Zoro didn't believe what Usopp said at all, thinking he was either lying or saying something he didn't understand.

In this kind of weather, you told me that it was a violent wind, lightning and heavy rain just now, so let’s not talk about that, and you also said that it was snowing just now, and the temperature like this is obviously Xia Tian, ​​you think you can be fooled by wearing thick clothes I'm sorry, let's see what Luffy is wearing.

Before you lie, you should clarify your own logic. If that's the case, no one will believe it.

It looks like Usopp's level of lying has plummeted since he got on the boat.

Zoro didn't want to understand the weird things between them, so he said: "Okay, you should clean up by yourself, I really don't know how you made it like this, but you have to do it yourself Responsible, this is a qualified person, I went to exercise."

As he said that, he has already walked to the back, which is the place he has been using for exercising all the time, because the things here are very heavy, even the strong wind just now could not disturb this place, and now he has come here It's time to start exercising.

After looking at my exercise equipment, there was no change, and I believed that they were all joking. How could there be a storm in such a good weather, and it was snowing, which was even more funny.

The three of Luffy looked at Zoro who left, and it was obvious that he didn't believe what they said, but there was nothing he could do. Even after experiencing these things, they still felt like a world away, not to mention that Zoro didn't know anything. people.

But there is no need to let him know about these things at this time. I will be here for a long time in the future. There will be a day when I will let him know. At that time, the few of them can look at his surprised expression and laugh at him. , what's wrong with it.

The three of Luffy didn't care about these things, so they all got up and started cleaning up the messy deck made by the storm.

Miss Wednesday sitting in the cabin looked at the sunshine outside. At this time, she had already put down the quilt she was wrapped in when it was snowing. The weather at this time has already reached Xia Tian again.

Although the weather on this great route is changeable, it is not as it was just now, and it has changed so fast. She has never seen such an extreme thing. She can't help but think of how she laughed at Nami before. Fortunately, they didn't know that before What is the climate of the great route I encountered, otherwise I would be laughed to death.

Zoro has already started his own exercise. First, he took out a metal stick, which is actually the pole in the middle of the barbell, but without the discus on both sides.

Now he is adding the discus to the pole. It is not placed on both sides evenly like a weightlifter, but concentrated on one side.

Then, like the usual knife, he slowly raised it, then chopped, retracted, and chopped again.

Before meeting Kaido, he was very confident in his own strength, and with the praise of those who knew his name, he felt that he was really so powerful

It wasn't until he met Hawkeye that he realized how huge the gap between his own strength and Seven Warlords of the Sea's was.

It wasn't until later when he saw Kaido blowing up the air with his bare hands that he realized how small his own power was, so during this period of time he was training his own strength, because he felt the threat of someone with great power to him, I also know how much it will enhance his swordsmanship if he has enough power.

However, to his surprise, the strength he thought would not grow any more had actually made unexpected progress under his training, which made him pay more attention to training his own strength.

Kaido, lying on the roof, can see Zoro exercising below at this angle.

This reminded him that when he came to Pirate World, he also exercised so hard every day. Now that he thinks about it, he really doesn't want to live like this again. "It's better to enjoy life like this every day.

Watching Zoro's exercise, and looking at the other side, where the three of them are making noise, I really feel the unfairness of this world.

Zoro has to exercise his strength and practice his swordsmanship every day, so that he has the strength he has now. Even so, he continues to squeeze himself, trying to get further opportunities.

But what about the three people here.

Let alone Sanji, he is a chef, force is not necessary, as long as the food is delicious and balanced in nutrition, and he is not powerless, he still has a black foot reputation No. Of course, it cannot be compared with Zoro in terms of force.

As for Usopp, he doesn’t have much attack power. He is a long-range squishy professional. It’s enough to study his various projectiles every day. When it’s time to fight, he just needs to use his various projectiles reasonably to hit people. Reality.

The most unscientific is Luffy, he has never exercised, but he also has the strength no less than Zoro.

Devil Fruit just turned him into a rubber man, but didn't give him any power, so it was too unfair to Zoro.

If Zoro thought about what's inside, his mind would explode.

Finally, it was Nami. Although the original Nami was holding a stick, he hardly ever made a shot, and it seemed that he couldn't fight.

But Nami is different now, because I learned swordsmanship with myself when I was a child, Nami now uses a knife (Li Le’s) instead of a stick, and it’s Kaido who remembered it at this time, before Nami went to sea. I said that I want to follow myself and think about my Puritan swordsmanship.

For so long, Kaido has been thinking about what kind of food is delicious, completely forgetting Nami's request somewhere.

Nami didn't mention it to him. Kaido wanted to come, but she was embarrassed to say it. After all, in her opinion, Kaido is just a person who just met and has the same teacher, not her teacher, so there is no reasonable reason. I asked him about swordsmanship.

I said it once before, if Kaido doesn’t say anything, Nami can only assume that Kaido doesn’t want to teach her, but that’s not okay, a person still needs to be creditable, since I promised Nami before, I have to teach her what I said , When there is nothing else, teach her something, at least to protect herself. .

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