I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 250: Thousands of Sailing Ships Compete for Crossing


"There is a damaged medium-sized fishing boat ahead, and the other side has hoisted a white flag."

On a light destroyer sailing in the waters near the Garo Islands, the commander picked up a telescope after hearing the report from his subordinates.

In modern naval warfare, the emphasis is on "ultra-long-range strikes", and missiles destroy the enemy thousands of miles away: telescopes are almost eliminated.

However, after the return of the extraordinary, the extraordinary people who fly at ultra-low altitudes, move at high speeds, and are non-mechanical units have made satellites, high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, and radars all ineffective. Since they have all become "blind", it is naturally impossible to play "annihilate the enemy beyond visual range".

On the contrary, low-altitude flying drones are favored by all parties, and orders are as numerous as snowflakes.

"Release the reconnaissance drone."

After discovering the damaged fishing boat flying a white flag, the destroyer belonging to France immediately launched several drones.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz,

Several drones flew over and circled around, and the modified fishing boat was in full view.

"There are traces of suicide drones hitting the damaged side of the ship."

"There are several armed men on the deck, and they are in low spirits."

"They are waving at us."

As the drone pilot sent back the information about the modified fishing boat, the commander of the destroyer put down the telescope.

"Pull the boat over!"

As one by one the 'lucky ones' found the extraordinary pearl and became extraordinary, ships of all sizes from all over the world are rushing to this sea area.

Never underestimate human desires. In peacetime, there are still a large number of 'extreme sports' enthusiasts who ignore the risk of being imprisoned for life; in this extraordinary era, there are countless ambitious people who step into this sea area, either on behalf of the government or in private.


For those who have achieved success, it is naturally a great terror.

But for ambitious people who are in the starting stage, it is just a tonic in the wine of adventure.

It may be the intoxicating sweetness of success, or the despairing bitterness of failure. Rather than living a hundred years in vain, it is better to fight for a moment!

The fishing boat in front of us was obviously the loser.

As the destroyer approached the fishing boat, the disparity in size between the two became more and more obvious;

It was like a strong man and a kitten under his feet, the disparity was so great that the soldiers on the destroyer were not motivated.

Not only in size, but also in force: compared with the fully armed warship, this fishing boat was not much different from being naked.

"Send out SA-330 to board the fishing boat."

Under the command of the commander, the 'Jaguar' armed helicopter parked on the rear deck of the destroyer took off and flew towards the fishing boat next to it.

Swish, swish, swish,

16 fully armed soldiers slid down the rappelling rope and landed on the fishing boat.

"Who are you?"


Facing the muzzles of the French soldiers' guns, the middle-aged man who came up raised his hands.

"We are just a group of fishermen."



The leading soldier hit the middle-aged man with the butt of his gun, and instantly hit him with blood all over his face.

"I'll ask you one last time,"

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

The danger of this sea area has worn out everyone's 'patience' long ago; not to mention that many of these French soldiers are foreign legions.

It has nothing to do with the 'civilized army': it is better to say that the army, an organization with the purpose of 'killing', has nothing to do with 'civilization'.

"Okay, okay, sir!"

The middle-aged man raised his hands and spoke helplessly, not caring about the blood on his face.

"We were attacked by a 'monster'."

"That monster is--"

Da da da da da,

Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, a chaotic gunshot suddenly sounded on the destroyer not far away.

? !

The sudden change behind him

made the French soldiers who boarded the fishing boat turn their heads;

On their destroyer, a tall figure appeared from nowhere and was killing people!

The man was estimated to be more than two meters tall, with a sturdy figure that did not look like a human, and his skin was as cold and hard as fish scales; but he was agile and could jump three or five meters; his strength was even more terrifying, and with a wave of his hand, a fully armed soldier screamed and flew out.

The soldiers on guard on the deck were killed by surprise, and soon they had only hiding.

This weirdo didn't care about the remaining soldiers and rushed into the cabin. Soon screams and collisions came with the sea breeze.


"Our ship was attacked by the extraordinary!"

"Return to defense, return to defense--"

In the roar from the earphone, 16 fully armed French soldiers had no time to think about it and rushed to the armed transport plane hovering above the fishing boat.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang! !

However, the bullets whizzing behind them

did not hesitate to penetrate the parts not covered by the bulletproof vests and knocked the soldiers to the ground.


The door of the fishing boat was knocked open,

Two sailors carrying "stingers" appeared at the door and pulled the trigger without hesitation!

Obviously, this was a well-prepared ambush.


