I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 239 Seven Ninja Swords


Chiyoda Kasumigaseki, Metropolitan Police Department.


"Yes, Director."

Director Zhuya, who had just slept for two hours, was getting dressed while listening to the secretary's report.

"The image of this extraordinary being who calls himself 'Totosai' is an old man with a mustache, hair tied into a bunch, slightly pointed ears, and wearing a blue robe with black stripes."

"He is currently forging weapons in the crater of Mount Fuji. It is unclear whether the magma gushing out of Mount Fuji is related to him."

"Prepare the plane, I'll be there right away!"

Director Zhuya, who had already dressed, strode out and ordered:

"Send the Holy Son to come."

There's no reason why he doesn't pay attention to it, that's Mount Fuji!

Mount Fuji, which is more than 3,700 meters high, is a typical stratiform cone-shaped volcano: it was actually formed only a mere 80,000 years ago.

There was once a flat land. During tens of thousands of years of continuous eruptions, volcanic ash and other materials accumulated repeatedly, forming four volcanoes: Senko Ontake, Ko Ontake, Kofuji, and Shin Fuji. One after another, the volume and height continued to expand, forming the final appearance.

If a volcano nearly four thousand meters high erupts in full

I dare not say that I will blow the island country back to the Stone Age.

But Tokyo is definitely gone.

Especially in this world where extraordinary events occur frequently, it is not impossible!

Therefore, even though there are not many climbers anymore, the island government still has not removed the staff on the mountain top, and now they are finally put to use.

Quickly arriving at the helipad behind the Metropolitan Police Department, Director Zhuya, who had one foot on the helicopter, turned around and said:

"Please forget it by the way."

Originally, he wanted to invite Yu to come over and take a look.

But thinking about that person's character, I gave up the idea.

Wait for him to explore the situation first, and then make plans if something goes wrong; if he is just a low-level extraordinary, wouldn't it be making a mountain out of a molehill?

However, Director Zhuya, who was on the helicopter, had a feeling that the extraordinary being he was about to face was definitely not simple!

Ten minutes later,

The helicopter hovered not far from the top of the mountain. Before it lowered its altitude, several figures leaped down.

Since the advent of the extraordinary, the method of rappelling has become "outdated".

Real men jump right off the plane!

Whoa, whoa, whoa,

The sound of a series of small stones rolling down was heard.

Mount Fuji was formed by volcanic eruptions and is mostly composed of basalt and picrite basalt.

So it can be said that there is almost no grass growing, only large and small gray-black rocks form this rising mountain range: you know, the altitude of Tokyo not far away is only more than 30 meters!

"What sound?"

"That is."

Ordinary people can only follow fixed paths when climbing mountains.

Director Zhuya and the others, however, completely ignored the terrain problem and rushed all the way to the shrine below the 'Sword Peak'. The people gathered here were frightened and alerted, and a light shone over them.

"I am Director Zhu Ya from the Extraordinary Countermeasures Division,"

Pushing up his plain glasses, the director stepped forward and asked.

"Where is that 'Totosai' from?"


Hearing the other party's name, especially seeing this face that often appeared in the news, the staff at the top of the mountain turned off the lights one after another, and an older man came up to meet him.

"That old Mr. Totozai is at the top of the mountain."

"Shall I take you there?"

"No need,"

Raising his hand to stop the old staff member, Director Zhuya walked towards the top of the mountain.

"Holy Son, follow me."

After all, Director Zhuya is also a "veteran extraordinary person". Although he may be the first person to become an extraordinary person, he has never had any extraordinary abilities. However, the aura he has cultivated through overtime work every day is also strong, and his running ability is not weaker than that of an ordinary wolf. .

And after Fuji Seiko mastered the 'Uranium Light Wave Fist', he gradually moved closer to the tiger level.

An extraordinary existence would not leave them helpless.

Dang, Dang, Dang,

When the two arrived at the top of the mountain, they saw red light filling the air. The crater, which was once the size of several football fields, was already full of lava, but it did not emerge.

Next to the magma, there was indeed an old man in robes swinging a hammer and tapping the sword embryo in his hand.

Apart from anything else, just the ability to stand barefoot next to the lava makes him extraordinary.

"Mr. Totosai, please excuse me."

Taking a few steps forward, with his shoes smoking, Director Zhuya lowered his head and saluted calmly.

"You mortals, why are you here again?"

Turning his head impatiently, the old man stopped mid-sentence.

"Two low-level warriors?"

"No, no, why is it you, a weakling, who comes forward to talk to me?"

As a director, I am a weak person.

I'm so sorry!

Zhu Yachun, who works overtime every day and every month, couldn't help but curse in her heart.

