I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 240 Extraordinary knife maker, come quickly!

It's past four o'clock,

Standing on the top of Mount Fuji with a height of 3700 meters,

The crimson sun can already be seen, appearing like a disk in the clouds on the horizon.


Raising the blade in his hand, blazing flames spit out from the mouth of the 'Totosai', burning it red.

Then he raised his hand towards the magma in the crater next to him:


The 'lake' that was as big as several football fields immediately boiled and surged, and the red magma turned into a torrent and flew towards it.


The magma flew thinner and thinner, and finally poured into the knife embryo. It was obviously just an ordinary long knife, but the space inside seemed endless. Even if hundreds of tons of magma poured into it, it still did not stop. Until the huge crater sinks dozens of meters down:

The old man-looking ‘Totosai’ raised his hammer high and slammed it on the blade.

"seal up!"


A melodious sound of metal collision spread from the top of Mount Fuji,

The voice was not high, but it was continuous. Director Zhuya, who was sleeping in the shrine and rarely gave himself a 'vacation', suddenly opened his eyes.

"Just now?"

"It's the sound of the old gentleman from the Toto Studio forging swords."

The secretary outside the room quickly came in to report, which made Director Zhu Ya, who looked a little blank, have eyes moving.

"Let's go and have a look!"

With such a big movement, could it be that the forging of the sword has been completed?

It shouldn't be. According to the legend, it should be seven, seven, forty-nine days, ninety-nine and eighty-one days. Is it considered a success if it triggers the vision of heaven and earth?

Director Zhuya, who had fallen asleep without taking off his clothes, rushed to the top of the mountain. What he saw was the crater that was "dented" dozens of meters down, and the old man who was beating with a long red knife.

"Mr. Totosai, are you done?"

Against the rolling heat wave around him, Director Zhuya leaned over and looked curiously at the red long knife in the old man's hand.

"Whether it works or not, I have to try the knife first before deciding."

Test knife?

Director Zhuya paused in his steps. Could it be that the other party was planning to kill him?


The old man "Totosai" waved the long red sword in his hand, and blazing magma gushes out of the long sword out of thin air, turning into a half-moon-shaped red light and striking at the "Sword Peak" next to it.


In the soft sound,

On the rim of the crater dozens of meters away, red scratches cut through the black rock.


After a slight pause, dozens or hundreds of tons of basalt suddenly slid down.

Only a red bevel was left, like lava that had not yet solidified.

? ? ?


Director Zhuya's eyes widened.

Not that I was shocked that ‘Mt. Fuji’ was damaged.

Although this peak is a symbol of the island country, in order to protect Mount Fuji, not to mention the cable car, even the road up the mountain is paved with 'natural' stones.

But in Director Zhuya’s view, what’s the point of a mountain if all the people are gone?

"It's amazing!"

What surprised him was the power of this 'sword'.


Why isn't it the power of 'Totosai' itself?

How can anyone 'test a knife' use his own ability to cover the knife itself: what else can he try out?

“Not too bad,”

Regarding this, which is also his first work, 'Totosai' nodded slightly.

Originally, Yuu planned to directly build the 'Decapitating Broadsword·Enhanced Version', but after trying it, there was an embarrassment that 'the brain is good, but the hands are not'.

Fortunately, no one saw his failure in the middle of the night. While re-smelting the waste sword, You Ling had an idea and tried to use local materials to make this 'blood successor' ninja sword.

As for the specific process, someone who failed to forge the sword caught an evil spirit in anger, gave it the ability of 'melting escape', and then sealed it in the sword.

"Well, although it's not one ten thousandth as good as the 'Flowing Blade Like Fire', it's pretty good for ordinary 'ghost angels'."

The old man named 'Toto Sai' seemed to be in a good mood as he curled up the red long sword in his hand.

This ninja sword forged with evil spirits is equivalent to an unconscious 'melting escape' ninja.

As long as you inject chakra into it, you can perform melt escape.

As for how far it can be used.

Who knows!

But this knife is indeed prepared for 'ghosts'.

Molten Release is a blood inheritance boundary formed by the combination of fire and earth chakras, showing the changes in the properties of magma or volcanic ash: the granddaughter of the four-tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Murasaki and Onoki, nicknamed "Leg Shadow" The black earth mastered this kind of blood inheritance limit.

The Mizukage Terumei uses the 'melting release' which is a combination of earth and water chakra. Although the two may sound the same, they are actually quite different.

"Old sir, did you just mention 'ghost'?"

Director Zhuya pricked up his ears at the soliloquy of this 'Totosai', but he didn't dare to leave a single word behind.