After a short ambush, everyone on the destroyer was driven to the deck, facing the "armed sailors" holding guns and the people who caused their defeat:

"Gentlemen, you now have two options——"

The burly man, who was two meters and five meters tall and had a waist of two meters and five meters, looked at the captives like a little giant.

"First, jump down from here."

He pointed at the side of the ship with his hand, and the little giant opened and closed his mouth.

The beard on his chin was like a tentacle, it was a wriggling tentacle!

"Second, join us."


After saying that, a dagger was thrown at the feet of the captives.

"But before that, kill a wounded soldier first: it's very simple."

There were also a bunch of seriously injured soldiers who were half dead and had not yet died.

? ? ?

What is this rule for pirates to join the gang in the Age of Discovery?

The captives with bruises and blood all over their bodies looked at each other; no one took action until the little giant-like man raised his hand and pointed impatiently.

"You, pick up the dagger."

The soldier who was pointed at trembled all over and picked up the dagger on the ground tremblingly.

His face changed several times, and finally he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet:

"I'll fight you--"


The soldier who rushed towards the little giant with a dagger flew back,

hit the destroyer's gun platform heavily, and his twisted body slid down, motionless.


The little giant slapped the soldier away with a slap, and continued to point to another prisoner.

"I'm sorry,"

The prisoner picked up the dagger and walked towards a wounded man with a trembling body.

He stabbed fiercely--


"Very good, you will be my Marshall's crew from now on."

The five fingers like a palm leaf fan patted the shoulders of more than a dozen soldiers with ashen faces, and the little giant laughed wildly to "comfort" them.

"Follow me, and you will see a higher view!"

"Money, women, power, killing. Even extraordinary powers can be obtained."

"Or will the politicians you worked for before give you a chance to eat the 'Extraordinary Pearl'?"

Faced with the promise of the little giant in front of him, the soldier whose hands were stained with the blood of his colleagues. No, now they should be called 'rebels'. Their eyes moved slightly.

They had no chance to turn back: a middle-aged man with a bandage on his head was holding a camera and recording the scene of them killing their colleagues just now.

So, they could only follow this enemy/captain in front of them all the way to the end.

Or find an opportunity to take revenge

"Little ones,"

"Start the boat."

"Let's go find the next prey--"

Under the command of the tall captain, a 'fleet' consisting of a destroyer and a fishing boat began to sail on the sea again, heading towards the nearest island.

"Captain, although our plan succeeded, how can we solve the problem of supplying the two ships?"

The fishing boat pretended to surrender to attract attention, and the captain sneaked in from the sea to attack.

Relying on the powerful individual combat capabilities of extraordinary power, they boldly captured a light destroyer; but the more modernized the warship, the more logistical support it needs. Once the fuel and ammunition are exhausted, it is an iron coffin.

"If there is no supply, go and rob!"

After eating the 'Extraordinary Pearl', Marshall, a two-meter-tall man with an octopus beard, waved his hand domineeringly.

"Ships, soldiers, ammunition, food. There are plenty in this sea!"

Between the words, blood and cruelty came to the face.

It was as if time and space were reversed,

back to the Caribbean Sea in the Age of Discovery.

"But if we continue like this, we will be wanted by the big country sooner or later."

The middle-aged first mate with a bandage on his head helplessly reminded his captain:

"We have no chance of winning against the fleet of the big country."

After all, they are just a wild armed force. In front of the regular navy, they can't even see the opponent, so they have to go to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish.

"I know, we will race against time! Before being surrounded and suppressed, seize more "super pearls" and form a "super pirate group"! At that time-"

No longer afraid of the encirclement and suppression of national warships.

Eat the "super pearls" of the sea country, automatically obtain the two characteristics of underwater breathing and scaly skin; you can completely dive into the sea and let the modern warships stare blankly. Then find an opportunity to climb onto the warship and fight close combat with the opponent.

"Bakis, let's make a bet."

"Let's bet on whether my 'Super Pirate Group' will be established first or be surrounded by the fleet first!"

"Your luck is always good, Captain."

The middle-aged man named 'Bakis' shrugged,

"I'm just a first mate, it's enough to follow orders; as for thinking and making decisions-"

That's the captain's job.


The tall super captain Marshall patted his first mate on the shoulder,

His first mate's strength and wisdom are not strong; but he is loyal: this is enough.

"Don't worry, Super Pearl, you have a share."



The huge flying aircraft carrier is anchored in the sea, serving as the 'base' of the island country and the sea country.

"Kanihime, I have always had a question."

