The Non-Protocol Sea,

refers to the huge sea basins to the east and north of Non-Protocol, with the two major island chains in the western Pacific Ocean as the raised belts around it.

This sea area is about 2,900 kilometers long from north to south and 2,400 kilometers wide from east to west, with an area of ​​1,000,000 square kilometers and a maximum depth of 10,479 meters. There used to be a large number of ships from various countries fishing here every day or conducting commercial transportation.

However, now, no "proper" fishing boats and merchant ships dare to come to this sea area.

A large number of swarms of monsters roared in the sky, and various steel warships came and went on the sea; amid the roar of artillery fire, corpses and ship wreckage continued to sink into the sea.

But for the creatures under this sea area, there was no change from before.

Whether it was artillery shells or extraordinary abilities, they all seemed so small in front of the vast sea.

Instead, the various corpses that continued to sink to the seabed attracted a large number of small fish and shrimps: if they knew how to speak, they would definitely thank nature for the gift.


A mouth full of sharp teeth,

bit a shrimp that was tearing the body of the leprechaun.

As other shrimps fled, this hunter was also thanking nature for the gift!

This is a fish with a long ribbon-like body, a narrow head, a lower jaw longer than the upper jaw, a long dorsal fin, and short and pointed pectoral fins. It is more like a snake than a fish.

It is a frequent guest on the human table:


It is distributed in large quantities in this sea area,

with an annual output of more than 500,000 tons, making it one of the most abundant and most commonly caught commercial fish in the world.

It has poor swimming ability and moves in groups, preying on shrimps, squids and other fish.

But every race always has some exceptions:

This hairtail is obviously different.

Maybe the brain nerve sparks are too active, or maybe it’s because of its large size; this hairtail left the tribe and wandered alone on the seabed looking for food.

Small fish and shrimp, take a sip~~

Shell crabs, take a sip~~

Luminous stones, take a sip~~

? ?


This seems inedible——

In an instant, like the clouds and fog dissipating, the hairtail fish's mind suddenly became "clear"!

It's not just the mind that has become clear, but also the hairtail fish's pathetic vision: for the hairtail fish that lives 60 to 100 meters below the sea all year round, and can even swim to 350 meters deeper, the vision is limited to not bumping into the predator.

Hey hey hey?

Why is everything around shrinking?

The hairtail fish shook its tail anxiously, stirring up a violent ocean current!

Until it saw a petite "natural enemy" thresher shark swimming away in panic, the hairtail fish reacted belatedly.

It's me who has become bigger!

Why do I understand all this?

No, why do I have the concept of "I"?

The wisdom brought by the chakra made the huge hairtail fish fall into three consecutive philosophical thoughts, until:

The feeling of hunger in the stomach brought the hairtail fish back to his senses! What I don't me immediately put aside, the most important thing he needs to do now is to fill his stomach.

But as the huge hairtail fish lowered its head and blinked hard, the small fish and shrimps on the seabed that were once enough for him to have a full meal were now as small as dust. Not to mention filling his stomach, he was afraid that they would slip through his teeth.

? ? ?

Was his fish life going to end in starvation?

This kind of thing was not allowed~~

The huge hairtail fish swam vigorously and began to look for food.

However, his habits still retained the instinct of "hairtail fish", and the rough movement of swinging his body forward scared the larger fish away from him.

If nothing unexpected happened, he would need some time to learn how to "quietly" approach prey.

Just when the hungry hairtail fish was thinking about whether to eat grass -


The seawater above his head was in pieces, like the flesh and blood of his eyeballs falling, which shocked the hairtail fish.

Thank you for the gift of nature!

Swimming over and opening his mouth to bite,

Crack, crack, crack~~


After swallowing several "eyeballs" in a row, the hungry hairtail finally recovered.


The seawater above his head shook violently, and the scattered light spots became chaotic.

A complete shadow suddenly broke apart, and then many dancing "bugs" fell into the water.

Thank nature, huh?

The hairtail, which swam up and prepared to "take a bite", paused.

Are these "little bugs" human?

The hairtail didn't know why the concept of "human" emerged in his mind, but he instinctively knew that these "humans" were not food, and if he ate them, he would be in big trouble.

What happened?

Where are the delicious "eyeballs" just now? !

No "eyeballs" fell, but "humans" of all sizes fell into the water, and the hairtail was furious!

Since he couldn't wait for the gift from nature, he would go hunting by himself.

After all, he is also a hunter——

Da da da da da da! ! !

"Damn it, the transport ship was penetrated by the synthetic beast!"

