"What did you do to me, why can't I feel my body anymore!" Miss Wednesday panicked, anyone whose body suddenly became numb and couldn't control their body would panic.

Miss Wednesday was even more panicked, not only because she couldn't move her body, but also because she was on the enemy's ship now, and she didn't know what they would do to her.

Kaido didn't care about Miss Wednesday's thoughts, reached out and grabbed Miss Wednesday's neck and lifted her up, like a rag doll, and threw her in the corner of the restaurant.

"It hurts, it hurts, what on earth are you going to do, I won't resist, what you say is what you say, don't treat me like this, please." Miss Wednesday begged for mercy.

But he didn't want to take another look at her. In his eyes, nothing was as important as the food on this table.

The other people are big-hearted people, and of course they can watch Kaido's actions, but they are indifferent. There is only one Sanji, who is very heartbroken watching Miss Tuesday who is randomly thrown in the corner.

This is also a beautiful lady whose appearance is not inferior to that of Nami. Of course, in the eyes of Sanji, as long as she is a cute girl, it doesn’t matter whether she is beautiful or not. Such a girl needs to be carefully cared for. She can be treated roughly like Kaido, but after hearing about Kaido's violent behavior just now, it's not easy to go up and do anything for a while, so I can only wait until the meal is over to see if I can save her.

"Okay, let's eat first, and then we'll talk about how to deal with this robbing pirate." Kaido said his plan, and then began to let everyone eat quickly.

Luffy has been waiting for this time for a long time, and he couldn't wait for a long time. As soon as Kaido said to start eating, he became turbulent, and everything was gone in his mouth.

Kaido is naturally not slow, waiting for this meal Kaido feels like Tang Seng who has gone through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, but he can't treat himself less, especially this meal is carefully made by Sanji. A qualified sea chef, although Sanji can't reach the top chefs, the meals he cooks are still very delicious, which is far superior to those in ordinary restaurants. .

Others want to talk about the robbery, but seeing that Kaido and Luffy have already eaten, and those who have been with Luffy for a while, they all know that Luffy eats at a fast speed How fast is it, and how big is Luffy's appetite? If they are lingering like this, it is very likely that they will lose their share of the meal. This is not sensational, it is really possible, Luffy, the rubber People can support themselves as much as they want.

There is also a Kaido here. Although I don’t know how much he eats, but judging by his usual strength and the way he yells to eat after Luffy, he is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he is probably a big eater.

At this time, the dining table has almost become a battlefield. Chopsticks and arms are coming and going, competing for the few resources. If there is no qualified chopstick use technology here

It is very likely that it will be eliminated.

Of course, I don't know how to use chopsticks, and there are other methods. For example, Luffy has already started to pick up the saucer and pour it into his mouth.

Others saw it, and hated his behavior. This way of eating is soulless. The main reason is that you eat so fast, what do we eat, such a large table of dishes, they are already full before they are full. There were empty plates, and if they weren't quicker, there might be nothing left on the table.

Kaido's combat prowess at the dining table is also good. Although he can't see any faster movements, the food in front of him is indeed gradually disappearing visible to the naked eye. It poured slowly from his own mouth.

The other people who observed this phenomenon accelerated the speed of eating even faster. The two monsters here cannot have a little relaxation. At this time, they don't even have time to condemn Luffy's shameless behavior .

The most painful thing at this time is Miss Wednesday who was still in the corner. She had been bumping on the sea for a long time, and then she was photographed into the sea by the huge movement of the whale, and she was exposed to the sun on the reef, and she was in the sea again. After swimming in the sea for such a long time, I am already exhausted. If I am not supported by the illusion of a boat full of treasures, I don’t want to move anymore.

Although at this time she is as she thought, she doesn't need to move anymore, but it's not because she doesn't want to move, but because she can't move, this appearance is too different from her appearance, and she is very uncomfortable now of.

It's fine if you can't move, but you still have to watch this group of people, and the food is in full swing, so you can only watch and can't do anything.

Miss Wednesday can only lament her misfortune, and hope that they can finish their meal quickly and come over to torture herself. I don't need them to torture me. I will say everything I can say, so I hope they can be polite to me One point, at least let herself be able to move. In such a state of being unable to move, the discomfort is second to none. The main reason is that the feeling of losing her body is really frightening, and as time goes on, she becomes more and more afraid.

But what she didn't think of was that it didn't take long for this idea to appear. Miss Wednesday, who was planning to stick to it until they finished eating, saw (OK) on the table, Luffy had already put the last dish Soup poured into his mouth.

No, what about a large table of dishes, I clearly saw that there was a large table full of dishes, why did I lose all of them in a blink of an eye, and there was not even any soup left, could it be that this person was controlling himself There are other side effects of the body method, such as slowing down one's thinking time, which is too scary. I must cooperate well and let them quickly get this damn thing away from my body.

At this time, other people have no time to care about Miss Wednesday's thoughts, even Sanji, who is the most considerate of women, did not notice Miss Wednesday's frightened expression at this time, he just put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand and said To be honest, he is not full, but it is not worth it to make another meal because of this. .

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