I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 526: Way Of Traveling

"Memo pointers are a kind of... I'll start from scratch.

Because the great route is a very special place, the sea here is completely different from the outside, and anything that is common sense outside may subvert your cognition here.

Things like climate, wind direction, and magnetism are not credible here. For example, a compass that can be used to determine a direction outside using magnetism is completely unusable here. "Miss Wednesday talked about the differences on this great line bit by bit.

Hearing this, Nami took out her own compass, and saw that the compass that can still be used in the outer sea area has arrived here, and it is indeed unusable. The current compass needle is twitching non-stop, and the direction it points is five There are eight gates of flowers, constantly changing.

Nami frowned "four five three" and suddenly realized the dangers of this sea area. She could already imagine the dangers that her group would encounter in this sea.

I couldn't help asking: "Then how do we determine the direction on the great route, is it by using the memory pointer you mentioned?"

"That's right, it is to use the memory pointer to replace the function of the compass in the outer sea area. The memory pointer is a pointer that has been specially made. It can capture a special magnetic force on the great route. This magnetic force is a kind of magnetic force compared to other Very stable magnetic force, they are not pointing in an absolute direction, but pointing between islands.

It is this kind of magnetic force that will point from one island of the great route to the next island, as long as it follows this guidance, it will advance to the depths of the great route.

The memory pointer is a special process that can record the magnetic force on an island and acquire the ability to point to the next island.

No matter where you are, the memory pointer will point to the target island. If you stay on that target island for enough time, the memory pointer will record the magnetic force of that island and point to the next island. This time is Not sure, every island is different.

This is the way to advance on the great route. If you want to go to the subsequent islands, you must go one by one in the order of magnetic force.

So you know now, if there is no memory pointer, you will not be able to find any place on the great route, you will only get lost in the sea, and I don’t need to tell you the final fate.

As for the memory pointer of our town, it is on my companion. Now he doesn't know where he flew, and I have no way to go home. "

Miss Wednesday clearly explained the function of the memory pointer, with a serious look on her face.

The other people listened to Miss Wednesday's explanation, and showed the same dignified look, but their solemnity was different from Miss Wednesday's. For them, the great route was just a novelty, and they only needed to find a memory pointer That's it.

Miss Wednesday needs specific pointers to return to their town, and because of her special identity, she still has her own things to do. If she can't go back for a long time, then no one can complete those things. That kingdom would also be at war because of it, or not "replaced by someone else.

"It turned out to be like this, so we need to find a memory pointer to move forward. I don't know where I can buy this memory pointer?" Zoro said.

"I don't know. Now we can only move forward randomly on the sea to see if we can meet an island. Otherwise, there is really no place to get the so-called memory pointer." Usopp responded.

Listening to them discussing how to find the memory pointer, you can hear their leisurely and contentedness, and they don't have a sense of urgency like this at all. It would be great if I could be like this, but my identity and theirs It's different. With such an identity, I have to complete my mission, so I absolutely can't stay here. When they arrive at the next island, find a chance to leave, so I can find a way to return to his own kingdom.

Compared with their discussions here, Kaido is much more leisurely than theirs here. Just after eating, they walked on the deck, blowing the sea breeze, and watching seabirds descending to the sea from time to time. Go fishing, this picture is really comfortable...

At this time, Kaido found that he still lacked a recliner, so he lay down on the creaking recliner at this time, looking at the sea scenery like this is so pleasant.

But now there is none, Kaido can only lie on the side of the boat and make do with it.

Did he also hear the conversation in the cabin, the memory pointer? If not, it would be a lot of trouble, so let’s find one for them, the person I sent flying out should be around here.

As the boat moved forward slowly, it was finally about to catch up with the person who was blown away by Kaido. Kaido took a look on the sea surface, and sure enough, the person was floating not far away, not sure if he was dead or alive. .

Kaido jumped into the sea directly, ready to pull him back, and let them see if he had the memory pointer they said.

For a person with fruit abilities, the sea is undoubtedly terrifying. Except for a few special fruit abilities, some special methods can be used to avoid death in the sea. Rescue is sure to die.

As a fruit capable user, Kaido would not be afraid of 3.4 water if he really dared to jump into the sea like this. The dragon soul system on his body has already awakened an unknown number of dragon souls. I don’t know how many dragon souls he has now. How much power has been assembled in fantasy, although there are some who are afraid of water, but more are those who are not afraid of water, even like fish in water, and are stronger in water, so he can often swim in the sea like a normal person , Most people can't see that he is a fruit ability user.

I just don't know when the people on the boat will realize that he can still swim in the sea despite saying that he is a person with fruit ability.

In just a few clicks, Kaido has already arrived at Mr. Jiu's side. Even if Kaido does not have the body of a dragon, he can still possess the ability of a dragon. This is completely different from when he first got this system. Now there is no What a limit. .

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