This is already the entrance to the great route, as long as you pass through here safely, you can enter the great route.

The turbulent water has become a force to help the boat go up the mountain, and it is also a test.

If you can't grasp the direction under this turbulent water, then you will crash on the river bank, or on those artificial arches with carved beams and paintings.

The group of people on the Luffy boat suddenly felt extremely resentful towards these well-made arches. Why did they build so many arches on this traffic artery? Isn’t it more difficult for them who want to enter the great route? At this time Everyone wants to quickly see what the great route looks like, so how can you have so much time to appreciate the patterns on your arches?

"No, no, it's a little bit off, you guys are a little bit off at the helm." Luffy looked at the direction of the ship and shouted there.

"What's a bit off, you said it's off to the side, if you can't tell, don't stand here and block our sight." Zoro scolded Luffy angrily.

"Turn to the right, turn to the right, not the boat to the right, I mean you turn the boat to the right, the boat is going to hit the arch on the left!" Luffy finally understood what order to give at this time.

The main reason is that he has always been a charging character, but he is the kind without brains. He has never commanded anyone, so for a while, his will only sound messy, without any rules, and it is easy to hear. It's also cloudy and foggy, and I can't really hear it.

However, now under Luffy's words, the three people behind knew what to do. The strength of these three people together is definitely not small, not to mention Sanji is good at Usopp, Zoro, as a person who wants to become the best swordsman in the world, has focused on training his own strength, otherwise he would not be in East Blue With such a big name in the world, and the courage to challenge Mihawk, even though he failed in the challenge, his strength can still be seen from Madara.

So although the turbulent water here caused a lot of trouble for the deflection of the rudder, the three of them could still easily pull the rudder of the ship.

But the strength is enough, but what they didn't expect was that this wooden boat could not be so strong.

"Okay, everyone work hard together, turn to the right, one, two, three..."

Following Usopp's chant, the three of Zoro exerted force together, and then they heard a click, and they gave and broke the whole wooden stick.

For a moment, the boat fell silent.

"What are you doing, why is it at this time!" Nami was really about to cry out of anger from them, and this thing happened at this time.

"Don't talk about it anymore. This is a problem with the quality of the ship. Everyone doesn't want it. At this time, you should quickly think about how to change the direction of the ship."

"The rudder is already broken, how can we change the direction of the boat, is there any big fish coming out to top the boat?" Nami said desperately.

"Come on, I can turn into a big balloon and block the front of the ship, so it shouldn't be crashed." Luffy thought of a way, but even he himself didn't believe it could save the ship .

At this moment, Kaido, who had been silent all this time, said, "No, I can change the direction of the boat.

Everyone is looking at Kaido at this time, wondering how he can change the direction of the ship. Although Kaido has always been amazing, when there are any problems, he seems to be able to solve them, but in In their impression, this Kaido is still just a person with great strength, sin plus a weird swordsmanship.

But what is the use of those things at this time? Can the water flow be diverted with swordsmanship? This is simply impossible. It is another ability of his, the huge strength may come in handy, he can (cgad) push the boat away, but in the current environment, he does not have a good leverage point, no matter how powerful he is It is also useless.

So everyone looked at Kaido standing in the middle of the boat in doubt, wondering how he could say such a thing.

But the next moment, although they saw it, they still didn't know what happened.

In the meantime, Kaido stood still in the middle of the deck, and punched a place in front of him where there was nothing.

Luffy and the others looked suspiciously at Kaido, who was punching there, not knowing what he was doing.

The sharp-eyed Zoro has already seen something different, there seems to be something in front of Kaido's fist, under his punch there are almost invisible ripples, what is that.

Just when everyone was still wondering, with Kaido's punching, there was a bang, and then the whole ship shook. If you pay attention, you can find that the ship has been moved out a lot It turned out that the ship that was hitting the arch was already only hitting the side.

Kaido didn't stop. If he listened at this moment, then what's the point of what he did before? Although he just hit the pillar of the arch from the side, but at the current speed, it can be said that the whole ship can be hit. Disintegration, that is no different from the previous situation.

Punch out again, the interval between this time and the last time is very short, after all, this time is the time to race against time, it is not a time to deliberately adjust slowly, you must use strong medicine

There was another popping sound from Kaido, if the sound from the previous punch was from Luffy and the others jumping, this time the sound made them curious

There is obviously nothing in front of Kaido, something made a sound, and they also saw the reaction of the boat. There was indeed something that gave a reverse force and pushed the boat out. If this continues If so, it is indeed possible to change the direction of the ship. And it's not the kind of U-turn, but the kind of translation.

Looking at Kaido's fist, Luffy remembered that when he was in the town of Rogge, Smoker, whom he couldn't hit, was thrown out of thin air by Kaido's fist, and his appearance at that time was very similar to his current appearance.

The power of Kaido's previous punch had not disappeared, but the power of this punch was reversed again. The hull that could have returned by itself, because of the continuous push of these two forces, gradually had a tendency to capsize.

If it didn't hit the arch, but was knocked over by Kaido instead, it would be a lot of fun, and it would be hard to explain to Luffy and the others. .

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