I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 519: There Is No Absolute Road

In order to appease the whale, the old man had exhausted all his tricks, but none of them worked. Whales are like little girls throwing a tantrum when they want to have a good talk with them

Shouting, couldn't hear the whales were still there hitting the red line.

Seeing that Laboon's body was dying, the old man had no choice but to use sedatives to calm him down.

But Laboon is too big, and he will not wait for the old man's injection obediently, so he thought of the method of injecting in the whale's body.

As an old man who is a Grandmaster of all kinds of machinery, he prepared a lot of materials by himself. After nearly ten years of hard work, he finally built a huge project in Laboon's body. There is already a huge building in which he can live. In this way, he can monitor what kind of problems will appear in Laboon's body at any time, and can reach the corresponding place more conveniently, so as to give Laboon reasonable treatment.

In the past, with such a big Laboon, the old man had no choice but to yell at him. Now, with this building, the old man can help Laboon and control him.

If Laboon hits the Red Line desperately again, the old man will inject a sedative into Laboon's body, so that he can calm down for a while, so that he won't be killed by himself. He can also watch the other 827 See how his body is doing.

However, he was not the only one who knew about this matter, and was quickly found out by a criminal organization, but the value of this whale was not very high, and many people had no idea about them.

Except for these two members who were short of food in their town, they didn't have any idea after they learned about it, but they knew that one day, there was a shortage of food in their town, and they Think of this whale.

If they could get this whale, their town wouldn't have to worry about food for a year.

If it is a wild whale, they will not catch his attention, there is almost no possibility of victory, and even if a whale is killed, they have no good way to bring the whale's body back to the village .

But Laboon is different, because the existence of the building in his body makes it possible to control the whale as long as it enters his body, which saves a lot of things.

As long as (cgae) enters Laboon's body and kills the old man inside, this whale belongs to them, why not do such an easy thing.

So the two of them decisively collected a lot of information and brought a lot of weapons and equipment to find the whale.

According to the information they collected, this whale will howl for a long time at the mouth of the river during the day, and this is the perfect time for them to enter Laboon's body

So Mr. Jiu was riding a huge wave and was going to row to Laboon. At this time, he heard the voice of Luffy and the others, and thought that there was a colleague coming to snatch the whale, so not only did he not back down, but he also quickened his pace. Head towards Laboon.

But Laboon's behavior made them dumbfounded.

It's all right there, just wait for us to enter your body, why did you run away suddenly, and at a speed that you haven't seen before, did you find us when you dived into the sea and escaped?

Although their boats also carry diving equipment, they are used to move in the digestive juices of whales, not to hunt down whales. Besides, what kind of equipment can catch up to Laboon's speed? Said that Laboon was still thinking about going to the bottom of the sea.

Because Laboon ran very fast, a huge wave hit him.

Mr. Jiu and his boat were pushed into the bottom of the sea without any resistance. Mr. Jiu and Ms. Wednesday struggled for a long time before they got out of the water.

"Pfft, wow." Miss Wednesday climbed to the shore, squeezed her abdomen, and kept protruding from the water that was poured into the sea just now. Mr. Jiu has already arrived on the shore, lying on the reef with a hopeless face, like a salted fish that has lost its dream.

"Didn't Mr. Jiu say that you can hold on, and you capsized the boat." Miss Wednesday finally vomited, and looked at Mr. Jiu who was lying down.

Is that overturned? Does that mean that if you can stabilize it, you can stabilize it. Who can stop the waves of tens of meters high? It is good that the two of them can return to the shore safely. The husband doesn't want to say anything anymore, and everything he says now seems to be shirking responsibility.

"What should we do now? Where did that whale go? Our boat is gone, and we can't find anything on it." Miss Wednesday still felt sorry for her things on the boat.

Mr. Jiu suddenly sat up and raised his wrist. What was there was not a watch, but something like a compass.

Seeing that the things on his wrist were intact, Mr. Jiu breathed a sigh of relief and said to Miss Wednesday: "It's okay, that whale will come back sooner or later, but our town can't wait any longer. , Hurry back and report, let them quickly find other methods. Fortunately, my record pointer is fine, and our own boat is gone. We just need to find a boat and bring him to our town, saying Maybe their arrival will not only send us back, but also bring a lot of benefits to our town.

"It turns out that Mr. Jiu already has a plan, so I can rest assured."

"That's right, regardless of who I am, I'm a senior employee of our studio. I'm well-known for my ability to plan ahead and adapt to changing circumstances." Mr. Jiu showed a smug smile.

"So when will the boat come?" asked Miss Wednesday.

"Uh..." Mr. Jiu's smile froze instantly. Although this is the entrance of the great route, anyone who wants to enter the great route must pass through here. Now it is the age of great voyages, and there are countless The pirates want to enter the great route [but it is normal for no one to come for a long time.

If no one comes for a long time, let’s not talk about the mission, they may be starved to death on this rock, after all, their things come out with weapons, and the rest have fallen into the sea, and now they don’t know where they were washed by the sea went.

When Mr. Jiu didn't know what to do, he suddenly noticed a small dot moving slowly behind Miss Wednesday. Although it was far away, he could still tell that it was a pirate ship. road. .

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