I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 248: Flocking in


"'Sea Country' Suzuka Mountain has officially established an alliance with our island country."

"The Prime Minister gave a speech earlier, praising this alliance as it will definitely bring economic, cultural and other prosperity to the island country."

Overnight, when the people of the island country woke up, they were shocked to find that the newspapers, computers, and mobile phones of the entire island country were broadcasting the news of an alliance with the Suzuka Sankai Kingdom. Puzzled.

"Suzuka Mountain?"

In the park, a group of old men chatted.

After all, it is also a local legend of their island country.

Maybe young people don’t understand it and aren’t interested in understanding it. But these old people remember clearly:

"Isn't it the Suzuka Mountain where the licking dog Otakemaru is located?"

According to legend, Otakemaru was one of the three great demon kings along with Tamamo no Mae and Shuten Doji.

It has three magic weapons: Datonglian, Xiaotonglian, and Xianminglian. Able to cover mountains with black clouds and possessing the power to control storms, lightning, fire and rain, he is called the King of Ghosts, Gods and Demons.

But he is a licking dog!

He fell in love with Suzuka Gozen, a ghost girl known as the "Ritsuka Hat".

But Suzuka Gozen fell in love with the general who came to conquer Otakemaru.

So Suzuka hooked her fingers and asked Otakemaru to willingly hand over the two divine swords of Otoshi and Kotōren.

Immediately afterwards, Suzuka Gozen turned around and gave the two divine swords to General Zhengyi; the general held Otakemaru's two swords and took Otakemaru's goddess with him, and chopped Otakemaru to the ground - how miserable that scene must have been. How miserable it is, it also proves a truth:

Licking a dog will lead to a bad death!

Even future generations can't stand it anymore.

Kick him out of the ranks of the 'Three Great Ghost Kings' and let the Great Tengu take up his place.

"Shut up, you idiot!"

The old man next to him shouted harshly, interrupting his companion.

"Are you tired of living?"

"I'm not afraid that people from Haiguo will chop you up!"

"Haiguo? I live inland, what am I afraid of people from Haiguo——"

The old man who spoke in confusion frowned and retorted, but when his eyes swept outside the park, he immediately closed his mouth:

The young people who stopped looked at him with strange eyes.

"This old guy drank some sake early in the morning,"

"Don't take it to heart, everyone."

"It's gone, it's gone!"

The old man who interrupted him stood up. It could be seen that he was quite "prestige" in this area. The passers-by took steps to leave as they should.

Only in the park, the old man who 'said the wrong thing' was so frightened that his face turned green and his lips turned white.

"This is. This is"

The eyes of those people just now seemed like they were looking at food.

"You've lost your mind,"

The prestigious old man frowned and explained amidst the doubts of other old men:

"The government has formed an alliance with Suzuka Mountain to deal with the Nine-Tails Forces. Do you mean to sabotage the island country's plan by saying that at this time?"

Once a person is convicted of 'treason', not to mention a person, a family, or a village can disappear in an instant.

When it comes to war, who will talk to you about "human rights"?

"Besides, you are also wrong."

"The notice from above should come down soon -"

The reason why the old man is quite prestigious is because he has a son who is a congressman, so he knew a lot of "inside information" last night.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you in advance,"

While others were listening attentively, the old man coughed.

"The head of Suzuka Mountain is naturally the 'Young Master' Otakemaru."

"But it is said that it is in a deep sleep, and the 'family elder' Hai Ming is currently in charge. There were originally three generals under his command, but 'Hai Nin'."

"I know, we all know it!"

A group of people spoke one after another. Who in the entire island country doesn't know about the grudges between Kujira and Kai Ninja?

I've tasted enough, so let's get down to it.

"You definitely don't know what I'm going to say next."

The majestic old man sneered,

"Suzuka Gozen is Otakemaru's sister."

? ? ?

"That's not right, that legend——"

Some people couldn't help but speak, but were interrupted by the majestic old man with a wave of his hand.

"You also know that it is a legend, and it is a legend written by the ancients."

You can think about it with your toes, and in the end it will definitely be humankind's 'big win': what the truth is, only the 'parties' from thousands of years ago know.

"Anyway, remember it."

"Forget those nonsense legends, if someone with a heart listens to them, hum~~"

"I understand, I understand"

The other old people nodded,

After all, he has lived for sixty or seventy years, and he still understands this human nature.

In this era of extraordinary chaos and chaos, it is an important time for the island nation to form an alliance with Suzuka Mountain. Anyone who dares to speak strange words will be shot on the spot and no one dares to say a word.