"This weapon is the Zanpakutō that the man from "Fengdu" in Huangquan asked me to help build."

As he spoke, the old man raised his hand to smooth his beard.

"The blacksmiths in Huangquan can only make some ordinary goods."

"Since I was asked to do it carefully, I have no choice but to come out and stretch my muscles."

Even if Yuu... No, it was Guiji who taught the blacksmiths in Huangquan how to forge blades for free: in a short period of time, those blacksmiths could only forge some ordinary swords, and those that could complement the master's chakra were only the captain. Only those who are qualified to wear 'high-quality products'.

And the captains are still unarmed!

? ? ?

"Didn't you say that no one agreed."

"Someone asked me to forge a sword, and I agreed. Who needs to agree?"

Hearing the old man's rebuttal, Zhu Yazhong was speechless. Since you are helping Huang Quan forge a sword, you should have said it earlier.

"Old sir, I wonder if you can ask you to forge a sword for me, the island country?"

Taking this opportunity, Director Zhu Ya quickly proposed:

"Remuneration, no problem!"

No matter what this 'Daidaozai' wants, as long as the island country has it, get it for him!

Gold and silver, beauties and treasures, even human lives. Anyway, there are a lot of people waiting for the death penalty in the prison. Recently, because of 'voluntary' participation in various experiments, a batch has been consumed, but the remaining number is still not small.


He took out a pipe from his sleeve, scratched it with his fingernails, and lit the tobacco leaves.

"You can't afford it--"

Taking a puff of dry tobacco, Daodaosai looked contemptuous.

"But I forge swords without payment or materials."

"The swords I forge can only be used by those who can exert their power; otherwise, it is unlucky to use them."

"Okay, okay!"

Hearing that this person not only showed his willingness to forge swords, but even prepared his own materials, Director Takeya's face flushed, and he was so excited that he could not restrain himself.

I don't ask the other party to forge weapons as strong as the red long sword just now; as long as they are half... no, one-third, it will be enough to greatly improve the strength of the Supernatural Countermeasures Department!

In theory, the island country is still managed by the government, but now it is the government that is the weakest: the Imperial Palace Tianma Aiming has the "Eye of God", the future is limitless, and there is a righteous cause; the Army Self-Defense Force has Kafka in charge, whether it is modern weapons or supernatural power.

The Isugaya family is backed by the sea ninja, who is actively cultivating "Onmyoji"; Master Shixiong is rebuilding the "Koyasan Esoteric Buddhism", looking like a person who doesn't care about worldly affairs.

Each force believes that its behavior is correct, and each force is constantly expanding, and there are already many contradictions in secret.

If the Nine-Tailed Force was not just temporarily away, the extraordinary forces of the island country might have fought first.

Compared with those complicated situations, the old man in front of him:

Look, look at him!

If all the extraordinary beings in the world were so dedicated

"By the way, kid."

Just as Director Takeya was daydreaming, the pipe in the hand of 'Dadaosai' pointed to the side.

"Didn't I say, don't disturb me forging a sword?"

"What's the matter with that little kid who is peeking out?"

? ? ?

Following the other party's pipe, Director Takeya saw a familiar young man and the filming equipment in his hand.


"Director, smile."

The blogger 'KYG' holding the filming equipment waved his hand,

"I heard that Mount Fuji erupted in the middle of the night, so I rushed over overnight, but I didn't expect to encounter such a big thing."

After that, the young man put one hand on his chest and bowed to 'Dadaosai'.

"Old man, don't worry."

"I will let all the extraordinary people in the whole island country try your knife: I guarantee to find someone who is suitable for it."


Dao Daosai took a sip of his pipe,

No! !

Director Takeya next to him roared in his heart, and turned to look at the extraordinary blogger angrily.


There are so many battles in the southern sea area, why are you running here instead of live broadcasting? !

"Hey, hey, hey, director~~"

"Your government, don't want to take the old man's knife for yourself?"

Facing Director Takeya's cannibalistic eyes, the extraordinary blogger 'KYG' was grinning.

Except for those top ‘great monsters’, his speed is unmatched in the island nation; he is fast and naturally fearless: last night, he heard the ‘informer’ report that Mount Fuji had unusual movements, so he ran up the mountain directly, but he didn’t expect to see such a scene:

“That’s not okay, as long as you are a superhuman, you should have a chance, so——”

As Director Takeya’s face turned pale, the young man shook the device in his hand.

“I will release this video.”


If that happens, the scene must be very exciting, right?

For the superhuman blogger ‘KYG’, wherever there is fun, there is him!


Tokyo, Foot Power Zone


Qiongmei, who had just woken up, picked up her phone, read the message on it, and ran downstairs without washing up, put on her slippers, and clicked.

