I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 229 Upgrading Alone

buzz buzz,

The unique buzzing sound of the drone comes from far to near,

Before these 'Falcon' drones could lower their altitude, several figures fell from the sky.

"You are here,"

A Self-Defense Force lieutenant commanding the scene turned around and greeted several people.

"How's the situation?"

Hearing these people's hurried inquiries, the other party did not answer, but just tilted his head to the side.

On both sides of the street, deliberately antique shops were connected and pierced, as if they had been bombarded by heavy artillery; red lanterns representing "business" were hung in pieces in the ruins, flickering. And in this messy battlefield, there lay a twisted figure of a big man.

"Wisteria Sakan."

The few people who came were all silent.

This big man wearing only boxer briefs was a wolf-level 'master' who had mastered the 'self-created skills'. Why was he lying down?

"This is Osaka, who did this?!"

Although other cities have "curfews" at night, there is no impact on Tokyo and Osaka.

Tokyo is shrouded by a sacred tree, and monsters and demons dare not take a step beyond its reach; Osaka is guarded by General Kafka, and all evil spirits flee upon hearing the news.

In addition, there are a large number of extraordinary lieutenants and assistant officers of the Self-Defense Forces; let alone evil spirits, even extraordinary beings would not dare to cause trouble here; otherwise, I would like to mention a member of the Self-Defense Forces prison cell.


Surrounding the corpse on the ground, several lieutenants who arrived clenched their fists.

"Isn't Kuromaru here yet?"

"Two minutes left,"

Not long after, another transport drone flew over in the night sky.

Brush, X2

"Everyone, it's been a long wait."

The man who jumped down raised his hand to say hello. He was also dressed as a Lieutenant of the Self-Defense Forces.

The difference is that there is a military dog ​​beside him!

"Kuromaru, please."

The lieutenant knelt down and stroked the military dog's head affectionately, and the yellow-haired and black-backed 'shepherd dog' nodded.

There is no doubt that this is also an extraordinary dog, a descendant of the former Tanimura family's military dog.

In addition to blood drawing, the two extraordinary dogs also enjoyed a lot of services from the 'Meiniang Dogs'. Together with artificial insemination and other methods, they left many descendants. With a dog's two-month gestation period and two months of growth training, these offspring are ready for battle.

Most of them are just ordinary dogs, but a small number show extraordinary characteristics: this military dog ​​named "Black Pill" is one of them.

Although there is no 'magic', his extraordinary sense of smell is far more important than 'dog level'!


After sniffing the corpse, the military dog ​​jumped lightly and jumped to the roof next to it.

Then he turned around and looked toward the southeast.


The leading sergeant took the lead in leaping onto the roof, and several lieutenants followed suit.


A group of figures leaped forward in the building. People on the street below happened to see it, and the uniforms of the Self-Defense Forces made them turn their heads.

How can ordinary people inquire about the extraordinary masters who come and go?

Anyway, work, rest, school.

This is most people's daily life.

"The target left Osaka city and headed towards Yao City?"

At the Self-Defense Forces Army Headquarters located in Gojo City, the personnel on duty at night were talking to the pursuit team while calling the cameras in Yao City, trying to find traces of the other party. At the same time, according to the scene description, they quickly locked the prisoner's identity.

Photography is not allowed in Feitian Xindi, and there are no surveillance equipment of any kind: the reasons are self-evident.

However, there are many witnesses and the special nature of the target:

"Attention, pursuit team,"

"The target's information will be transmitted to you immediately."

As the logistics staff typed on the keyboard, information about the 'Poison Island' appeared in the wrist computers of the pursuers in an instant.

"Is it her?"

"Isn't this the offender of the Kendo Competition?"

Under the night, several sergeants and lieutenants of the Self-Defense Forces were stunned for a moment as they leapt forward on the top of the building.

Some of them were watching the live broadcast, and the female high school girls who were ruthless in the competition naturally knew about it.

"It shouldn't be,"

Looking at the smiling female high school student in the photo, the pursuers were puzzled.