However, I didn't expect that in the real situation, Suzuka Gozen was actually Otakemaru's sister.

I wonder where the ‘Li Wu hat’ is?

What kind of strength is it?


Tokyo, Kasumigaseki.

The laboratory below the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Eat, it's your destiny."

Facing the pearl handed to him by the director, the college student named Kenji sighed.

If you eat this pearl, you will gain "extraordinary power" and become a true wolf-level master.

But at the same time, the enemy he must face must be more powerful: he used to be an ordinary college student in the diving club, but now he has to fight here and there every day, and he may even have to face the Nine-Tails forces in the future.

Thinking about it this way, the pearls in front of me no longer smell good.

"If you don't want to eat."

"Eat, I'll eat!"

He quickly took the pearl and threw it into his mouth, Gulu swallowed it.

"How about it?"

Facing the nervous and expectant eyes of everyone in the laboratory, college student Kenji spread his palms.

A bubble emerged from his hand, with a faint band of colorful light flowing under the light, looking like a soap bubble.

"Soap bubbles?"

A researcher took a few steps forward, seeming to want to get a closer look.

"Don't, don't!"

Kenji, who ate the second pearl, quickly stopped him.

"This is an exploding bubble!"


As the college student waved his hand, the fist-sized bubble flew to the side and hit a steel wall dozens of meters away:

boom! !

It was obviously just a soap bubble, but it suddenly exploded with a violent impact.

After the explosion without smoke or flames:

There was a dent in the steel wall.

"This power——"

very nice!

If it were not for specialized armor-piercing or armor-piercing projectiles, ordinary explosions would not cause much damage to steel.

If this bubble falls on a living creature, the only possibility is that it will break into pieces on the spot.

"Special Officer Kenji, please try to create multiple bubbles."

After hearing the expert's words, Kenji spread his hands and bubbles floated out one after another.

this quantity

"very good!"

Looking at a dozen college students surrounded by large and small soap bubbles, Director Zhuya beamed with joy.

In the past, Kenji was just a melee fighter who moved very fast in the sea; now, he has evolved into a tactical 'submarine' that moves fast and has bombing capabilities.

This is much more upscale than those 'extraordinary potions' that are not only risky, but can only cause punching after drinking!

Around these dozen pearls, there will definitely be a fight within the island country.

Thinking of this, Director Zhuya felt a headache.

The navy has spent a lot of money this time by sending out the newly built 'Shenmu'. They are determined to get these pearls, and it is best for the navy to eat them all!

The Army also said that their Kafka Army General will come to the battlefield in person and fight two big demons in a row. Pearls must not be missing!

Even if Director Zhuya has no selfish motives, he still has to consider his subordinates.

As a result, there is another open and covert struggle.

"I have a headache~~"

As for eating these pearls, they will be bound to the "Sea Kingdom" in a sense: after all, they are called "Sea Kingdom" after the transformation.

But not for most people, but for almost everyone, it is still a treasure that is eagerly sought after!

As a person lives, he will be bound by various organizations at every moment.

Family, school, company. Country!

Worried that if you eat the pearl, you will be suppressed by the sea country?

What a joke, for the billions of people in this world, those who want to be a sea dog can go around the equator, but there is no door!

For example, the non-concierge who is now being treated like a pot of porridge, when he begged to join America, people still looked down on him: You are a piece of trash, you are worthy of being on an equal footing with me?

as well as,

It is one for each person, pursuing the goal of producing more dog-level ‘Haiguozhong’;

Still pursuing quality, two per person, creating more wolf-level masters is also a big problem.

Thinking of this, Director Zhuya couldn't help but laugh at himself: I never thought that one day I would be troubled by too many 'extraordinary items'.

It is also a luxurious experience.


And for everyone else:

"Captain, we have entered the Garo Islands!"

A fishing boat with traces of modification everywhere rode the wind and waves. Instead of going around, it headed straight towards the non-concierge waters.

"Everyone, cheer up!"

The captain was a tall middle-aged man with a beer belly and two pistols hanging from his waist.

He was steering the ship while giving orders, revealing two rows of teeth that were black and yellow from chewing betel nut frequently.

"As long as we find a pearl, we can become masters!"

"If I could join the Sea Kingdom, hahahaha~~"

At this point, the captain himself laughed.


"I want to marry a mermaid!"

"I am Lord Crab Princess's dog!"

The other sailors in the cabin screamed strangely, and they all looked wild.

Because what they are doing now is literally tying their heads to their belts.