“Look, there is big news.”

“What news?”

You, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room ‘resting with your eyes closed’, opened his eyes, and even Yuura, who was cooking in the kitchen, tilted her head to look over.

"Last night, Mount Fuji erupted with magma."

"But it was not formed naturally, but by an extraordinary swordsmith named 'Dadaosai', who drew magma to forge a sword."

But these are not the main points, the main point is the following:

"When the sword forged by that swordsmith was swung, magma surged out"

"And, he promised to forge swords for humans: the premise is that the user must be worthy of his sword!"

The content of this video is too bizarre. If it was posted by someone else, everyone would definitely laugh it off. But since it comes from the extraordinary blogger 'KYG', it is very reliable.

That blogger's favorite thing is to live broadcast extraordinary battles, and Director Takeya's face is livid on the screen, and his intention to have fun is obvious.

"Is this true?"

Yuu couldn't help but sigh, as soon as this video came out:

"Mount Fuji, there's going to be chaos."

As long as extraordinary people have some confidence in themselves, they will rush to the top of Mount Fuji.

In the video, the scene of the old swordsmith slashing open the mountain with his sword was enough to make the extraordinary people take action immediately.

The reason why many extraordinary people fight with bare hands is that they don't want to use weapons? No, there are very few weapons that can withstand their huge strength!

Just like the 'exoskeleton power armor' developed by the island government, although it is constantly updated and iterated, it cannot keep up with the pace of extraordinary people: as there are more and more wolf-level extraordinary people, power armor becomes more and more useless.

How can a mere metal compare to muscles trained with chakra?

Ninjas look 'brittle', but that's relative to their attacks: any chuunin can be beaten dozens of meters away, go through walls, break trees, and be smashed into deep pits. Why don't they pat their vests and stand up and continue to fight? Ordinary technological creations cannot withstand such torture.

"Are you interested?"

Shake your head, X2

Let’s not talk about Qiong Mei. She is a standard electronic otaku. The onmyoji she learns is also ‘clay explosion’, so holding a weapon is superfluous.

In the same way as Uranium Luo, after the three fusions of Oni Yaluo, it is completely possible to simulate various 'blood inheritance limits'.

Weapons are of no use, so——

"Then it has nothing to do with us,"

What other forces think and whether they take action or not has nothing to do with Yu.


Hai Nin Village,

"Extraordinary swordsmith, Totosai?"

In the office of the ‘Haiying’ building,

On the way out, the two siblings, who had been copied a bunch of onmyoji by a certain 'god's eye', also received this message.

"Are we going? Sister."

The long-haired and freckle-faced Kaoru Igaya asked,

Both of them are standard "turret" type Onmyoji. Although their output is fierce, if they are approached by someone or encounter the "God's Eye" from before, they will fall into passivity. If they obtain a powerful weapon, their ability to deal with danger can also be greatly improved.

"But we don't have time to practice swordsmanship."

"Give the weapons to the ruler,"

Kaoru Itaya made a decision,

The 'Zhichen' she refers to is a cadre of the family and their 'eldest disciple'.

He was the first person to stand up and express his stance during the apprenticeship ceremony.

He has a positive attitude and is hard-working. Both siblings are very optimistic about him.

"He will be our guard from now on,"

After being ambushed by Busujima, the two siblings also discovered their flaws and needed a close combat guard.

"Do you want to govern? Okay."




The deserted mountain peaks are filled with the noise of various construction machinery and workers.

Buildings are spreading and rising at a speed visible to the naked eye; just building a temple for Master Zhixiong is enough to make them full of energy.

After Master Shixiong reestablishes the Koyasan Esoteric Buddhism, he will definitely accept disciples and teach. These workers themselves cannot do it, but the younger generations of their families

If one can join the Tantric Sect and learn the magical power of subjugating demons, not to mention becoming a successful person, at least one's relatives can live a stable life.

Therefore, the construction parties and workers are very active, and they even have the attitude of turning this mountain range into a temple!

Stretching for 480 temples, there are countless towers in the mist.

"The poor monk should also pay a visit, maybe."

You can ask him to take action.

Thinking this, the young monk Zhixiong took out from his sleeve:

The broken three-cobalt pestle!

This magical weapon was damaged by himself when he was trying to break through his inner demons.

Now that the demon in his heart has been extinguished, Master Shixiong naturally has to find a way to repair the magic weapon: not to mention the 'flying and rushing' function of this magic weapon, it is necessary to repair it just because it is a relic of Master Kukai, the founder of Tantric Buddhism thousands of years ago.


After whispering the Buddha's name, the young monk stood up.

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