"This chart records the entrance of the great route. If it looks like this, there is a lighthouse here. Let's go to this place first. If you get close to that place, it should be fine." Nami pointed to one of the charts place.

"Yeah." Luffy and Sanji looked at where Nami was pointing and nodded. In fact, they didn't see what was going on at all, but at this moment, as long as they believed in Nami, it didn't matter whether the two of them understood or not. of.

As for Kaido, at this time, because there is no food, he doesn't want to move at all.

When there is any trouble, Kaido will naturally take action to solve it. At this time, it is enough to leave these matters to them to sail. This is similar to the idea of ​​Luffy and Sanji, but it is a deeper level.

"Okay, now that we understand, let's act. The storm outside shouldn't stop us." Nami put away the chart and began to put on the raincoat. These men are not afraid of the wind and rain, but she can I can't help but care, these clothes and hairstyles are not easy to deal with when they get wet in the wind and rain.

They also went to find Usopp and Zoro at the same time, but because Zoro was already asleep, they didn't bother him, and the four went to pack the boat.

Kaido said a long time ago that he can't do anything, and because he can't do anything, he can't do anything.

After the four of them cleaned up, Kaido didn't feel anything, and the four of them had already returned to the restaurant.

"Okay, after our unremitting efforts, we finally found out that we have missed the lighthouse, and we can no longer find where the lighthouse is." Nami said dejectedly.

"Then what should we do? Isn't it impossible to find the entrance of the great route?" Usopp said.

"No, I'm a navigator. Even without the guidance of markers, I can still find that direction." Nami regained his spirits.

"It looks like this, it's amazing, it seems that I'm very wise to recruit a navigator on board." Luffy didn't know what happened, it was obviously someone else's ability, and he himself suddenly became complacent.

"Hey, don't interrupt me." Nami looked at Luffy.

Facing the smiling face that hasn't changed even in death, Luffy gradually disappeared, shrunk down, and drank water from the glass shaking left and right on the table with his mouth.

Nami took out the chart again, pointed to the place marking the great route, and said: "If you read correctly, the entrance to the great route is at this place.

"Isn't this land? How can we go there?" Usopp still looked at the chart.

Nami glanced at Usopp approvingly, and said: "Yes, it is land, and it is the Red Line, but there should be a river in this place, a river flowing toward the mountains. You can reach the Great Line through this river, but here There is still a lot of danger, because it is going up the mountain, the water flow here will be very fast, there are mountain walls on both sides of the river, if you can't accurately enter the river on the mountain, the boat will be on the mountain wall If it was smashed into pieces, there would be a lot of deviations, and it would also wear the hull on the mountain wall, and it would have to be scrapped in the end.”

"There is actually a river on the mountain. The great route is really a magical place. This is just a place to enter the great route. I really don't know what else is waiting for us inside." Sanji couldn't help sighing. .

"It should be about how dangerous the great route is. It's just the entrance of the great route, and there is a risk of the ship being destroyed. This place is really scary. I heard that there are all kinds of monsters. The Mihawk of a ship comes out of the great line," Usopp said.

"Anyway, I am the man who wants to become One Piece, and entering the great route is only the first step." Luffy finished drinking the water, put down the glass and said.

Although they have stopped Luffy from saying this many times, hearing it at this time still gave everyone a lot of comfort and encouragement.

While they were discussing what to do next, the swaying hull gradually stabilized in a way that everyone could feel.

The sound of crackling rainwater and howling wind were gone.

What's the situation, even if the climate on the sea is changeable and unpredictable, it can't change so fast, even if the water tap is turned off in the sky, there must be a process. How does this feel like suddenly entering another world? thing.

Everyone in the boat, including Kaido, was taken aback for a moment, and then they all ran outside to see what was going on.

Others were surprised by this sudden change, but Kaido wondered, now that it has stabilized, can it be said that it can be said to be able to cook.

Once out of the cabin, everyone can see that the sky was covered with dark clouds just now, but now it is blue, not to mention the dark clouds, and now there are not even a few White Clouds to be seen.

What makes people even more uncomfortable is that in the previous scene, there were various sounds. Although they automatically ignored them after listening too much, those 923 sounds such as wind, rain, and waves still exist.

Suddenly there was nothing here, not even the sound of the boat sailing through the water, it was quiet for a while and everyone felt a little uncomfortable.

"This is what happened, how the environment of this place is so good," Usopp said.

"Yeah, it feels more peaceful than the village in my hometown. Doesn't it mean that the great route is a place full of dangers? No one can complete the great route except Roger, the pirate king. How can it be so quiet here?" Luffy is also puzzled Said.

"Maybe there is a more powerful danger under this peaceful surface." Sanji said.

"Of course there is danger, it's not an ordinary danger. Hurry up and leave here by boat." Nami didn't know anything like these Madhahas, so he said eagerly.

"What's the danger?" Luffy asked.

"Anyway, let's leave by rowing first, and I'll tell you slowly." Nami was not usually anxious, but it didn't help, Luffy, Sanji, Usopp and the three of them still looked at Nami puzzled.

Kaido is not in a hurry at all, he knows what is going on with this place, it is a very safe place for him, there is nothing wrong with staying here for a while, and by the way, he can eat the meal he has always wanted up. .

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