Your Excellency Yu, the extraordinary potion has been taken by the winner."


Close the open high-tech metal box,

Throwing it into the mouth of the giant black bird next to him, Yuu turned around and left while the faces of the Osaka officials twitched.

That's right, all the 'extraordinary potions' as prizes are in Yuu's possession; if you want to win these prizes, you have to turn over Yuu's car - which is almost impossible!

This is just other people's perceptions. The actual situation is: absolutely impossible.

Yuu, who was sitting at the competition site and taking care of the prizes, walked out of Koshien and jumped onto the back of the giant black bird.

Qiongmei has returned to Tokyo - the reason is to admit bed, and Yuu still has to deal with some things, that is, the Nishinomiya City Police Station:


When Yuu arrived at the police station on the black giant bird, Fuji Seiko was already waiting here.

"What is it?"

"Have you, the ace of the Extraordinary Countermeasures Department, deployed?"

In response to Yu's joke, the mature policewoman shook her head modestly.

"With my little strength, I don't dare call you 'Ace' in front of Yu-kun: the entire Metropolitan Police Department should have called you 'Master Craftsman'."

The Metropolitan Police Department's signature 'Uranium Light Wave Fist' is a secret technique 'developed' under Yu's guidance. If Yuu nods, he will be the ‘chief instructor’ of the entire Metropolitan Police Department, but:

"Forget it, I'm not interested in being a teacher."

"You don't know that one of the death flags is: I have nothing left to teach you."

Usually after a teacher says this sentence, he either dies at the hands of a villain and becomes the driving force for his disciples to move forward; or dies at the hands of his disciples and becomes an old man who explodes gold coins.

"That's anime, please come this way."

Regarding Yu's character, Fuji Seiko, who often interacts with him, has some understanding of it, so he goes straight to the topic:

"The contestant who was ruthless in the competition, Busujima of Higashi Izumo High School——"

Walk into the police station,

There is a human-shaped white circle on the ground, proving that someone once lay here.


"And we will kill all the police officers we meet along the way."

While walking and talking, the two people soon came to the room dedicated to interrogating extraordinary people: the walls, ceiling, and floor were all paved with alloy structures, and the bulletproof glass on the front was enough to withstand rifle fire. However, now there was a big hole, and countless fragments were radioactive. It splashed out, showing how powerful the opponent was.


"This scene can only be achieved by the extraordinary. And -"

Still wolf level!

The problem is, Busujima is an ordinary person.

In other words, before she was escorted to the police station, she was still an 'ordinary person'.

"I captured the person,"

"She was undoubtedly an ordinary person at that time."

Yuya became 'serious', and there was obviously something fishy about this matter.

"Holy Son, what do you think?"

"Youjun, I have surveillance from the police station here, shall we?"

After viewing the 'scene', the two came to the monitoring room next to it: a large number of technicians were already busy here, extracting the surveillance video of the police station and the information received by the mobile phones of some police officers, splicing and restoring it. The history of the case.

Yuu frowned as he watched the girl on the screen punch through the bulletproof glass with one punch and break out of the police station. Or rather, leisurely walk out of the police station and then walk away.


The scene freezes on a girl holding up another boy with one hand.

"Zoom in here,"

Under the technicians’ operation, the face of the girl named ‘Dushima’ was constantly enlarged, and her delicate features were distorted due to anger, and:

Although it was not clear due to resolution issues, it was still possible to see that the girl’s eyes were abnormal:

The pupils that should have been black turned blood red.

There was also a curved black.

"What is this?"

His face became more serious, and You couldn’t help but ‘frown’ his brows.


"Youjun, what did you find?"

"I have some guesses, but I’m not sure because it’s too incredible."

You gave an ambiguous answer, and then added another sentence.

"Wait for me to go back and look through ancient books."

? ?

Does this require looking through ancient books?

Fuji Seiko was stunned. Based on the Metropolitan Police Department’s understanding of You, this person always looked calm and composed, which was very consistent with the ‘Onmyoji’s’ attitude of holding the pearls in his hands.