No matter how you look at it, this is the famous "Yamato Nadeshiko" with a cool face and a proud figure; how could she suddenly act cruelly during the game, then escape from prison, and then attack the sergeant of their Self-Defense Force non-stop?

"Don't let her appearance fool you,"

"Judging from past experience, this is a bloodthirsty Shura."

The assistant officer leading the team spoke,


Also based on her past experience, the other party is also a very rational person.

Every time he hits someone hard and maims someone, it's all in the name of 'self-defense'.

Coupled with her status as a girl and the power behind her,

Only in this way can one be exempted from legal prosecution as a ‘victim’.

Why does your temperament suddenly change now?

"Who knows, maybe he suddenly gained extraordinary power and finally couldn't suppress his inner impulse."

"Perhaps the mind is controlled by extraordinary power, just like General Lu at the beginning."

A lieutenant made a guess, which made the flying sergeant's eyes move slightly.

"It's very possible. Everyone must be careful."

Brush, brush, brush, brush,

Black shadows flew through the night,

The speed of movement of extraordinary beings is not inferior to that of modern means of transportation.

Besides, they can fly over buildings, and the terrain has almost no effect on them; the team quickly passed through Yao City, where people were resting and sleeping, and approached:

"Be careful, you are about to enter the range of Mt. Myojin."

"There is no one in that area."


"Enemy attack--"

The exclamation of the pursuit team suddenly came from the headset,

The logistics personnel of Gojo City were startled, and the original routine report was interrupted.

"Please report the number and strength of the enemy!"

"One enemy,"

"It's the target!"

Amid the shouting and gunfire, the voice of the leading officer came.

"Strength. Temporarily determined to be wolf level!"

Wolf level,

That is, strength, speed, and physique are all-round beyond humans.

Able to jump more than ten meters, walk on walls and water, and also have some kind of "supernatural ability".


"Criminal Dushima, surrender immediately!"

Under the night, at the edge of Yao City, near the valley of the two mountains of Nobuki and Myojin, several figures were chasing at high speed.


Since the high school girl in front showed no sign of cooperation, they were not polite.

Several lieutenants drew their special firearms from their waists.

Ultra-large caliber, full-power charge, depleted uranium warhead

Combined with the superhuman's dynamic vision and agility, once hit, will they be covered in bruises?


It's a piece here and there!

This kind of weapon is not used to hit people, at least it wasn't in the past.

But now in this superhuman era, it has become the 'standard' for superhuman lieutenants.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The special bullets that are enough to tear apart ordinary people in an instant, and even wolf-level superhumans will be injured, whizzed out, and 'bite' the slender girl in front at a terrifying speed of 1,000 meters per second. It seems that she will be torn into pieces in the next second--


The girl flying in front turned swiftly,

her body gracefully leaned back into a bow, and easily let these powerful bullets pass by her.

One of them even passed through her elastic and swaying "twin peaks", which made all the Self-Defense Force lieutenants' eyes go straight!

Don't get me wrong, it's not "lust for beauty"; with the status of these extraordinary lieutenants, there are many beauties who want to climb into their bed, but the other party's way of dodging bullets:

If it's not a coincidence, it means-

"Be careful!"

"The other party has extraordinary vision, extraordinary reaction and other abilities!"

While the lieutenant loudly warned others, he rushed forward first, raising his right foot in a high-speed charge.


With one foot stomped down,

the ground suddenly turned into an agitated drum surface, and the mud and smoke turned into layers of visible vibrations that spread out.

"Landmine shock!"


The feet of Dudao, who was flying back in front, were numb, and violent vibrations came from the ground.


With a crisp sound,

the girl's shoes and stockings exploded on the spot, revealing a pair of jade feet.

The numb impact made her high-speed moving figure suddenly pause, and she couldn't help but stagger.


Taking advantage of the fact that Dudao's body was restricted in movement, the lieutenant chased after him with big strides; he ignored the girl's arms that were raised to block, and grabbed her shoulders with a pair of hands as big as a palm leaf fan.


As soon as she was caught, the numbness from the ground shaking before invaded Dudao's shoulders!