"What should we do? We can't hold on for much longer."


As soon as he emerged from the sea, all kinds of strange 'voices' flooded into the mind of the hairtail, causing him to shake his head.

Fish have ears: to be precise, fish have inner ears, without middle or outer ears. The inner ears of fish are in the skull and can only be seen when the skull is opened. The functions of fish ears are the same as those of humans. One is to listen to sounds and the other is to maintain the body. balance.


A huge fish head suddenly emerged from the sea, leaving everyone on this small battlefield stunned.

Humans will be stunned, but demons will not.

In the surprise of the men on the armed motorboats, the besieged Bi Yao flying in the sky turned around and rushed towards the huge 'fish head' emerging from the sea.


And there is such a good thing——

Facing the 'food' coming towards them, the hairtail fish was ecstatic and opened its mouth to welcome it.


Catch the flying demon in one bite,

The amber juice splashed in and he swallowed it directly.

"This is?"

"Don't attack that giant fish!"

In this area of ​​​​the sea, there is a fishing boat that has been cut off in half. It is leaning on the sea. It is only a matter of time before it sinks.

Surrounding this fishing boat, or rather the refugee boat, were a group of men, women, and children swimming. Fortunately, they lived on an island and everyone knew how to swim.

On the surrounding sea, there are several armed motorboats. The strong men on them have ammunition chains hanging on their shoulders and are holding various rifles. There are also several empty rocket launchers thrown in the motorboats.

This is an encounter between a group of migrating humans and a small group of demons.

As the refugee boat carrying hundreds of people was punctured, it would normally be only a matter of time before most people died, but an accident happened:

"What's that?"

While treading water, everyone who fell into the water looked at the giant fish that was fighting with the monster, or in other words, swallowing the monster.

“Is it an angel sent by Yahweh to save us?”

Some innocent children speak directly,

Others couldn't answer these words. This 'giant fish' that was fighting the monster didn't look like an angel, did it?

It's a bit like the hairtail they often eat. Ahem, you can't say this.

“It looks like hairtail—”

When a child spoke carelessly, the adults around him were so frightened that they quickly covered his mouth while treading water.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"This is. This is the 'Haiguozhong' on Suzuka!"

The adult made a random name, but he didn't know that he was wrong:

The hairtail that eats the 'Extraordinary Pearl', in a sense, really belongs to the 'Sea Nation' of Mount Suzuka.

Of course, Hairtail now doesn't even know who he is, let alone "Hai Guozhong". He just wants to eat now:

Click, click!

The Bi Yao who jumped down was shaken by the hairtail fish and took one bite at a time.

The huge size brings powerful strength and defense. Even if it is constantly bitten and cut by the monster, it is just a 'skin wound' to the hairtail fish covered in scales.

Focus on cooking! until--


The charging synthetic beast swung its claws, causing fish scales to fly and a long wound on the hairtail's body.


The injured hairtail raised its head and roared, its eyes rapidly becoming bloodshot and red.

Fish have no vocal cords, but that doesn’t mean they can’t make ‘sounds’: some rely on compressing the swim bladder, some rely on rubbing the throat teeth, and some rely on vibrating muscles.

Facing the synthetic beast charging towards him again, the huge hairtail fish rolled up its body and opened its mouth full of sharp teeth.

Come on, who is afraid of whom?

Chakra not only gives the hairtail a huge body and wisdom, but also greatly increases his 'temper'.

The more intelligent a creature is, the more distinct its personality is.

Hairtail bites!


It doesn't matter if it fails.

Hairtail flick!


Large swaths of waves were lifted up by the hairtail fish's tail and surged toward the synthetic beast.

"What do we do?"

Drive the armed motorboat to the sinking fishing boat,

The residents of the nearby islands looked at each other as they pulled the exhausted children and the elderly onto the motorboats.

"How about leaving here first?"

With so many people trying to swim across the ocean to the next island, it's almost impossible, but there's no point in them staying here.

"Dad, we should go help the giant fish!"

Just when the middle-aged leader was hesitating, a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old turned over and climbed onto the motorboat in the sea.

"Only by killing that synthetic beast can we escape."

"As for the future."

We can only believe that giant fish will not 'eat humans'.


The middle-aged man is also a decisive person and makes up his mind immediately.

Take a chance and help the giant fish kill the synthetic beasts, then bet that the giant fish won't attack them.

The chance is only 50%, but if the giant fish loses, they will definitely die: they alone cannot defeat or outrun the flying synthetic beast.