Even he was so cautious, could it be that the extraordinary existence behind this Dushima was a tiger? Could it be a ghost?




Xicheng District

This place used to be just a "slum" in Osaka.

But because of a certain person, it became famous and even overshadowed the "business card of Osaka" also located in this area: Tobita Shinchi.

That person is naturally Takahashi Ai Ling, who is now far away in Non-Protocol: her "cat army" faced the modern army, which was a real crushing posture. At the same time, she is protected by "family members" with different abilities. She is one of the top strong men who can rank at the "ghost level" as a human being so far.

Ever since that person in Non-Protocol dragged the multinational coalition into the ground and directly killed and buried a dragon, this place has become an area that countless men in black have visited repeatedly.

However, everyone got nothing, and after they left one after another, the people living in this area still did what they had to do.

As for the area of ​​'Tobita Shinchi', it is naturally the same as before.

Unlike the unknown Xicheng District, Tobita Shinchi is well-known. There are hundreds of "Japanese izakayas" lined up here. The cute price list shows "dishes" in units of time.

Legal red-light district, men's paradise, and a must-visit place for foreign friends.

Just listen to these names and you will know what this place is about. Every night, thousands of female "professionals" provide "dishes" services for tourists from all over the world and all over the world. The price list is clear, the service is thoughtful, and it is widely praised.

In the night, the shops in Tobita Shinchi exude attractive lights and hang a row of red lanterns.

The decorations of ancient style and charm are deliberately used in the decoration, and the women wearing traditional costumes give people a feeling of dreaming back to the Taisho period.

But in fact, the core is all modern.

Even a certain sport that used to recite poems and songs and enjoy the romance has become a fast-paced "dish" in units of ten minutes.

The red lanterns showed a strange atmosphere. The pedestrians were shoulder to shoulder, which formed a sharp contrast with the girl sitting in the house. There were also drunkards supporting each other in groups of three or two.

"Hey, how about going to Yaeya tonight?"

"Ah, oh~~"

In a daze, the drunk looked up and his eyes were straight.

He saw a girl with waist-length hair and high school uniform walking towards him; she didn't have the worldly air of the girls in the store, giving people a sense of awe. Just walking in the middle of the street, passers-by took the initiative to move to the sides.

"Hey? This is today."

The accomplice next to him was even more drunk, and he actually mistook the other party for -


? !

The other party slightly turned his pupils,

It was like a bucket of ice poured on the heads of the two drunkards.

Crackling, crackling,

The two drunkards trembled like sieves in the uncontrollable knocking of their teeth; but the other party didn't look at them again, just passed by.

When the girl passed by, the two drunkards immediately had weak knees.

Dong, Dong,

"Am I dead?"

"I should. I shouldn't be?"

The two drunks who had fallen limply on the street and sobered up instantly looked at each other's pants.

It's wet.

It's better not to come to this kind of place again.


Seeing the girl coming straight at her, the mama-san of a 'cooking house' stood up.

"This one."

Females are not welcome in Tobita Shinchi,

which is also a matter of course, because this place is originally doing that kind of business.

And the girl in front of her, with the mama-san's decades of eyesight, can be seen at a glance that she is a young girl, definitely not a girl from other shops. But when she met the other's eyes, the scolding words immediately stuck in her throat and turned into:


"You are..."

"Don't be nervous, I'm just looking for your customer."

As soon as these words came out, the mama-san in the old-fashioned bathrobe changed her face even more.

Because the customer in her shop is——

Boom! !

The girl in school uniform with long hair walked into the store for a few seconds, and a violent explosion suddenly erupted, sending the stunned mama-san flying out.

"Who are you?!"

In the 'cooking house' with a big hole,

a burly man with clear muscle contours and only wearing a pair of boxer shorts stepped out.

And the person he questioned was the girl in school uniform with long hair flying after the 'explosion' and landing on the other side of the street.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is how strong you are."


"Looking for death!"

Hearing the girl say this, the man's face turned angry and he immediately ran over.

