Nami was really anxious. She knew that this place looked peaceful, but it was actually a very dangerous place. She wanted to leave this place quickly, and she didn't want to stay for a moment.

But these three people look like they don't want to move if they don't understand, especially that Sanji, who has always listened to whatever he says before, why are he standing with those two stupid geese at this time? up.

There was no other way, so Nami had to sort out the language and explain to the three of them what this place was and how dangerous it was.

"This place is called the Calm Belt, which literally means the place where there is no wind," Nami said.

"Isn't it great? The calm sea is very suitable for going out to sea." Luffy said.

"It's not calm, but there is no wind. If there is no wind, the ship can only paddle forward. In that case, can you stick to it? And this is not important. The important thing is that this is the lair of giant Sea Kings, not a Common ship at all. A place where you can sail." Nami said eagerly.

"What are giant Sea Kings, I have never heard of them." Luffy asked.

At this time, Sanji patted Luffy on the shoulder and said, "Don't ask, just look there.

The voice was a bit wrong, but Luffy never cared about these details, and looked directly in the direction Sanji was pointing.

"Isn't that a mountain? What's there to see, eh? No, I remember that there was no such mountain there just now." Luffy said doubtfully.

Sanji swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and pointed tremblingly at the top of his head.

Luffy looked at the place Sanji pointed at, there was something covering the sky and the sun, and then looked at the mountain he saw just now, only then did Luffy realize that what he saw in front of him didn't seem to be a mountain, but a huge one sea ​​monster.

It's just that this sea monster is a bit too big. Luffy compared it visually, and it seems that a scale on this sea monster is bigger than the Merry.

Because it is at sea, there is no reference object, so it is difficult to intuitively know how big this sea monster is, but from the huge whale in the mouth of that sea monster, it can be seen that this blue whale eats blue whales and humans eat blue whales. Just how big is the biscuit-like sea monster, and this is only the part exposed to the sea surface. It is not known how big the body is under the sea surface.

"See, this is the giant Sea Kings. If you don't want to die, you should row out of here quickly." At this time, Nami's words trembled a little.

The three of Luffy don't have much intention to stay here at this time, not to mention the strength of these Sea Kings, just this size is something they can't afford to provoke, "It's better to leave here quickly.

While rowing, Luffy asked, "Are these Sea Kings going to attack us?"

"No, we are too small for these Sea Kings, so we are not worth attacking at all. Why does he attack us?" Nami said.

"Then why did we leave so quickly?" Luffy was puzzled at this moment, and even the speed of rowing slowed down.

"Nonsense, do you think we will be safe if they don't attack us? They are so big that they can be set off with just a single movement. For us, they are waves of huge waves. If they don't run, they will sink the ship sooner or later. Yes." Usopp couldn't listen anymore.

Kaido also agrees with this statement, which is why, knowing that he is here, he will not let the animals come up to attack here, but he still does not stop them from going back quickly, mainly because it is too easy to capsize here, he himself is Not afraid, with his current strength, he can get anywhere in the world. "How about a few Sea Kings. It's just that these few people can't stand the toss of the Sea Kings here.

"That's right, after the Calm Belt is actually the great route, why do you think no one has entered the great route from here for so long, they all entered from the entrance on that mountain." Nami also added.

"It turned out to be like this. I said why the great route can come out of an entrance in the sea." Sanjishi looked thoughtful.

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of the four people, Feng Yu re-arrived on this ship, and several people were relieved. If it was a terrible enemy, they still had some confidence to defeat all the enemies, but for those Sea Kings , There is really no way to solve it, those are almost the great power of nature, I don't know how many of them human beings can resist.

"Okay, finally, it's out. Fortunately, there is no big move from Sea Kings, otherwise we won't be able to come back. Now we are heading in this direction, and we will soon be able to see Levis Mountain, or the Great Line The entrance is here." Nami breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and pointed the direction to everyone again.

"What are you talking about, I really miss a lot of things."

At this time, the sleepy Zoro came over and said.

The four of them looked at Zoro speechlessly. He was sleeping so peacefully at the most dangerous time. At this time, the matter had passed and he just came out. No one knew what to say about him.

"We are going to enter the great route soon, and we have to be ready." Nami can only say this.

"Well, it's finally time. Let me meet the swordsmen on the great route. I don't know what level they are compared to Mihawk." Zoro also raised a little interest.

"I can't wait too," Luffy said.

Kaido watched without saying a word, just look forward to it at this time, there are still many strange things in (good Zhao's) great route.

"Look, is that the entrance?" Sanji said, pointing to the front.

"It should be, there is the Red Line, this rock wall is so high, it has already entered the clouds, is there such a high. So the people on the Red Line live above the clouds, it sounds like a fairy tale Same," Usopp sighs.

"Okay, don't sigh anymore, we are about to enter the turbulent waters below, we must steer the rudder well, and don't hit the Red Line, otherwise we will be the first step of failure." Nami is still very dependent at this time Spectrum, non-stop directing each person on board to do their own things.

"No problem, Zoro, come here too, the three of us will definitely be able to handle it." Usopp said, at this time he and Sanji had already grasped the rudder "and entered that watershed steadily...

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