Except for going to school, Hanakaiin Yuura, who is stationed on this 'flying aircraft carrier' most of the time, touched his chin like his master.

"I wonder if I can ask?"

"Go ahead, Kanihime is listening~~"

The little girl sitting on the beach chair next to her took a sip of iced juice.

"Isn't Mount Suzuka in the eastern part of Mie Prefecture?"

"Why do you call yourselves the 'Sea Country' and have no fixed place to live?"

Mount Suzuka, as the home of the legendary Otake Maru, is located in the eastern part of Mie Prefecture in the island country. It is one of the famous tourist attractions and is famous for its beautiful natural scenery and long history and culture.

Although the mountain range is indeed close to the sea, these 'sea country' forces don't seem to care about their 'hometown' at all.

"That's not the real 'Suzuka Mountain',"

Holding Juice Crab Girl’s answer,

“The real Suzuka Mountain is here”

"Ah, I can't talk about this yet. Anyway, when Suzuka Mountain returns, I'm sure to surprise you."

"That's it, it's really exciting——"

Yuluo, whose doubts were solved, suddenly thought of another question:

"Based on the lifespan of your extraordinary existence, it shouldn't be tens or hundreds of years later, right?"

If so, she couldn't wait until that time.

Human lifespan has a limit,

Even the legendary great onmyojis, magic monks, and samurai have not broken through this limitation: unless they have the blood of a god or transform themselves into other beings.

"No, no."

The lovely Crab Girl shook her head,

After spending this time together, 'she' and Yuluo can be considered friends.

“It’s only a year and a half at most~~”

"When Suzuka Mountain returns, it will be the day when the young master wakes up."

As she spoke, Crab Girl, who looked like a little girl, waved her white fist.

"With the young master here, the mere Nine-Tails power is nothing to worry about!"



Chiyoda, the official residence of the Prime Minister.

The cabinet ministers of the island country gathered together, and the ever-changing extraordinary situation forced them to start working overtime collectively.

"We and Mao's fleet have blocked the northern part of the non-concierge waters,"

"The combined fleet, led by England and France, occupies the southern part of the sea."

"But from the east and west of this sea area, a large number of ships are pouring into it at all times: warships, armed fishing boats, and merchant ships from various countries."

Following the words of Director Zhuya, a sea chart with non-concierge as the center appeared on the big screen in the conference room: Countless red dots were coming from the left and right to the sea area, and the numbers were densely packed to form a ring: This is just It is the number captured by satellites and reconnaissance aircraft.

There are also a large number of small boats, speedboats, and even submarines, which are countless.

"Judging from the information we have, more than ten people from other countries have eaten extraordinary pearls!"

These words made all the senior officials present frown, and their hearts couldn't help but twitch.

These are supposed to be ‘their’ pearls!

"Not only that, there are even decommissioned 'battleships' that have entered this sea area."

As a symbol of the "giant ship and artillery doctrine", the "battleships" that were once maritime forts became scrap metal after the end of World War II. They are either taken to 'target practice' to test the power of various weapons; or they are dismembered into scrap metal for recycling; or they are used as a playground.

Some of them were thrown into remote ports, and quietly turned into the dust of history along with those abandoned ports.

However, as the extraordinary disaster became more and more severe, these originally giant ships and cannons were turned out and regained their second life.

It is true that these giant ships are just clumsy sandbags in front of modern warships.

But their 'close combat' firepower is ferocious enough!

It's perfect for fighting "hand-to-hand combat" with extraordinary beings. Anyway, these battleships that were urgently renovated and sailed the sea again were originally useless "scrap metal."

"This is really true."

The newly appointed Foreign Minister looked emotional,

The island country’s favorite ‘giant ship and cannon’ is actually back.

It's really sad.

"With the cooperation between us and Haiguo, the Nine-Tails forces retreated to the Non-Property Islands."

"However, we do not have the strength to invade the islands for the time being."

On the sea, the Suzuka Mountain Sea Kingdom has a geographical advantage; but once ashore, the strength of the Sea Kingdom will be greatly reduced.

"Moreover, Haiguo is not in a hurry to make a quick decision."

"The same goes for the Nine-Tails forces."

Director Zhuya pushed up her flat-light glasses.

The reason is very simple. The Nine-Tails forces need time to resurrect the other 'tails', so Haiguo secretly seizes the time to wake up the 'young master'. So:

"We must also seize this precious opportunity to develop more extraordinary beings!"

Extraordinary pearls in the non-concierge islands,

Island countries also have to fight.

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