"That's not Sasuke Wisteria of the Self-Defense Forces."

"It's an extraordinary battle——"

"Retreat, retreat, retreat!"

Pedestrians on the street turned around to look, and their expressions changed.

As 'regular customers' on this street, how could they not know this person?

Wisteria Sakan, known as the ‘Heavy Artillery of the Self-Defense Forces’; he doesn’t have any special hobbies, he just likes to play in Tobita Shinchi. He is generous and extraordinary. He is the guest that many 'cooking' restaurants are looking forward to. It's a pity that he is more of an 'omnivore' and doesn't have any fixed preferences.

Now, someone actually dares to cause trouble for him?

And still

A high school girl?


The big man swept across with his whip leg and instantly kicked the stone lucky cat in front of a store into pieces.

The gravel roared out like shotguns, making the nearby shop rattle.

All embedded in wooden buildings!


The girl just jumped back lightly to avoid this kick.


"Why don't we make a bet?"

Facing the long-haired girl who easily dodged to the side of the street, the junior officer of the Self-Defense Forces laughed lewdly.

"Whoever loses will be the other's slave for a month!"

"Sorry, I'm not interested in dead people."

The girl opposite also smiled, and her smile was so cold that it sent a chill through Wisteria Sakan, as if the extraordinary power had left him.

"No need to anger me, because-"

The corners of the long-haired girl's mouth grinned, raised and curved to the left and right.

"I'm already excited!"

? !

Encountered a formidable enemy,

The 'lewd smile' on his face disappeared, and the sergeant became serious and no longer held back his hand.

"Kick the sand!"

Kicked hard on the ground in front of me,

As the name suggests, the trick is to kick up the sand on the ground - but this is a part of Osaka city after all, where does the sand come from?



With the blessing of extraordinary power, Wisteria Sakan's toes dug straight into the ground like razors.

Use the soles of your feet to exert force: cement, sand, and gravel will roar out like shotguns!

If it were an ordinary person, it would be riddled with holes in an instant, as miserable as being shot by a machine gun.

"A child's trick,"

How could this move pose any threat to the long-haired girl who showed extraordinary agility?

With a flash of figure, she can easily——? !


A shirtless figure broke through the 'barrage' of sand, rocks and debris at an astonishing speed and appeared in front of the girl.

The whole person spun around in the air, and his right leg roared towards him like a giant axe:



This kick was really like a bomb. With a loud bang, the girl flew away and hit the wall of a shop hard!

The wall behind the girl was as fragile as paper and could not withstand the impact and exploded on the spot.

Click, click,

A series of sounds of walls exploding sounded,

Not just this one, it sounded like the poor girl had penetrated several stores in a row.


"Woo woo woo,"

The screams turned into whimpering, and it was obvious that someone in the shop was frightened by this surprise.

His mouth was forcibly covered again by someone or himself.

"Hmph, do you really think our Self-Defense Forces are easy to bully?"

The big man wearing a pair of boxer briefs snorted coldly. As an assistant officer of the Self-Defense Forces, he not only possesses 'spiritual power', he has also figured out his own 'self-power' through systematic training and hard work. Create skills'.

Well, although this so-called self-created skill is an imitation of the 'witchcraft' of an unlucky old man, power is power.

"Yeah, not bad."

? ? ?

Amidst the clear voice, a slim figure walked out of the hole in the shop.

"You just used some kind of skill to explode with speed and strength far beyond normal, just like-"


A strong long leg appeared next to Saguan Purpledo's face, and the impact caused ripples on his face to appear out of thin air.



The next moment, the person who transformed into a cannonball flying out and piercing a series of buildings with crackling was replaced by a big man from the Self-Defense Forces.

? ? ?

How is it possible? This move is not my own.

"Explosive bomb?"

A voice kept approaching, causing the big man lying in the ruins to struggle to stand up.

"Not a bad ability, now."

It's mine.

Young girls come in style,

In the eyes of a big man, he is like an evil ghost Shura!

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