I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 527 Lost And Found

Kaido grabbed Mr. Nine's clothes and dragged him back to the boat. On his wrist is indeed a compass-like thing. That should be the memory pointer that Miss Wednesday mentioned. With this, you can arrive as soon as possible. That town is gone, and the things he needs should be able to be found there.

But these things should be left to Luffy and the others, I won't bother with that.

So Kaido directly threw Mr. Jiu into the big hole he knocked out, and then ignored the yelling inside, lying on a mast by himself, looking at the blue sky, enjoying Life.

In the past few decades, he has been working hard, always thinking about becoming stronger, and has never seen the beauty of this world.

Now that there are so many dragon souls, almost all the abilities of dragons in fantasy works have been unlocked, and there is no power that can be greater than him. 26

Now Kaido just wants to enjoy life in this world with peace of mind, watch the world carefully, and don't bring him too much change or damage.

It's like playing with my world in the previous life, and I can't bear to destroy the world created by others.

Inside the cabin, several people were thinking about the memory pointer, and Sanji was talking about it with Miss Wednesday.

"Miss Wednesday, if you can't return to your own town, then come with us, so that you may be able to return to your town at any time.

Or which town has a pointer about your town appear in it? "

Sanji really felt that he was so happy at this time, before there was a charming woman, and after that, there might be a beautiful Miss Wednesday on his boat, so his happiness directly became the previous two. Times, he felt that he was about to pass out from happiness.

"Okay. Thank you." Miss Wednesday originally planned like this, so she didn't think about refusing at all, and it was also because there was no other way. The great route is so unreasonable, and she met someone like this The thing is that he can only follow his rules, maybe he will be lost at sea from then on and never return to his own country.

Sanji heard a thank you from Miss Wednesday, and suddenly felt that his heart was going to stop, and if he couldn't find the memory pointer about their town in the future,

She may be on her own boat all the time, she is really so happy.

Just at this moment, only a dull crash was heard, and something fell from the big hole in the deck.

Several people who each had their own thoughts looked towards the direction of the sound. There was a wet person lying on the ground, who looked a little familiar.

Just when several other people were still thinking about where they had seen this person and why this person was here, Miss Wednesday called out first.

Nine... Mr. Nine. "

"What, is he your companion?" Usopp asked in surprise.

"That's right, it's him, you can see that nine is written on his face, you can't be wrong." Miss Wednesday said.

"Let's see if he's still alive. After being punched like that by Kaido, he can still be found." Nami said.

"It should be picked up by Kaido. It's his luck. The direction of flying is exactly in the direction of our ship." Zoro said.

"Is this the memory pointer? Fortunately, it's not broken." Nami has seen the compass-like thing on Mr. Jiu's wrist, and directed other people to check on Mr. Jiu's situation. Removed the memory pointer from his wrist.

"Yes, it's really great. I can go back to my own village." Miss Wednesday breathed a sigh of relief. Now that I have this, the people on the boat should send me back. I think The worst of those places will not happen, and the country still has a chance.

Nami took this memory pointer and compared it with the compass in his hand. At this time, the compass was still twitching around like a convulsion. It didn't have any effect at all. It might still work, but I don't know if this principle can be used to generate electricity , I don't know if anyone in this world has thought of such a thing, and if Nami has such an idea.

Unlike a compass, this memory pointer is very stable. No matter where it is, this pointer points to one direction. This should be the village Miss Wednesday said they came to.

"It's still alive, his life is really serious, but we don't know how his body is, whether he is injured, after all, we don't have a doctor on board, and we have nothing to do about his injury. Zoro said after reading the situation of Mr. Nine.

"Then find a bed for him and let him rest for a while. Let's rush to their town as soon as possible. If he can last there, there should be someone there who can rescue him, isn't it Miss Wednesday?" Nami930 said, looking at Miss Wednesday.

"Yes, there are people of all professions in our town, but because it is the village at the entrance of the Great Airline, there are no more powerful people, they are all doctors from the Common, so you should try to let Mr. Jiu Don't get hurt any more." Miss Wednesday nodded and told about the situation in their town.

Of course it is not true, she still wanted to see the town, if this group of people were detained, she did not regard them as her companions because of their few words and such a short time together , still regard them as their own prey.

The others nodded in agreement after listening to Miss Wednesday's words. Although they are called pirates in name, they are actually just a group of adventurers with their own dreams, and they will never do bad things. , Now a human life is in front of them, no matter what his identity is, whether he is his companion or not, they will not leave him alone, they will try their best to let this person live, but There was no doctor on their ship, and they didn't dare to do anything to him on their own. They could only let him survive by himself. They really couldn't help him with anything. .

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