Although the current Kaido does not have the ability to use the dragon all the time, after such a long time, he is no longer the Kaido who was just getting the Dragon Soul system many years ago.

Now he can have the power of this dragon without transforming, it's just that he has a lot of reduction compared to when transforming.

Now he is already on the critical point of becoming a dragon, and if he goes further, he will become a dragon, but under Kaido's own suppression, he only has the power of a dragon, not the appearance of a dragon.

At this time, Kaido can already feel that he can control everything in this world, but this is just an illusion caused by the sudden surge of power. Even Shenlong is not omnipotent. Kaido has a clear understanding of this situation, Will not be entrapped by this low-level trap.

I felt the howling wind on the sea, it was indeed under my control, and I didn’t erase it directly. Everything has a reason for its existence, even the wind is the same, Kaido will not let it disappear directly , but 26 pointed in a direction, let them go around the ship, and left far away.

When the strong wind left, the rain was blown away for a while, and even the October color was not left in place. In an instant, it turned into a sunny and sunny day.

Kaido lay down and continued to enjoy his own time. After admiring the snow, it is good to bask in the sun, but there is still a lack of a recliner, the kind that can be rocked. When we get to Whiskey Hill, we must find one to use.

Kaido is at ease on the top, but the people below are as busy as ants on a hot pot.

"Hold on to the rudder quickly, don't be blown away by the wind, if we follow the wind we will never get out of this storm." Nami shouted.

"The mast is going to fail, it feels like it's going to break, hurry up and get something to fix it." Luffy shouted.

"No, the wind is too strong, I'm going to be blown away." Usopp hugged the mast, not daring to move.

Just when several people were extremely anxious, the boat suddenly stabilized.

Then visible to the naked eye, the dark clouds left, and the sun shone down on the sea bit by bit until the entire hull of the ship was under the sun.

The sky was blue and clear, without even a single cloud.

The four of Usopp stopped their movements and made no sound. Looking at the suddenly calm sea and the cloudless sky, they were all dumbfounded.

Is this the great route with ever-changing winds and clouds? Is it really fickle? What is the situation? The storm in less than five minutes just scares them and leaves?

Nami was really internally hurt by the weather changes on the great route. You said the weather would change from Xia Tian to winter, but there was still a period of change in the process, and she could clearly feel the temperature. Variations, although a bit weird, are still acceptable.

But what is the situation of this storm, it suddenly appeared without saying anything, it was because they ran in this direction and plunged into it by themselves. But isn't that duration so short that to come to them is to mess up their ship and run away?

She has already figured out how to guide these rookies to get through this difficult time safely, and she has already thought about sacrificing something, she is working hard here, but you said something, just to tease you It was gone, and even when it was gone, it didn't have any impact on their ship, everything was blown away, but their ship didn't change at all.

If the storm is conscious, it must be on purpose.

Nami now wants to vomit blood to vent her depression, but there is no way, is the place like this on the great route? I think of Miss Wednesday’s expression of looking at the country old hat, saying that you still don’t know The danger of the great route, she is just so angry, and now she has been educated by this storm again.

Nami took a deep breath and decided to control his emotions. This kind of thing may be the normal state of travel in the future, and he must adapt to such a sea environment.

Nami said: "It seems that there is no danger. You can pack up the things on the boat, and repair any damaged parts. I will go back first."

Seeing Nami with an ugly face returned to the cabin, the three men looked at each other, they didn't know what happened, they survived the storm safely, shouldn't it be a joyful celebration, if there are drinks at this time, it's okay Have a drinking party, at least Luffy knows, the captain named Shanks when he was a child, and their crew looked like this.

In fact, the three of them are about the same. If it wasn’t for another Nami, they would have already celebrated, but isn’t it too late to celebrate now? So, at this time, several people also laughed and fought. Woke up, completely ignoring the storm that just passed.

At this time, Zoro, who was confused, came out, looked at the three people rolling in the water on the ground, and asked suspiciously: "What's the situation, why is this boat full of water, what happened to you just now, why are you still like this?" happy.

Zoro is really confused now. When he came out of 673 just now, he met Nami and was scolded. He didn’t know where he offended her. At this time, his temper was so bad, but Zoro didn’t dare to retaliate. It's a good thing that she just scolded her now, if she retaliates, she will be at a disadvantage if she starts to fight.

After coming out, I was even more confused, didn't I just sleep late, what happened to this ship, the deck was in a mess, as if it had been raging again, and the deck was full of water.

Looking up at the sky, there is as clear as a blue sky, such a good weather doesn't look like there will be any storm.

He could only ask these few people who were fighting in the water.

Usopp looked up at Zoro who had just woken up and said, "Zoro, what were you doing just now? You didn't see it. It snowed just now, and Luffy, Kaido, I and I built a snowman, and then there was a storm, so we just It will become like this, since you are here, help us clean up together.

Zoro: ???

Did I hear it wrong, or are you talking about a code.

Zoro looked up at the sky again, to make sure that he was not mistaken.

In such a weather, the sun is shining in the sky, and there is no cloud in the sky. If you tell me these things, you really think I am a fool. .

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