I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 249 The Lucky One

"Wow~~ It's so dangerous, so dangerous."

"I was almost captured by the 'Toneri' yesterday."

In the living room of Yu's house, Yuluo was lying on the table.

Although she is also a ghost level, she is still inferior to those 'veteran' ghost levels.

Especially Hyuga Toneri, who is famous for single combat among the Kyuubi forces. Anyone who confronts him alone will be slapped so hard that he cannot hold his head up: once he gets close to him, his spiritual power will be sealed immediately. Crisis: Extraordinary people have lost their spiritual power. Although they are not no different from ordinary people, their strength has also declined like a plunge.

In the world of Naruto, that is, Neji encounters cheaters every time he goes out, and Hinata is relatively introverted. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, he would just roll his eyes and hit his peers.

Sealing chakra at close range is really shameless: the Hinata family doesn't need to learn anything else, they just need to put a set of Baguazhang on their faces, and all enemies will be defeated.

If your opponent uses ninjutsu, use 'Kaiten' to block; it's simple but very effective.

"So, physical training is also very necessary."

Sitting on the sofa, closing his eyes and concentrating, Yuu spoke.

"Just like Hyuga Toneri, and Pseudo-Dazzle, they are both very capable of restraining magic-type transcendence."

Hinata Toneri has the 'Shen Kong Strike' for long-range attack, and the 'Kaiten' for defense. With a spear and a shield, and a pair of white eyes, there are almost no weaknesses at all.

And pseudo-dazzle is even more heavyweight!

"There is actually a great demon in this world who can absorb all 'spells'?"

Coming out of the kitchen with the dishes, monitor Nao's curiosity was also aroused.

"That's right,"

"That big demon named 'Pseudo-Dazzle' can absorb all spells."

"The defense is very high: not even General Kafka can hurt him."

Immune to spells, hopelessly hard, and able to fly

Except for Kafka, who is a purely numerical monster, all other ghost-level encounters are nothing but headaches.

"If a tiger-level extraordinary person fights against him, without special means, he will have no choice but to wait for death."

I can't even run away!

Even Yuu couldn't help but feel,

This 'pseudo-dazzle' that I created is a complete 'dung monster'.

"Wouldn't that be dangerous?"

Because Yuluo not only goes to school every day, but also goes to the front line.

Qiongmei's cooking skills are limited to instant noodles and snacks; Yuu himself is too lazy to cook, so now Nao is the chef.


Yuu dared to ask Yura to 'level up', so he was naturally confident.

"Hai Guofang's one dragon and two ghosts, plus General Kafka and Yuluo, are not weaker than the Nine-Tails force."

"With mutual care, it is difficult for casualties to occur."

"Speaking of the sea country——"

Qiong Mei, who was browsing the internal information of the ‘Boxing Wish Club’ on a tablet next to her, pointed to the photo of a giggling fisherman on it.

"Some people have already obtained the 'pearl' and become extraordinary."

"It is said that these pearls are very eye-catching: eye-catching in the physical sense, and they will emit a gleaming light."

"Now, warships of all sizes from all over the world are rushing towards that sea area: it is simply the Second Age of Discovery."

And the first thing these swarming 'armies' and 'adventurers' have to face is the large number of monsters under Nine-Tails. Want to find pearls? Kill these blockers first.

As a result, many countries that were "watching the show" went all out, and warships continued to rush to this sea area: as long as they did not encounter a big monster, human thermal weapons were not incapable of dealing with the monster.

The reason why I didn't come before was because the risks outweighed the benefits.

Bi Yao can certainly make extraordinary potions, but without a stable logistics base, do they need to prepare the potions by hand on site?

Once the demon loses its activity, it is almost impossible to make potions; only the corpses of synthetic beasts can make potions, but how can synthetic beasts be so easy to capture?

Besides, there are also the great demons from the Nine-Tails Force!

Now, the benefits outweigh the dangers.

The big demons were restrained by the strong men from the sea country and the island country.

They can also capture monsters and make potions, just like the island nations and America did in the past.

And there are also ‘Extraordinary Pearls’. Such a generous reward is completely worth the country sending troops to fight!


caroline islands,

Those who blow up people will always blow them up.

A fishing boat emitting black smoke moved slowly on the sea.

"Captain, the damaged ship's side is temporarily blocked, but the speed of our ship has also been affected."

At the expense of sealing several cabins, this modified fishing boat avoided the fate of sinking; under normal circumstances, it should have called for rescue while sailing to the nearest harbor.

"Don't worry, first mate, although we are off course, there is an island in front of us."

Captain Marshall, who was at the helm, showed no trace of sadness on his face as he comforted the first mate.

"Let's search there first!"

"But, Captain."

"That island is very small, and the chance of having an 'extraordinary pearl' is very small."

"We just have to do what we can do and leave the rest to luck - don't worry, I've always had good luck."

Since the captain said so, the first mate said nothing more and went down to continue checking the ship's condition.

More than half an hour later, an island appeared on the horizon.

This island is not big, and visually it is only a "hill" the size of a few football fields; it should be the "top" of an underwater volcano. After the damaged fishing boat approached the island, the sailors immediately used a fishing crane to lift it. Put down the inflated rubber boats.

"Bring those things over here!"

"Be careful, these are our 'eyes'!"

The first mate directed others to put the drones into the rubber boat one after another, and then took out the paddles.

"Captain? You too-"

"Well, I'll go take a look too."

Seeing the bearded man named 'Marshall', he also jumped onto the rubber boat; the first mate was stunned for a moment, then said nothing, picked up an oar, and everyone paddled in the water together towards the island not far away. go.

After all, what they were traveling on was just a fishing boat and was not equipped with anything like a landing boat.

