"Someone seems to be robbing our ship," Nami said.

"Then, what about the robber?" Sanji put away the dishes, sat on his seat, and looked at Kaido in front of him.

One was lying on the ground, and the other flew out from the big hole. ’ Nami explained.

Sanji was speechless, he probably understood the situation, that is, two people boldly ran to their ship, intending to rob their ship, but unfortunately, they ran into Kaido's gun, and the end of one was useless Having said that, not dying is also a serious injury, and there is another one lying on the ground trembling.

Kaido withdrew his fist that hit Mr. Fei Jiu, and slowly walked towards Miss Wednesday who was lying on the ground and did not dare to move.

Although this man is a robber who wants to rob their ship, Nami, who is a woman, still can't bear to see this woman end up like that man.

And here is Sanji, who is almost the patron saint of women, and Zoro is also a person who will not be cruel to women.

So they all wanted to plead with Kaido. It would be great if this woman could be let go. Of course, she would not be able to live comfortably. There are still many jobs on the ship that need to be done.

Luffy is different. In his eyes, men and women are the same. Recruiting Nami has never had anything to do with her appearance. The first one he hit at sea was a woman, that obese and vicious Alvida with tits all over her face, and who kept saying that she was the most beautiful woman in the world, even though she ate the slippery fruit later and really became a beauty. But in Luffy's eyes, her image has never changed, she is still that disgusting woman.

So Luffy didn't pay attention to what Kaido was going to do. He was looking at the fish that he wanted to steal before, but was scared by Kaido's action and retracted his hand. Now the dish is ready and should be edible Alright.

Kaido has already walked in front of Miss Wednesday, and stretched out his hand to grab Miss Wednesday's neck, as if to strangle her to death.

Nami behind them suddenly spoke: "Kaido, don't, let her stay, we can ask what they are, where they come from, and if they have any accomplices, and we are the first time on the great line, we can ask some Ask about the situation here, and we still need a handyman on board, so don't throw her out."

"Yes, yes, keeping her is still useful." Sanji also quickly echoed what Nami said.

Kaido looked back at the others and had no opinion, and he had already relieved a lot of anger by beating the shouting man away. The woman hadn't said anything since she came in, and it seemed that she hadn't said a word. So he doesn't have any idea about this woman, so let's just keep her.

But there is no need to throw it out, she can stay comfortably on the boat, in order to prevent her from escaping by herself, you have to show her some color, otherwise it will be bad if she comes to non-violent non-cooperation.

Kaido didn't grab Miss Wednesday's neck anymore, turned his grasp into fingers, and clicked on the back of Miss Wednesday's neck, so that she can't move, and at the same time it can bring her a lot of fright, and the subsequent cooperation will be smooth Quite a few.

The effect of Kaido’s click is similar to acupuncture in martial arts novels, not the one in TV dramas. After clicking, people can only keep this action still, but people can’t control their limbs. The symptoms are very similar. is paralyzed.

This is Kaido's application of power. It is a force similar to Qi hitting the human body. These forces will prevent humans from controlling their bodies. After a short period of time, the body will still have a large area of ​​soreness, just like It's because I didn't have a good posture when I went to sleep at night, and my whole body feels sore when I wake up in the morning.

Miss Wednesday was really terrified at the time, and she had already scolded that idiot Mr. Jiu eight hundred times in her heart. It can be seen from the small size of the boat that the people on this boat are not strong enough and the number of people is very small.

No, it’s true that the number of people is small. There are only six people in total. It’s rare to see a pirate group with only such a few people. Not to mention what to do during robbery, it’s too busy just to deal with the sundries on the ship.

But the number of people is the number of people, and the strength is not bad at all. Just look at the speed and strength when he beat Mr. Fei Jiu just now. It doesn't take a second for one person to kill the two of them. Can such a person be called? Qiang, and there are five people like this behind who are looking at the two of them blankly. If they come up, what will happen to the two of them, Miss Zhou Wang dare not think about it anymore.

After seeing Mr. Jiu's reckless end, Miss Wednesday threw away her weapon decisively, and even seemed to be frightened and unsteady, and then she could only hope that they would let her go for the sake of being a girl Well, if I can go back safely, I will definitely not dare to fight against them, but next time I will never go on missions with such unknown people who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth.

Pat, clack, Miss Wednesday could feel the man approaching, how would he treat her, send the same punch, or what would be a more terrifying result, Miss Wednesday's body was tense at this time, although she was afraid of this man It has reached the extreme, but if she can, she will not sit still. Even if there is no chance of winning, she still has to try to see if she can escape from death.

Knowing that she had heard the woman's words and wanted the man's body to stop, Miss Wednesday let out a sigh of relief, secretly glad that she was finally safe, and the next thing to do was to hold them steady and bring them to her own village Just go up, and there will naturally be someone there who can deal with them.

I am not an ordinary villager, there are still many people who can deal with such monsters, and my village is not a village of reckless people, I will not blindly attack, but will use some reasonable means.

But what Miss Wednesday didn't think of was that this terrifying man tapped the back of her neck. What was she doing to take advantage of my mother? It shouldn't be.

The next moment, she already knew that it was not what she imagined, because she already felt that her body had changed, and she could feel that her body was gradually becoming numb. In just a second or two, she could no longer feel herself. What happened to my body, it was all replaced by those numb feelings.

Miss Wednesday cried out in horror, but fortunately her mind and mouth were fine, and they were still under her own control. .

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