However, he also understood that according to the concepts of these extraordinary beings: the greater the reputation and the higher the status, the stronger the power.

"Hey, old sir, who will agree to your forging a knife here?"

"In this wilderness, I can just find a place to forge a sword, who else is going to agree to it——"

very good,

There is no unknown existence involved.

"Old sir, this is not a wilderness."

"This mountain is the symbol of our island country and has been the territory of the Tokugawa family for hundreds of years. The old gentleman uses lava to forge knives. If he accidentally causes an underground fire to erupt."

"For injuring the sacred tree of Inari God Mitsu-sama, we mortals are really to blame for our death."

After saying this, the director looked sad, as if he wanted to commit seppuku on the spot.


"I'm just using some 'earth fire' to forge the sword, what does it have to do with the God-controlling tree tens of thousands of meters away?"

"Besides, how can a mere fire damage the sacred tree?"

After speaking, the old man waved his hand impatiently.

"Go quickly, go quickly!"

"Don't miss my knife forging——"

"Holy Son, what do you think?"

Walking down from the top of the mountain, Director Zhuya asked Teng Seiko next to him.

"The other party has powerful spiritual power, at least tiger level. There are several objects with solid spiritual power under the robe. It is speculated that they are extraordinary creations."

"With the extraordinary strength of Countermeasures Section, it is best to avoid enmity with it."

The blue chakra dancing in the eyes of the Holy Son was the reason why she made these judgments.

Uranium light wave boxing·radar scanning

Well, actually the essence is: Peacock Magic·Tong.

By concentrating radiant chakra on the pupils, you can see the traces left by the chakra.

This is the use of the secret technique of the "Star Ninja Village". It may sound deceptive at first, but it is essentially the same as seeing footprints with the naked eye.

At such a close distance, it is normal for the Holy Son to be able to 'see' the other party's spiritual power fluctuations, as well as the fluctuations of the 'magic weapons' carried on his body.

Of course, all she can see is what someone lets her see.

"That's it,"

Tiger level, and carries many extraordinary creations with him.

With such an existence, as long as he does not engage in mass murder or destruction, the island government will turn a blind eye.

No, since this is an extraordinary 'swordsmith', wouldn't it be a waste of natural resources just to ignore it?

We have to find a way to win him over!

It’s wrong to want to recruit Chaofan to work when he sees Chaofan. It’s Director Zhuya who is participating in the grand event, and his heart is full of passion.


clang clang clang,

In the undisturbed crater, an old man named 'Totosai' banged the sword embryo and muttered at the same time.

"It shouldn't be. I have read the memories of many blacksmiths."

But when I actually started doing it, I realized it wasn't that easy.

Needless to say,

This 'Totosai' is also Yu's clone.

The reason why I came here was just to forge a sword.

Ninjas in the Naruto world also need ninja tools to fight.

Not everyone is like the prince, who rubs a ball from beginning to end, changing the pattern, and directly rubs it to the six-level level.

In most ninja battles, ninja tools are used: kunai, shuriken, and short swords are standard equipment for many ninjas.

The 'Uchiha Uchiha Fan' behind Madara is made of the branches of the sacred tree. It can be used to perform the ninjutsu 'Uchiha Rebound', which bounces the opponent's ninjutsu back to the opponent: Naruto's small tailed beast jade was bounced back. Pass.

The Second Hokage Senju Tobirama also has a weapon called the Thunder God Sword.

One move, 'Flying Thunder God Slash', seriously injured Uchiha Izuna, and this weapon also played an important role.

There is also Orochimaru and Sasuke's 'Kusanagi Sword', which was later given to Boruto. It can be said that one sword has been passed down to three generations, and the sword is still there.

In addition to these, there are also the famous "Ninja Tools of the Six Paths": the Seven-Star Sword, the Golden Rope, the Red Gourd, the Banana Fan, and the Amber Purifying Bottle. The name of these "Ninja Tools of the Six Paths" is too lazy for Yu to complain about, and it is also very useful. Simple and straightforward: I call you, do you dare to agree?

In any case, these ninja tools are very powerful. If used properly, it will not be a problem to turn the car into a shadow level.

The two brothers, Golden Horn and Silver Horn, were able to kill the Second Raikage and the Second Hokage in succession, also relying on the powerful effect of the Six Paths Ninja Tool!

Yuu still remembers that after the Ninja World War, most of the Six Paths Ninja Tools fell into the hands of 'Tenten', who was the first person to truly upgrade from the ground up, rising from an ordinary jounin to a shadow level in an instant.


"But those are too high-end,"

“Let’s start with ‘ordinary’ ninja tools—”

The hammer hits the sword embryo. In front of chakra, the high-strength alloy material changes shape easily like ooze.

