"So we went up and hijacked the people on their boat, and then drove the boat to our village with the goods. This is all due to us." Miss Wednesday really believed what Mr. Jiu thought. his words.

"Yes." Mr. Jiu showed a smug smile, "Okay, don't say more, don't let the people on the boat see us. Let's go.

Seeing Mr. Jiu who got into the water again, Miss Wednesday twitched the corners of her mouth, obviously feeling that his plan was unreliable at all, but there was nothing he could do, he didn't know his identity, and he wouldn't listen to her, memory The pointer is also in his hand, I should follow him, I hope there is no danger, if there is something, I will let him go ahead, but I will not act with him.

Miss Wednesday dived into the water with Mr. Jiu's "Four Three Three" students, and moved quickly towards the ship, leaving scratches on the calm sea surface, which soon turned into large and small whirlpools, rolling up pieces of foam .

They are all working at sea. Except for those with fruit abilities, everyone else has good water skills. It seems that they are still far away. They have already reached the bottom of the boat during this dive. When Mr. Jiu came up to take a breath It has already seized the bottom of the Merry.

Mr. Nine and Ms. Wednesday carefully climbed onto the Merry, and when they got to the deck, they still looked around for a long time before they found that there was no one on the board.

The two raised the guns they carried with them. Their weapons were all specially made. Even after soaking in seawater for such a long time, they could still be used immediately.

The two of them went back to back in a very professional manner, looking from room to room.

They found that there was no one inside, let alone a person, not even a little valuable thing. It is really a vivid description of what is called a family.

"It seems that I was really right. It is really a poor pirate group. How can such a pirate group have such a strong strength." Mr. Jiu has already relaxed at this time.

Miss Wednesday agrees with Mr. Jiu's statement at this time, mainly because the scene is too convincing, and she has nothing to refute, but she noticed something, and she has a different way of daughter-in-law.

"Did you say that this ship has been looted, or that everyone on this ship is gone? Have you noticed that the rudder is broken, and no one is still on the deck? There are still many cracks, which are probably traces of battle." Miss Wednesday said.

Mr. Jiu was always very nervous before, and he didn't notice these places at all at first. Now, after listening to Miss Wednesday's description, he feels that this is really possible.

"Maybe, maybe it's an abandoned boat, but who is so generous, such a big boat just threw it away." Mr. Jiu has already let himself go at this time, and he is not as cautious as he was at the beginning. Kicked open the door of the restaurant.

The next moment, six pairs of eyes in the dining room looked over at the same time, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

At this time, Mr. Jiu is already riding a tiger, so he can't close the door again, and say that he went to the wrong door. In an instant, he made the plan he had made before, raised the cannon and aimed at the six people inside and said: "Don't move, this ship is mine now."

The other five people were all stunned. What is the situation? A boat snatcher? He got on our boat by himself and said that the boat belonged to them. No, there was another person behind, but she obviously hadn't reacted to that performance, so she must have been frightened.

There is only one person who doesn't think so at all, and that is Kaido who is already on the verge of breaking out.

After going through so many things, I finally had the opportunity to eat the meal made by Sanji. I thought it would be smooth sailing, but waiting for the food to be served is a bit anxious and unexpected, and there is nothing wrong with it.

But what is this at the door now? I didn't expect that it was already on this calm sea, and it was already at the last moment of serving food, and I could still find trouble by myself.

Don't you just want to have a meal? Why is it so difficult [Why do you have to come up with all these troubles at this time.

The next moment, without saying a word, Kaido rushed directly in front of Mr. Jiu, and swung his fist from bottom to top...

As early as when Kaido was leaving, Mr. Jiu had already sensed that this person had malicious intentions, and the target was rushing towards him. He was not an indecisive person, so he couldn't let him go if someone provoked him at this time. Otherwise, your situation will be very passive.

But what he didn't expect was that Kaido's speed could be so fast. His decision had just been made in his mind, and before it was sent to his brain, he had already found that Kaido was in front of him, and he hadn't waited for his brain to make a decision. Thinking about what happened, I felt a huge force coming, and the whole person flew up.

Because Kaido is very irritable at this time, the force used in this punch is not small, but he is not a bloodthirsty person, he controls the direction of the force, so that it will not kill him, but it can break him several times. A bone, flying thousands of meters away, as to whether he can survive depends on his own luck.

At such a fast speed, Mr. Jiu, the person involved, did not react, nor did the other people watching. It wasn't until Mr. Jiu soared into the air that he shattered the deck and flew out. Only then did the others realize what had happened.

Miss Wednesday standing behind Mr. Jiu looked at Kaido's unretracted fist, and then at the big hole that Mr. Jiu 2.9 punched out. She dropped the weapon in her hand with a slap, and fell on the ground, not knowing what to say up.

Luffy could not reach out the hand that Luffy wanted to take a bite at first, but he didn't expect Kaido to be so irritable at this time, the other party just said a word, and without a word, he sent the other party flying, even his own deck was already destroyed It was broken by him, but he didn't dare to say anything now, and he withdrew his hand that was stretched out to the fish. Who knows what Kaido will do next, whether he will eat a little food because of himself, and he will be bigger than himself. pause.

"What happened?" Sanji, who finally finished the dishes, asked while looking at the big hole on the deck while distributing the very precious vegetables on the sea.

Didn't he just concentrate on cooking a dish? It's like he fell asleep in this situation. .

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