I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 520 Infiltrating

The boat Mr. Jiu and the others saw was naturally Luffy and Kaido's boat. At this time, they finally arrived at a calm sea. Kaido finally got what he wanted, so he urged Sanji to cook .

Luffy couldn't believe it because he defeated the whale, but under the compliments of the crew, he couldn't help but feel complacent. It was also at this time that he asked for meat, so Sanji didn't come out. He was unexpectedly driven into the kitchen by everyone.

Sanji still likes the job of chef very much, otherwise his dream would not be to find the blue ocean. After all, the blue ocean is really not attractive to other occupations other than chef.

It is also something Sanji desires to be able to see other people eating the food he made, so he does not need to be forced by other people to cook. At that time, he will naturally do it. It was because of one thing after another that he had no time to enter the kitchen.

At this time, in the kitchen of the Merry, Sanji held a shovel in one hand and was frying the vegetables in the pot on the stove with flames gushing out. Although most people want to be like Luffy and like to eat meat very much , but at sea, or this kind of greens are more precious.

Kaido is the one who is very greedy for these vegetables. After all, he is not a superficial foodie like Luffy. He not only eats a lot, but also wants to eat well and delicately. Otherwise, when I was in the restaurant at sea, I would not have bothered to work hard. I wanted to pick up Sanji, an excellent chef, on my ship.

But I didn't expect to end up on Luffy's boat. I obviously thought that I wouldn't come on Luffy's boat.

But these are not what Kaido cares about. The past has passed, and the future has not yet arrived. Now he just wants to eat the vegetables he has been waiting for for a long time.

Now the fish that Sanji bought in Rogge Town has been cooked by him, divided into dozens of pieces, large and small, and scattered on his own dining table, which is called a fragrant and seductive dining table. ~ is just around the corner.

If it weren't for the need to have certain etiquette and respect for the chef Sanji, several people would definitely swarm up at this time to let others see what is called wind and cloud and food disappearance, especially Luffy, if there are other people Look, Luffy can let others know what it means to eat raw, and if he eats a little more anxiously, he can leave no plate left.

At this time, on the surface of the sea, close to the Meri, two heads suddenly appeared, obviously a man and a woman, the man had two nines written on his face, and the woman had a blue high ponytail, which was exactly Mr. Nine and Miss Wednesday.

After they found the boat on the reef, in order not to have long nights and dreams, they decisively swam towards the side of the boat. Because the boat happened to be facing the direction of the reef where they were just now, the two sides approached very quickly. It was a snorkel, and the two of them had already reached the vicinity of the ship.

"It's close, almost one more time to reach the side of the boat." Mr. Jiu said.

"I don't know how strong this pirate group is. What if there are too many of them and we can't beat them?" Miss Wednesday asked worriedly. She seems to have always had no confidence, and she has been like this since she came out to sea.

"A large number of people is the best. A large number of people means that they are powerful. A strong power means that they must have a lot of property. A large number of people also means that they have a lot of food reserves. Aren't these all what we need? We don't need to fight with them , as long as we are refugees and our ship is destroyed, if they can send ours to our town, they can pay them a lot of money or something. When it comes to our village, the people there Strength, a boat can't capsize any waves." Mr. Jiu showed that he didn't like Miss Wednesday's performance, but he said a lot of things, and the things in it were very detailed. In Mr. Jiu's heart, he really likes the appearance of Miss Wednesday. Girls need to be a little weaker. If they are all like those women in the studio, it is meaningless. Everything is better than him, the male Grandmaster. , Even if he is more courageous than him, how can he show his masculinity? Only a woman like Miss Wednesday can show his courage and wisdom, and Miss Wednesday is still so beautiful.

……ask for flowers……

Miss Wednesday not only has a pretty face, but also has a superb figure. If it weren't for the fact that Miss Wednesday's background is a bit complicated, and Mr. Jiu, who is from the same village as her, didn't know her specific background, he would have started to ask for permission for Wednesday. miss.

"Then why do we still swim over in such a sneaky way, just call them over, it's fine if we don't come to us." Miss Wednesday still doesn't quite understand Mr. Jiu's operation, in her opinion, it's completely superfluous.


Mr. Jiu was suddenly at a loss for words, because their studio has always been doing illegal work, and it has always been done secretly. This time, they did it subconsciously

Now being asked by Miss Wednesday, I suddenly don't know what to say.

It is not acceptable to directly say that I was negligent and subconsciously made such a sneaky action, so my masculinity, brave and upright image will be gone, right?

That’s why it’s absolutely not allowed to say, “You have to think of a plausible reason.

Soon an immature idea appeared in his mind, and he said it without thinking, in case she saw that it was an excuse he made up.

"The main reason is that this ship is a bit small, it doesn't look like there are many people, and look at their pirate flag, the logo on it is the straw hat, I still haven't heard of any powerful pirates using straw hats It is a sign, so it should be a small pirate group. We can control their captain and take down the ship directly. Isn’t it better than us praying to them? After returning, our credit is better than guiding the enemy. It's much better in our village."

After I finished speaking, I went through it again in my mind. Mr. Jiu felt that the excuse he made up was really good. Now that I think about it, the more I think about it, the more reasonable it is. It's easy for Miss Wednesday to be an uninitiated person. The few who are persuaded by themselves. .

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