What Yu wants to forge is the decapitating sword from the 'Seven Ninja Swords'!

The "Seven Ninja Swordsmen" of Kirigakure Village, also known as "Same Muscle" and their six followers.

The same shark muscle in the hand of Kisame Kisaki can not only absorb chakra, but can also merge with its owner. It is said to be a sword, but more like a 'living creature'; its power is also amazing, and it is the undisputed first of the seven swords.

The beheading sword is at the bottom of the seven swords.

Other ninja swords can cause explosions, draw thunder and lightning, or carry out long-distance attacks.

Only the beheading sword has a mediocre ability to 'absorb blood and regenerate'.

Please, even if the weapon breaks after being hit, the user is still alive?

"Well, then I'll add one for you."

The ability to absorb the opponent's blood to restore physical strength and injuries!

A knife that never breaks should be paired with a murderer who never gets tired.

With Yu's current strength and realm, he can definitely start forging high-end ninja tools such as the 'Seven Ninja Swords'.

Aren’t the ninja swords in the Naruto world also forged by ninjas?

A ninja without a ‘ninja sword’,

is incomplete.


Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture.

This is not part of Tokyo's 23 wards, but is actually very close to the core of Tokyo: just across Tokyo Bay.

Opposite Tokyo Bay are Minato and Chuo wards: many people choose to live in Chiba City and then work in Tokyo; instead of commuting by train, they take a boat.

"You will follow me from now on,"

In the headquarters building of Chiba Shipping, the girl sitting behind the desk looked at the two people in front of her.

"You will soon know that I am a generous employer."

"But if you dare to betray me, you will regret coming to this world."

"Miss, please believe in my professional ethics."

The man named 'Black Wolf' crossed his arms and looked relaxed.

"I don't spend enough time practicing martial arts every day, and I don't have the energy to care about other things."

Jiukong Yaoai believed what 'Black Wolf' said: Although he was just a newcomer in the 'underground martial arts world', he had a calm personality and good strength. He was her future extraordinary coach.

As for the bandaged boy next to him,

"Is there any difference between working for the 'Ken Won Association' and working for me?"


The contract that had just been signed with the 'Ken Won Association' was easily 'bought' by the girl in front of him. Looking at the string of zeros in the transaction, Xiao's understanding of this world was constantly subverted.

The world of the rich, I can't understand, I can't understand~~

However, this young lady has extraordinary power and secular 'money ability'. If you use her power.

"My condition is: please help me find someone, young lady."

"No problem,"

Jiukong Yaoai agreed immediately.

This was one of the conditions agreed upon in the 'Kengankai'.

"Tell me, what's the other party's name."

"Shishegui Wangma"


Looking at the girl who stood up suddenly, Xiao frowned under the bandage.

"Young lady, do you know him?"


"More than knowing him, I remember him clearly!"

When she thought of the man who easily beat her and made her run away in embarrassment, Jiukong Yaoai, who had transformed into a girl, was furious.

Not only did she almost fall over when she went out for the first time, but she also lost face in front of the 'master'.

This grudge will be remembered!

"But it's not that easy to meet him."

After all, the 'Shishegui Wangma' is a strong man who is not weaker than the tiger level.

He usually interacts with the leaders of the top chaebols. How can an ordinary 'dog level' be qualified to make friends with him?

No, he is a martial artist of the Nogi Zaibatsu, and he has an ambiguous relationship with the eldest daughter of the Toyota family. He can be said to be a high-ranking figure in the island country.

A year ago, it was unimaginable; but in this extraordinary era, a strong man can be on par with the top zaibatsu.

"I will arrange this matter."

After saying that, Jiukong Yaoai, who plays the role of the "young lady", looked at Heilang.

"Heilang, your move "sting", did you mention the word "part training"? "

"Yes, young lady."

The other party is his employer, so Heilang will naturally tell everything he knows.

"The so-called "part training" is a hard skill."

"Just like Muay Thai fighters, who kick trees repeatedly for years to train leg bones that are different from ordinary people."

This method is available in many fighting schools: but in the past, this method was very harmful to the body. Even with the so-called "secret medicine", it was still just to delay the outbreak of aging.

"But it's different now,"

"With the blessing of spiritual power, through special methods, repeatedly training a certain part, training it like steel, there is no problem at all."

After saying this, the man 'Black Wolf' looked admiring.

"This method was invented by Master Kuroki of the 'Strange Arm Style' and taught to everyone."

The master's strength may not be as good as those active strong men, but his contribution to the martial arts world is definitely not inferior to anyone.

"Part training?"

Jiukong Yaoai thought,

Interesting skills, then learn them.

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