This made her hands, which were originally prepared to block the opponent, temporarily sore and weak.

"Heaven and Earth Return!"

Grabbing Dudao's shoulders, he lifted the girl up high.

Like a 'bench', the lieutenant of the Self-Defense Force was merciless and was about to smash her to the ground!

"Explosive bomb,"

The girl caught in his hand did not sit and wait for death, but twisted her waist and turned in the air, and her agile long legs burst out with amazing power, with a whistling sound like a battle axe, sweeping towards the lieutenant's head!

What is this move.? !

The lieutenant officer, who knew the horror of this move, leaned back violently.

A jade foot whizzed past the tip of his nose, leaving several bloody marks, and his entire face was in a burning pain.

As he leaned back, Dudao had already seized the opportunity to break free from the clamp and floated to the side.

It was a long story, but the fight between the two was just a blink of an eye.

"Lieutenant Daimon!"

"We'll help you--"

The other lieutenants saw that it was difficult to hit the bullets, so they pulled out high-voltage electric batons, wooden long knives and other weapons from their waists and surrounded them.

"It was Lieutenant Shido just now."

Before the ugly-looking 'Lieutenant Daimon' finished questioning, Dudao had already raised his right leg.

"You just used the 'spiritual power' like this--"


The delicate soles of his feet fell and stepped on the ground, as if stepping on the water.

The soil suddenly turned into a surging drumhead, and the undulating smoke and dust turned into layers of visible vibrations that spread out.

"Landmine shock!"

As the shock waves spread out, the lieutenants who were rushing over paused.

The invisible impact went up along their feet. Although they were wearing high-strength shoes and military pants, they were not torn on the spot, but the uncontrollable numbness still made them stagger.

"Landmine shock?"

"Commander Daimon's"

"This is impossible--!!"

If the other lieutenants were just surprised, the commander named 'Damen' was horrified!

He was once a famous judoka in the island country. After becoming extraordinary, he combined his skills and spiritual power to develop his own 'shock' ability; he was able to mix his fists and kicks with an impact that paralyzes his opponent, which allowed him to Step into the wolf level and become an assistant officer of the Self-Defense Forces.

His unique skill was revealed in the blink of an eye.

How could this not frighten him?

"Awesome technique,"

Different from the 'explosion' that simply explodes from the legs, this self-defense force officer's 'concussion' technique is more comprehensive.

Can be integrated into trample and various throwing techniques.


He shook his five fingers, and in his blood-red eyes, a round of black magatama turned around Dudao, and his eyes swept over the stern faces of the Self-Defense Forces.

"Whatever abilities you have, please show them."

After a few minutes,


The sergeant of the Self-Defense Forces named ‘Damon’ was half kneeling on the ground.

Being hit repeatedly by your own unique skills and feeling so weak and weak all over is a unique experience.

Looking at the slumped lieutenants around him, and then at the girl holding a wooden sword opposite him, the lieutenant stood up and assumed a fighting posture again.

Weighing the wooden knife in his hand with satisfaction, Busujima tilted his head slightly.

"Do you have other abilities?"

Judging from the answer on the other party's expression, Busujima couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"No more?"

That's right,

Even if you are a wolf-level transcendent,

Generally speaking, they only have one or two abilities: This is why she went to the Self-Defense Forces in the first place!

Not only can you have a good time fighting, but you can also 'learn' a lot of abilities from them; in just a few hours, you can go from an ordinary 'blank slate' to a powerful wolf level

"It's time to end, your struggles are pointless."


Facing the girl who raised the wooden sword in her hand, the gate sergeant replied with a cold face.

"You forgot where this is."

"This is an island country, we are the Self-Defense Forces, reinforcements"

Already arrived.


A bolt of lightning snaked from the distant night sky and reflected in Busujima's Sharingan.

? ? ?


Thunder exploded, and the blazing and circuitous electric light spread out in all directions with the place where Busu Dao stood just now as the center; and merged with each other, turning into spherical shapes and disappearing.

"Ahem, you are."

The lightning dispersed, and a young boy who looked like a high school student came over.