Go to the Non-Concierge Islands and look for the ‘Pearl of the Sea’!

Why should you suppress yourself in a place like this where you can die at any time? Say what you want to say, do what you want to do!

You must know that this is the battlefield of the Sea Kingdom, the Nine-Tails, and the multinational coalition - even if the Sea Kingdom and the island country are now in alliance and will not attack humans, what about the Nine-Tails forces?

The Nine-Tails force kills people and seizes souls, a proper villain style; he is still the kind of villain who has no bottom line and no room for change.

When he fell into the hands of the Kyuubi forces, he couldn't even beg for mercy or curse him, so the other party didn't bother to talk nonsense and killed him on the spot.

What's more, the elusive 'sea hyena' obviously has no communication function.

Human souls are his food, and he eats whatever he sees:

If you encounter someone, you can only blame yourself for your bad luck.


"Captain, there is a ship 30 nautical miles away from us!"

Since they all come here to fight for their lives, they naturally have to do everything possible to 'arm' themselves.

This fishing boat is equipped with countless radars that can detect ships more than ten kilometers away.

"The opponent's speed is .20 knots?"

The sailor staring at the dashboard was stunned.

This speed is very fast.

The speed of ordinary fishing boats is about 10 knots.

And the ship on the radar can run at a speed of 20 knots, which is very scary.

1 knot is 1 nautical mile/hour, and 1 nautical mile is equal to 1.852 kilometers; 20 knots is converted into a car, which is about 37 yards. This speed is naturally a turtle crawling on land, but it is not slow in the sea.

When ships sail, they also have to face the resistance of water.

The speed of ordinary cruisers is about 26-30 knots, and aircraft carriers are only 30~35 knots.

A ship that can run at 20 knots.

"Is it a warship?"

A sailor couldn't help asking,

"No, it should be a modified ship."

The "first mate" of this ship thought about it and said,

"If it is a warship, the other party would have discovered us long ago."

But judging from the route the other party was moving, there was no trace of the ship under the feet of the crowd: otherwise, whether it was radio or missiles, they should have come over.

That's right, it's a missile!

Originally, the sea area of ​​​​the non-concierge islands was a "devil's area" that everyone avoided.

But as the live broadcast, Crab Princess waved her hand: countless pearls were scattered on the non-concierge islands, and the whole world was boiling!

Extraordinary, this is extraordinary power!

And unlike the "extraordinary potion", there is no threshold and no risk.

Swallow a pearl into the stomach, and from then on my life is in my own hands!

Overnight, countless ships came.

Warships, yachts, fishing boats. Even residents of the surrounding islands came to this sea area in small wooden boats, with a momentum of "thousands of sails competing for crossing".

Retreating again and again, the "multinational coalition" that ran to Australia to establish a defense line saw how this could work?

The navies of various countries, which had been dragging their feet, immediately burst into amazing action.

While rushing to this sea area, broadcast a warning to all ships:

This is a military area. Any non-national ship approaching has the right to be shot immediately!

Now it is not just a battle between humans and monsters, but a melee between humans, humans and monsters, and monsters and monsters. The situation is more complicated and chaotic.

"Take out the 'Stinger'!"


Several sailors immediately rushed into the cabin below and quickly came out with several 'bazookas' full of technology.

No, not a bazooka, but a single-soldier portable anti-aircraft missile.

It is definitely impossible to fight here with bare hands - the captain of this ship has sold everything he has, not only equipped with long and short guns, but also got a few sets of 'Stingers'.


the traces of another ship appeared on the sea.

After seeing the ship under everyone's feet, the other party immediately drove over here.

"Zizizizi, this is the 'Konra Yap'!"

The tired voice of the other party came from the radio in the captain's room:

"Our ship was attacked by the monster, and we hope to get help--"

However, the answer to them was:

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Missiles flew one by one.

There is no such thing as a "single-soldier anti-ship weapon" in the world.

But there is no problem in using a single-soldier anti-aircraft weapon for a cameo: the speed of a ship cannot be compared with that of an airplane.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three balls of flame rose up from the approaching ship,


"Another competitor is missing!"

The captain's eyes were full of ambition and cruelty,

"Let these guys stay to attract attention, we leave here--"

After saying that, he suddenly turned the rudder.

In this chaotic sea, there is no "law" to speak of: in the face of death that may come at any time, what else can't be dared to do?

Those who can't figure this out are not worthy of living in this "new era".

"This era belongs to me, Marshall!"

The captain with a beard made a bold statement.

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