The sea was howling with strong winds, and the dark clouds seemed to press down the entire sky.

The huge waves kept hitting the hull of the Meili, which made the big ship unable to sail smoothly on the sea, and swayed from side to side with the waves.

Both Luffy and Kaido were lying weakly on the floor of the restaurant, listening to the crackling rain outside, with expressions of hopelessness.

Sanji stood by the stove, smoking a cigarette, shrugged helplessly: "I can't help it, the boat is shaking too much at this moment, no matter how powerful I am, I can't cook in this situation .”

"I haven't eaten for a day, I'm going to starve to death." Kaido stared straight at the ceiling.

"If I don't eat meat for a day, I'm going to starve to death." Luffy also stared straight at the ceiling.

"810" "What's going on with them?" After changing a few clothes, resisting the desire to continue, Nami came to the restaurant at this time to see what was going on

Because she didn't see anyone in the place where these people often gather, so she could only look for it. yes

Finally she found these people in this bright restaurant, there were three people in total, Sanji standing by the stove smoking a cigarette, and two salted fish lying motionless on the ground.

Nami also noticed that at this time, she couldn't ask what happened to these two people, so she had to turn her head to look at Sanji, who was still standing there anyway. In fact, she didn't really want to ask Sanji. , because although his appearance of licking the dog made her very happy, she still couldn't bear that kind of enthusiasm. It would be better not to take the initiative to ask him, but the current situation can't help her. At that time, I couldn't say a word, so I had to ask Sanji.

"Ah, it's Ms. Nami. Is this your newly bought dress? It's really beautiful. Well, can I touch it?" Sanji saw Nami coming in, and immediately changed his face.

Originally, Nami was very happy despite the compliments from Sanji. It was a great loss if no one complimented the carefully selected clothes. However, the people on this ship are not very normal, almost There is no such opportunity to surprise others.

Zoro is a sword idiot, as long as he has a weapon, he can spend his whole life with him, so he doesn't care what kind of clothes the beauties around him wear. Needless to say, Luffy does some inconspicuous things all day long, even going to the place where the One Piece died to experience the perspective of the One Piece. Don't expect him to be like other normal people. What is the ability to appreciate women's clothing?

And that guy Usopp spends all day playing with his ammunition, or bragging. He once got along with a young lady for so long, and the only way to attract that young lady is to keep bragging. The representative of Gusheng asked him to comment on her clothes, and he didn't know what weird remarks would come out.

As for Kaido, from the time he met him, Nami didn't find anything that this man cared about very much. If there was anything, it was delicious food. Found a restaurant, probably not interested in women either.

In the end, there is only one Sanji left. Although he would be annoying at ordinary times, it will come in handy at this time.

But when he heard the last sentence, Nami immediately had veins popping up again, what happened to Sanji, did he float away or was she? Nami couldn’t lift a knife anymore.

Hit Sanji on the head.

"Pervert, you are pushing your limits!" Nami looked at Sanji viciously.

If it is still in the comics, Sanji at this time is already full of tears and noodles.

"Well, Nami, listen to me, I didn't mean that, what I mean is that the material of your clothes seems to be very good, if possible, can you give me a reference for my clothes next time." Sanji Hurry up to make up for it, he still has a lot of desire to survive, which is still different from Luffy Kaido.

"Wow, you dare to ask me to go shopping with you for clothes, don't you think I'm someone." The more Nami listened, the more angry she was, what was she talking about.

Sanji also found out that what he said was wrong. If it goes on like this, the description will become darker and darker. It's time to change the subject. What did Nami say when he came in just now... ...It seems to be asking what is going on with these two people. These two people are also really, is what they eat really that important? They watched him being taught by Nami like this, and they didn't get up to dissuade them. They still lay on the ground like this, as if nothing happened.

But at the next moment, the two people suddenly moved, but it was not to rescue Sanji, but to add fuel and vinegar, making him flee like a mouse.

Finally, Nami finally got enough of it, held Sanji by the ear, and the four of them finally sat around the dining table and started a formal conversation.

"Now let's talk about what's going on." Nami looked at the three people angrily.

"The two of them want to eat now, but because the boat is shaking too much, I really can't cook, so they fell to the ground as if they were starved to death." Sanji this time I didn't dare to say any more, and I was punished by Nami after I said it one more time. If it continues, I don't know what kind of things Nami will do.

"Yes, I'm starving to death." Luffy showed his belly against his back, not metaphorically, but superficially.

Nami2.5 punched Luffy on the head again and shouted: "Don't act so scary, you will scare others."

Now the scene really stopped, no one dared to talk nonsense and do some inconspicuous things anymore.

"It's definitely not right for the ship to shake like this. If we don't let him continue, there may be unimaginable dangers, so we have to deal with it now. We can't just sit around like this, and we can let the ship go as soon as possible. Stabilize, you can eat soon, and I'm a little hungry." Nami analyzed, and took out a chart from his pocket.

This chart was snatched from the hands of the Buggy Pirates, so Luffy has been talking about moving towards the great route, but in fact, he has never even prepared the chart for that place. .

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