In fact, he is already an adult, but because of his "tender face" and "amnesia", he looks younger than he actually is.


Opposite the boy who landed on the ground, a ravine stretched out for more than ten meters.

At the end of the ravine, the wooden knife in his hand was inserted into the ground. Busu Dao's long hair was flying, and his face was serious as the skin on his body squeaked in the circuitous current.

"Miss Busujima, please give up resistance."

Saitosuke, who rode lightning and flew towards him, injured Busujima with one move, then folded his wings behind him.

The 'demon' state is powerful, but the sequelae are also serious; unless it is absolutely necessary, it is best not to maintain this posture.

After exiting the 'demonization' - that is, the second state of the curse seal, Saitosuke looked at the female high school student holding a wooden sword across from him and warned him again seriously:

"You should understand that you are no match for me."


"I haven't fought, so who knows?"

Facing the tiger-level Saitosuke, Busujima showed no fear. He raised the wooden sword in his hand sideways and made a 'thrusting' stance.

"In that case, I'm offended."

Raise your five fingers and thunder and lightning jump on them.

Saitosuke stopped talking nonsense. Recruited by General Kafka, he joined the Self-Defense Forces: protecting the people was in line with his justice.


With a flash of his figure, Saitosuke appeared in front of Busujima in a flash with a truly 'fast and lightning' speed.

With five fingers, he grabbed and pulled out a crackling sound. The electric python and silver snake entwined and swam around the power grid, with unparalleled dazzling white light, and swept down the opponent's head with an overwhelming force.

At the same time, the other hand clenched his fist at his waist, and lightning wrapped around his fist, forming the shape of a ball of lightning, ready to go—

? ? ?

Carrying the thunder net covering his whole body, Busuda held the wooden sword in front of him.

"Thunder Fist!"

The next moment,

A punch with thunder and lightning and huge force hit the wooden sword.

Thunder and lightning suddenly burst out, instantly submerging Poison Island, causing her to turn into a cannonball and fly backwards!

At the same time, electric sparks crackled in all directions, and incandescent light emitted from the girl's body, making her whole body seem to turn transparent in an instant, and the white bones were clearly visible.

Saitosuke is a tiger level, and his first move is earth-shattering!

"it's over,"

The gate sergeant who witnessed all this said,

Except for General Kafka, no one in the Self-Defense Forces dared to resist the thunder and lightning that General Saito was attacking.


"What a 'gentle' man"

Flying upside down for dozens of meters and breaking several big trees before coming to a stop, the girl with long black hair raised her head, and the dark magatama slowly rotated in the red pupils of her eyes.

"If you had just punched me, I would have been dead."

"Miss Busujima, I don't want to kill anyone."

Saitosuke spoke slowly. Before he came, the government hoped that he could capture the target alive:

Not only did Busushima suddenly become extraordinary, but also because of his fighting talent, the government wanted to recruit him.

So it was Saitosuke who came, but precisely because it was Saitosuke:

"You're a good person,"

"It's a pity that you don't have the chance to kill me."

? ?

In Busushima's calm words, Saitosuke suddenly turned around!

Behind him, the lieutenants who had been injured and fell to the ground got up and used their guns:

Pointing to his temple!

It is easy to see from their blank pupils that they are obviously being controlled.

This poisonous island actually has such ability?

"Let them go,"

Facing the serious Saitosuke, Busujima, who was covered in burnt skin, smiled slightly.


"After I leave."

After saying that, lightning also jumped on her body!

? ? ?


With the blessing of thunder and lightning, the girl turned around and flew towards the Mingshen Mountain!



Looking back at the lieutenants who were holding their weapons against their temples, Saitosuke's figure flashed.

The lightning refracted between the lieutenants, knocking off their weapons.

In the end, he chose to save people first.


PS: Three knives chopped up the dream of the great sage, one punch blocked the westward journey; if you can beat him, you are the man of destiny, but if you can't beat him, you are Sun Shangxiang.

I can’t do it anymore~~I’m dizzy in 3D~~my head is all muddy (collapsed and asked for leave)

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