I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 528 Fishing As A Business

A few uncomfortable Mr. Jiu, who was lying on the ground with unknown personnel, carried him to a spare room. Under the pressure of several people, Usopp reluctantly changed the clothes of this wet Mr. Jiu , and then just throw it here and leave it alone.

After all, this person is not an important person to them, but a person who wants to rob their ship. Even if such a person is killed, there is no problem. Now he has done his best, if he still does not want him to die , so he can only let his accomplice, Miss Wednesday, take care of him.

As for why she is a girl, how can she be allowed to do so many things? This kind of thinking means that there will be Sanji, and everyone else will be artificial. Be more careful, if these big-hearted old men are allowed to take care of the injured patient, it is really possible that he will be killed.

Another good thing is that they let their own people take care of them. If there is any accident, it doesn't matter what happens to them outsiders. Everything is their own business, avoiding these unnecessary responsibilities.

The people who came to the deck didn't see Kaido, but they didn't care about it. Based on what Kaido has shown in this period of time, they don't have any worries about Kaido's safety. They just need to do Just do what you need to do, as long as you don't run out of food, he doesn't have any problems.

Looking at the steady pointer in his hand pointing in one direction, Nami looked at the end of the sea and said: "Okay, now we have a direction, our journey of the great route is about to start here, we are going in this direction Go ahead."

Luffy and the others immediately started cheering.

Miss Wednesday looked at these people, and suddenly felt that the ship was really happy, but she didn't know how far a small pirate group like them could travel on the great route full of dangers.

Perhaps, the next island, their town, is the end of their journey.

No one saw Miss Wednesday's strange expression. They were all following what they were going to do to see if they could speed up the boat, but the sea is so ruthless. There's no way to get that fast.

But they found something they could do, and that was a big hole in their deck.

I don’t know what’s going on, but this ship is their common property and their home on the sea. For such an existence, they should take good care of it. Why was there no one when Kaido broke through this place? It hurts a bit, until this time, someone found out that there are so many broken here, how to deal with it.

Fortunately, this is the world, and repairing things is very simple, even this ship that is sailing on the sea is the same, as long as you find the prepared wooden boards and nail it, you can continue to use it. When you go to other places, you can find With a professional repairer, you can repair the same as the original.

When several people were repairing the big hole, they heard a crashing sound, something big came out of the sea, and it was right beside the boat. Several people became curious and turned towards the sound. If there is any danger, they can complete the work of eliminating the danger at the first time.

When they got to the side of the boat, they saw Kaido, who was wet all over, obviously just came out of the sea, holding a big fish seven or eight times bigger than his body in his hand, climbed onto the boat step by step, and put The fish were placed on the deck.

"Sanji, I helped you catch a fish that is the same as the one I ate today. Today's fish still tasted good to me, so I went down and caught another." Kaido said.

Sanji, hehe, what does it mean to grab one for me? It’s not that you want to eat it yourself, but since the ingredients are all prepared for you, then you can leave the work to yourself.

"No problem, it can definitely be made better than today's one, because the previous one was bought in Rogge Town, in terms of freshness, it is definitely not as fresh as yours, this one can definitely be made better than today's one ’” Sanji said.

"That's good, that's good." Kaido said with a smile.

"Really, I want to eat it right now." Luffy was almost drooling.

Everyone looked at Luffy's bucket-like stomach, just finished eating, you miss it again?

But everyone looked at Kaido's stomach, and then at Luffy's stomach, Kaido ate no less than Luffy, why Luffy has become like this, Kaido has not changed at all, so Kaido Truly an amazing person.

Zoro looked at this fish, which was seven or eight times the size of a normal human, lying motionless on the deck, not knowing whether it was killed or knocked out.

He felt that his evaluation of Kaido's strength was going to be improved again. Such a big fish was actually nothing, and they were all men who could handle it.

After all, he, Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy can all compare strength with fish, and even the weakest Sanji can easily defeat creatures of this size.

But this is a fish, especially one caught in the sea.

Needless to say, such a big fish has strength in the sea, which is not comparable to creatures that big on land.

But Kaido can go into the sea by himself, drag the fish up after beating him unconscious (Wang Liaohao), and he can't even run away.

Such a thing, he asked himself, would never be able to do it. He is good at swordsmanship. If he is in the sea, the obstacles to his swordsmanship are too great. He is like a slow-moving fool in the sea. Fish can't catch up by themselves.

Not to mention Luffy, he has eaten Devil Fruit, and he will sink directly into the sea, without any fighting power.

Thinking of this, Zoro suddenly realized that something was wrong, that is, Kaido said that his power is because he also ate Devil Fruit, so he has that kind of power, but now he can freely enter and exit in the sea, right? ...... He said that he has eaten Devil Fruit to comfort himself, his strength is really so great, even if he trains so hard every day, he can't reach it.

Zoro thought that the whole person was gloomy here. .

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