I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 530 Snowman War

At this time Luffy and Usopp don't care about Nami and Miss Wednesday, they have already built a snowman.

"Successful, my snowman creation, Son of Heaven." Luffy called out.

In front of him is a regular snowman, that is, two snowmen, one big and one small, are piled together as the head and body of the snowman. The snowball below has two sticks as arms, and the snowball above has a stick. as a nose.

The only bright spot should be the wooden barrel on the snowman's head. This shape should be Luffy's commemoration of encountering a vortex when he first went to sea. His boat was also swallowed by the vortex. In order to survive, he drilled It got into a wooden barrel and was finally picked up by Alvida's crew and successfully rescued.

Looking at his own work, Luffy is very satisfied, feeling that it is a perfect work.

But the next moment, a voice draws Luffy, that's where Usopp made the snowman.

As early as the beginning, Luffy noticed that Usopp and himself were making snowmen at the same time, but in his opinion, his snowman making skills were beyond the reach of other ordinary people, so he didn't care what he did.

Anyway, it was not as good as him, and now that she has finished the production, there is still no movement on Usopp, so I despise Usopp even more.

But now Usopp actually announces that he has completed it. In fact, Luffy has no interest in Usopp's works, but seeing his Mr. Snowman, so perfect, I can't help but want to compare it with other snowmen, even if it is Usopp's inferior Products, also ~ can.

"What are you, it's just snow, how did you make it like this!" Luffy couldn't help crying out when he saw Usopp's snowman.

"Hmph, this is the greatest art master in the sculpture world, Usopp's proud work, the Ice Queen." Usopp said with a bragging gesture.

Behind him, there is a lifelike snowman sitting on a throne made of piles of snow. The snowman can see exquisite facial features and long hair hanging down, and even the folds of the Snow Queen's clothes can be seen.

What is the snowman here, it really looks like a sculpture.

"How is it possible?" Luffy fell into deep self-doubt. The gap between them was too great. The next moment an evil thought appeared in his mind. Snowman, this is really embarrassing.

In this case, destroy them at the same time.

Just when Luffy was about to take action, he suddenly heard Kaido's voice.

"Okay, as long as it's best to add these two eyeballs."

Luffy and Usopp look in Kaido's direction.

"When did Kaido come out, I didn't even see it." Luffy suddenly couldn't continue talking.

Lu looked at Kaido over there in surprise, and the snowman behind him.

No, it's not a snowman, it should be a snow dragon.

What Kaido piled up is a huge western dragon, because the eastern dragon is long, and it is not easy to use snow. If it is made into a coiled shape, it will look too strange, so he made it now The western dragon looks like a large lizard with wings, and what he does is not a realistic style, but the appearance of the Pokémon Berry with a fast face.

At this time, Kaido just put two glass beads on Kuailong's eyes, and the Xuelong suddenly became animated.

Luffy was not surprised by the fineness of Kaido's snowman, no matter how fine it is, it can't compare with Usopp's, but he made a graceful beauty, who can compare with his fineness.

What surprised Luffy was the aura of that snow dragon, it was obviously a naive and chubby cartoon dragon, but as Kaido put the two glass beads into the dragon's eyes, Luffy felt a sharp The momentum was on him, and at this moment Luffy felt that this was not a snowman, but a human dragon appeared in front of him, and was about to attack him.

Luffy subconsciously attacked the snowman with his arm.

"Rubber Rocket!"

It was only when the arm pierced the snowman's body that Luffy realized that it was just a snowman and what he was doing.

The snowman Kaido built was huge. After being attacked by Luffy, it collapsed in an instant. A large amount of snow buried all three of Kaido in it. Together with Luffy's Mr. Snowman and Usopp's Snow Queen, they all disappeared. In the snowdrift.

……ask for flowers…

"Hey, Luffy, what are you doing, my Ice Queen is gone, and Kaido's Snow Dragon is also destroyed by you." Usopp crawled out of the snowdrift, glaring


Luffy also got out of the snowdrift, scratched his head, and said with a smile: "When I saw Kaido's snow dragon, I felt like I had encountered a real dragon, and I subconsciously shot it out."

Luffy never lied, she just said what she had, and she didn't hide it at all.

Usopp was also lost in thought when he heard this. When he saw the snow dragon built by Kaido for the first time just now, he was also taken aback, feeling that he was being targeted by some terrible creature.


Why is it like this, obviously it is not as good as the snowman I made, why do I feel like this.

Just when they wanted to ask what happened to Kaido, they found that they couldn't find where Kaido went, and seemed to have gone away.

It's really elusive.

Inside the cabin at this time, Nami pointed to the snow outside, especially the place where Luffy and the others were standing and said to Sanji who was opposite: "There is still a lot of snow there

Shovel them all down, Sanji. "

"Of order, Ms. Nami." Sanji went out like a train that had burned enough coal, his face was flushed, steam was rising from his head, and he was holding a shovel in his hand, as if he was about to go to the battlefield.

Usopp and Luffy next to them are already noisy, and they are about to fight, but Sanji won't bother with them. He wants to complete the task given by Miss Nami, so he won't treat them both. What do you think, as long as Nami doesn't think that he and Luffy are the same person.

Miss Wednesday looked at these people outside, and said with a sigh: "It's really a group of happy people, has it always been like this on your boat?"

Nami, who was already curled up in the quilt like Miss Wednesday, nodded and said, "Of course the knife."

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