But the rubber boat is enough, and it only consumes a little energy.

After more than half an hour, several rubber boats docked at the island. The sailors jumped off and either towed the boats to the shore or raised their drones high and waded through the water.

buzz buzz,

The largest drone took off first and flew around the island, drawing a general topographic map.

"Start dividing the areas. You will be responsible for Area A, I will be responsible for Area B, and you will be responsible for Area C."

The sailor in charge of the drone opened his laptop and divided the island into several pieces by running his fingers on the keyboard: this information was transmitted to other drones, and each person was responsible for his own piece.

That's right, they won't enter the island in person, but use drones to investigate.

What kind of era is this, and you still have to go into the woods yourself?

By flying the drone in a circle, you can easily have a panoramic view of a large area.

The extraordinary blogger ‘KYG’ has found two pearls. In his live broadcast room, these pearls will emit a layer of fluorescence and are not the kind of things that cannot be found if they fall on the ground.

Otherwise, we will search island by island. There are more than 7,000 non-concierge islands. I am afraid it will take several years for people from all over the world to come here.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz,

Small drones took off one after another and flew towards their respective 'areas'.

Half an hour later——

These drones flew back one after another and began to replace batteries.

Then he took off again and flew towards the remaining area, but in the end he found nothing.




“There’s none in my area either.”

This island is neither big nor small.

Seven or eight drones have been flown several times, and it can be said that nothing has been missed, that is to say:



While others were frustrated, the captain laughed and touched his beard.

"What are you doing with such shame?"

"Are extraordinary pearls so easy to find?"

"Moreover, it's not like we didn't gain anything - there are no extraordinary pearls on this island we searched."

Amidst the blank expressions of 'Captain what are you talking about' among the sailors, the captain shook his head slightly.

"You guys, this is a valuable piece of information."

"It can be sold to other forces!"


He and others searched the island and knew that there were no extraordinary pearls here.

But others don't know that this 'information' can be sold for money: As expected of a captain, his head turns quickly.

"Let's go back!"

After waving their hands, the group of people prepared to return to the fishing boat.

It’s getting late, so I’ll rest here today and head to the next island tomorrow.


Under the night,

The modern medium-sized fishing boat docked quietly next to the island, as if everyone had fallen asleep.

However, in the crew room, a figure quietly stood up. It took him a few minutes to slowly open the door, pass through the rooms of other colleagues with gentle steps and hands, take the stairs to the upper deck, lean against the captain's cabin and listen, the constant ups and downs of snoring inside made Ying Ying feel certain.

After spending a few more minutes, I very patiently opened the hatch little by little and came to the deck.


Slide down the rope and land in a rubber boat.

Take out the oar, untie the rope, and use the oar to gently paddle through the water;

With the top priority not to disturb the people on the boat, the figure drove the rubber boat towards the island in the night.

After leaving a distance, he finally rowed a little wider, and at the same time he kept looking back at the fishing boat: Fortunately, the fishing boat had been floating quietly on the sea, and the lights did not suddenly turn on, and no one chased it out.

Good, very good!

Suppressing the inner ecstasy, the figure paddled the rubber boat towards the island.

Rowing faster and faster,

The more you row, the hotter your heart becomes!

Because he was so excited, he didn't even notice:

There was a shadow undulating in the sea behind him, and a pair of slightly narrowed eyes that had just emerged from the water stared at him coldly.

"Let me see, is it this way?"

"No, you have to go a little further this way."

On the island where insects are constantly chirping, a figure holds a drone controller and shuttles through the woods with the help of faint light.

Even with the instruments in hand to identify the direction, it is still very easy to get lost by groping in the dark. Under normal circumstances, one should never set foot alone: ​​but what he wants to do cannot be known to the second person.

Especially the captain!

Dare you bring people to this sea area at this time?

Their captain has nothing to do with the 'good guys'.

If the captain found out, he would be dead.

Excited, uneasy, and afraid. With mixed emotions, the figure kept walking through the woods, and finally:


quiet light,

A light appeared in front of the figure, which shocked the figure.

The light was not big, and it only spread out half a meter; but it was enough!

The light appeared on an uninhabited island, which was a very strange thing; combined with the purpose of their coming here, the figure's breathing became heavier.


The figure ran quickly, and the trousers and the bushes on the ground made a series of noises.

The figure could no longer care. The closer he got, the clearer he could see the pearl that fell on a rock:


A thumb-sized pearl, emitting a bright light in the night.

All that was missing was to write "I am a treasure" on it!

"Extraordinary Pearl!"

Just as the figure rushed forward quickly-


A gunshot rang out,

in this island that should have been uninhabited.

The bullet penetrated from the back of the head, and when it came out of the eye socket, it had rolled out a hole as big as a bowl: red and white sprayed out, sprinkling on the pearl that was close at hand.


The figure fell to the ground,

and the hand stretched forward immediately touched the pearl.

However, this few centimeters of distance doomed him to never have a chance.


A figure strode past the corpse, holding a pistol in one hand and picking up the pearl on the ground with the other hand.

He didn't even look at the blood and brain on it, and put it into his mouth.

The light of the pearl shone on the black and yellow teeth.


After swallowing the pearl, the tall figure closed his eyes and trembled slightly, and then:


Amid the sound of clothes tearing, the figure that was originally 1.8 meters tall suddenly rose, as if the originally curled body suddenly straightened up and broke through 2.5 meters!

"I got a harvest on the first island, what good luck."

The man who raised his head and whose beard on his chin turned into a wriggling tentacles was full of ecstasy.

"Even fate is on my side."

Although the image has changed drastically, it can still be distinguished from the facial features:

It is the captain of the fishing boat, Marshall.

"Thief hahahaha~~!!"

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