The sea is rolling, and the giant hairtail is rolling up layers of waves; the giant insects are screaming, and they are constantly charging and cutting at high speed.

The giant hairtail fish and the synthetic beast were all beaten with blood and juices flying.

Originally, the giant hairtail was less powerful. But with their huge size and the favorable location of the sea, they were evenly matched.

But as time went by, my physical strength gradually became exhausted.

The blood redness in my eyes began to fade,

Can't beat him, run away~~

After gaining reason, Hairtail understands the choice.

He just came to 'eat', but instead he was beaten up by the 'food'; if he continued to be beaten, he would become the food.

call out----

Just when both sides were losing strength due to the fierce battle, an armor-piercing bomb with a long tail flame flew over.


The armor-piercing bomb hit the synthetic beast accurately,

causing the monster to scream in pain in the smoke.

Good opportunity!

The giant hairtail fish's eyes lit up, and it took the opportunity to pounce on the injured synthetic beast and bite it.

After biting the synthetic beast tightly, the giant hairtail fish slammed into the sea water and dragged the other party to the bottom of the sea.


As the two monsters sank to the bottom of the sea, a large number of bubbles continued to emerge, and the sea water was turbulent, showing the fierceness of the battle below.

After a few minutes, it was finally calm.

"Who won?"

On the armed motorboat, the boy carrying the launcher stared at the sea.

Waiting, waiting for the victory or defeat of the two monsters, waiting for the fate of ordinary people like them-


A huge head broke out of the water.


After swallowing the synthetic beast, the giant hairtail fish, feeling full, burped with satisfaction.


These ‘humans’ haven’t left yet,

The huge fish head leaned forward slightly, looking down at everyone.

The fangs were so close that the people on the motorboat subconsciously grabbed their weapons.

By the way, it was the attack of this ‘human’ just now that helped me kill the big bug.

If the giant hairtail had hands, it would definitely rub its belly. After eating and drinking, its temper improved.

Glancing at the humans ‘floating’ in the water not far away, the giant hairtail was rarely ‘kind’ and decided to help these ‘humans’ once.


The huge fish head sank into the water,


Everyone on the armed motorboat breathed a sigh of relief.

“He’s gone,”

“It’s finally over!”

The armor-piercing shell just now was the last one,

Without heavy weapons, could they rely on the rifles in their hands to fight this sea monster?


"There is in the sea, in the sea--"


Ordinary people in the sea water in the distance screamed, because the ground below them suddenly began to rise!

The screams did not last long, and these people soon found that they were sitting on the back of the giant fish, and subconsciously grabbed the other's dorsal fin and scales.

While the other people who swam away were in doubt, the huge hairtail turned around and tilted its head to its back in "dissatisfaction".

It was obviously a fish face, but everyone saw an "impatient" expression from it.

? !

"Could this be..."

"This, this, this "giant fish" master, should want everyone to sit on his back?"

The boy who put down the rocket launcher scratched his head and spoke hesitantly.

This is unscientific

But it is very extraordinary.


"Sit on the back of the giant fish and hold on to the scales."

The extraordinary has been here for quite some time, and it is not difficult to understand that a giant fish with wisdom and willingness to help people has appeared.

Under the command of the middle-aged leader who jumped into the water and swam over, everyone grabbed the scales of the giant fish.

The old man and the child sent the motorboat, and the boy drove the motorboat to the front.

"Well, ah, sir, follow me?"

After gesturing for a while, the boy tried to start the motorboat forward.

Seeing this "human" jumping around, the impatient giant hairtail also swam and followed closely.


"Bless Yahweh."

"Don't say Yahweh, this is a person from the "Sea Country"!"

"Yes, yes, yes, Haiguo bless you! After we go back, we will definitely build a golden body for you and a temple."

What are these "humans" chattering about?


"Thank you, thank you--"

"You are the true incarnation of God~~"

With the "rescue" of the giant hairtail, hundreds of people finally stepped on land without danger; the people who escaped death knelt down to the giant fish in the sea, making the giant hairtail wag its tail in boredom.

No matter what these ‘humans’ are or what they do, it’s so hard to understand.

“Make way, make way!”

The crowd made way, and several trucks drove over.

The trucks drove to the seaside and opened the cargo boxes, and lobsters poured out.


The giant hairtail’s eyes lit up,

and a large number of lobsters poured into his mouth.

Crack, crack, crack~~

That’s the taste!

Sure enough, this kind of food suits his taste.

These little creatures called ‘humans’ are not bad~~

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