"Did the weather on the great route change so quickly? I remember it was Xia Tian's yesterday, and you can see that Luffy's clothes are still Xia Tian's outfit." Nami looked at Miss Wednesday in confusion, hoping she could give some advice She didn't know the explanation.

"It seems that you still don't know the danger of the great route. Any natural phenomenon here is possible. This place is synonymous with chaos. If there is something stable, it is a very precious thing here." Miss Wednesday said.

"Moreover, it's not only as simple as Xia Tian turning into winter, but other things are changing at any time. As a navigator, you have a lot of work to do. For example, you have to follow your feelings and memory pointer at any time You can’t believe anything in this sea area, they will change, and they may deceive you "493" and take you to an unknown place." Miss Wednesday continued .

Nami listened to her words, looking thoughtful, suddenly she remembered something, and took out the memory pointer taken from Mr. Jiu, the pointer pointing to the whiskey mountain.

At this time, she found that the direction of the pointer pointing to the direction she looked at before had undergone a 180-degree transformation. She didn't know when their ship was already heading in the opposite direction.

"How could this happen!" Nami exclaimed, throwing off the quilt on her body, and ran outside and shouted, "Stop playing, our ship is going in the wrong direction, and we are going back the same way now, hurry up and get the ship back back in the direction."

The three people outside were also very surprised when they heard it. They obviously felt that they had not changed their direction. They did not expect that they were heading in the original direction, but they did not question Nami. She is the navigator on this ship, and the direction is set by her. Luffy and the others believed her unconditionally.

Several people moved quickly and turned the direction of the boat.

Kaido is lying on the roof of the cabin, looking at the snowflakes falling from the sky, feeling very comfortable, but he doesn't care if they went in the wrong direction, he has nothing urgent to do, as long as he can live a peaceful life , that’s enough, of course, delicious food is also indispensable, so there must be no accidents for Sanji, there is still a place to stay, there must be ingredients

Luffy gasped for breath. It was still very difficult to turn a boat around. They were exhausted and out of breath, and the boat headed in another direction.

Nami took out the memory pointer to compare and nodded, this direction is right.

I didn't expect the great route to be so weird. Just because I didn't look at the memory pointer, my direction had changed. Even she, a navigator with unparalleled talent, didn't notice such a change.

So in the future, when sailing on this great route, you must let go of your arrogance, so that you can live better on this great route.

After a while, there was almost no snow in the sky, and Nami already felt something unusual in the air.

This is? The storm!

"Hurry up, there's going to be a storm, lower the sails, and get ready!" Nami hurriedly gave the order.

Encountering a storm at sea is no small matter. Countless ships have sunk because of storms at sea.

Under the ravages of the storm at sea, ships and human beings are insignificant, if they are swallowed, they will be swallowed, so Nami needs to deal with such things with great spirit.

The three of Luffy took a deep breath. After finishing work just now, they turned the ship around, and now they have to deal with the storm again. There is really a lot of work here.

However, they had no choice but to go to their posts and deal with the storm.

Not long after Nami said, the storm came as expected, the undirectional wind howled, and it blew on the ship of Meri in a chaotic manner. All subverted by sea water.

Lightning rumbled non-stop in the sky, making Nami's commanding voice inaudible. Huge raindrops came with the strong wind, crackling and hitting the ship, and it was painful to hit people.

Such bad weather made Kaido lose the mood to appreciate the snow, especially the bumpy boat made him very uncomfortable, even if Kaido was not seasick, he still felt uncomfortable.

Kaido rummaged through his own dragon souls, and now there are too many dragon souls here, all useful and useless ones are here, there are a lot of them......

He doesn’t know what the abilities of some dragon souls are, and some are the abilities of Legendary, but even if Kaido transforms into such a dragon, there is no way to have their abilities, the reason should be the dragon soul The degree of awakening is not enough, but because this world does not have so much energy to provide to oneself, so there is no way to awaken Yang Zishan's dragon soul.

But Kaido doesn't have that much thought to awaken all the dragon souls, there are enough dragon souls now.

Now Kaido just wants to find a dragon soul who can control the weather and stop the wind. He doesn't like this kind of weather very much.

After searching for a long time, Kaido still couldn't find the exact dragon soul. It would be great if there was a search function, but the system has been on strike for many years, and there is no way to ask him for anything.

Although he couldn't find it, Kaido remembered that he had such an ability. After all, as a divine dragon in the east, calling wind and rain is almost a dragon's instinct, which is different from those dragons in the west that are divided into colors.

Carefully feeling the wind and rain in this world, Kaido felt that something was about to come out of his body, which was a sign of transformation, but this time Kaido suppressed it

The current 3.5 is different from the original Kaido. The Kaido's ability is just to become a huge creature that looks like the Eastern Dragon, but it doesn't have the ability of the Eastern Dragon.

But the current Kaido is different. After systematic restoration, his dragon form really has many abilities of the Eastern Dragon.

The reason is that the dragon can't see the end, the real dragon has grown to the point of being everywhere, if he transforms into a real dragon here now, he is afraid that he will scare the strong people in this world to death.

For those Common people who don’t have much strength, they can’t feel that Kaido’s transformation into a dragon can’t come out, so what should they do.

But those strong people in this world are different, they can clearly feel the existence of Shenlong, if they come out, they will really scare many people to death. .

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