I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 534 Autistic Nami

As the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, Nami is very qualified, but her fighting ability cannot keep up with the others. Since this world, Nami likes swordsmanship, so I will teach her the Tai Chi that I showed before. sword.

In this way, even if Nami cannot be used as an attacking place in this team, it can become the strongest defense, so that things like being hijacked by other people will not happen for some reason. Give others a little surprise.

The most important thing is that after she has the power to protect herself, she doesn't need his help when something happens. When she was in Rogge Town, he always took the shots, and she felt that her compulsion was a bit lost, so after If you can't do it yourself, you won't do it, and let them solve it by themselves if there is anything.

Of course, before doing this, they need to be given some pointers to increase their force.

Nami is the shortest board in their team, if I make her the strongest defense in the team, then the strength of the team will increase a lot.

Compared with improving the strength of several other people, it is most convenient to improve Nami.

And as a strong girl, she should be very willing to learn swordsmanship.

I just don't know what Zoro will think, whether he will explode with jealousy.

Presumably not, 200 Zoro should still have a lot of confidence in his swordsmanship. In his opinion, what restricts him is his strength.

Nami is not here now, so let's not talk about swordsmanship.

I glanced at the sun above my head. At this time, it should be eleven o'clock in the noon. It is already noon, so I can eat.

"Sanji, it's time to cook. Are there any ingredients missing, I can go to the sea to catch them." Kaido shouted to Sanji.

"Uh, no need, I've already prepared the ingredients, just make them now." Sanji had a cold sweat on his head, listening to what Kaido said, you can grab any ingredients you want from the sea, as long as they are in harmony with the ingredients. It is related to food, it seems that this sea is his fish tank.

Sanji went to cook, and the things on the boat that were blown up by the wind have been cleaned up, and Luffy has nothing to do at this time.

I just heard what Kaido said, you can go into the sea to catch fish at any time, it sounds very interesting, I thought he would go too.

But thinking about myself as a person who has eaten Devil Fruit, he will sink in the sea as a result, he is doomed not to enter the sea in this life, and that is why he dispelled the idea of ​​going to the sea with Kaido to catch fish, so he was depressed Headed to the restaurant and waited to eat.

Kaido saw that Luffy had gone to the restaurant, but he couldn't sit still anymore, he also came down from the roof and headed towards the restaurant.

Luffy is a very tricky guy, mainly because he is too edible, and his fruit ability is turned into rubber, which is even more edible.

If it wasn't prepared at the table before Luffy, there probably wouldn't be anything to eat.

Even if there are many people like Kaido, we should be cautious.

Miss Wednesday saw that the two big eaters went to the restaurant, so she also went in.

Speaking of which, this was the first time she ate on this boat. She had seen the eating speed of these two people yesterday. It was really fast and a lot. will be hungry.

Although she is a captive on this ship, they will never let her starve, but they don't take the initiative to starve her. It can be said that there is no way to eat her up, so Miss Wednesday is still waiting here before dinner.

As for Mr. Jiu who was still lying down, they should have prepared some liquid food for him. After all, a comatose person can't chew, and they should only eat something that can be drunk directly.

Because so many people went to the restaurant, Usopp and Zoro who heard Kaido's words outside also came to the restaurant and waited for the meal. (cgbb)

Now almost everyone has arrived, only Nami is left.

In this case, she might not have anything to eat, but none of the men had the idea of ​​calling Nami, because they all knew that Sanji, a dog-licking chef, would definitely prepare the best for her.

Nami was a little self-contained because of the weird weather on the great route she saw today, but because she calmed down in her room for a while, of course she has come out of that shadow.

She realized that this was just a depression or self-doubt caused by a mistake in her own judgment because she saw such a change for the first time

However, her talent is real. Without anyone's guidance, she could draw a qualified sea chart when she was a child, and she was recruited by the pirate group composed of murlocs like the Dragon Pirates. You can see Nami's ability.

And no one knows that she has acquired such an ability by herself, which reflects her talent.

So as long as she goes through it a few more times, she can accurately judge what will happen on the great route and how to deal with it.

Nami, who wanted to drive, regained a good mood, but at this time she found that it was almost noon, and she was a little hungry at this time, and it was time for Sanji to cook.

Nami thought about it, they were really lucky to have a chef like Sanji on board, not only because Sanji's dishes were delicious, but also because he was the sous chef from a famous sea restaurant.

The most important thing is Sanji’s control over the nutritional mix. You must know that because of the limited resources at sea, it is easy to enter a monotonous state when eating. If you don’t pay attention at this time, your body will lack certain nutrients. And strange diseases appeared.

With a qualified cook, things like this can be avoided.

Thinking about it this way, even Sanji's look of radiant eyes when he looks at her is much cuter.

Nami took a look outside, and there was no one outside. In this case, as expected, Nami saw all the people in the restaurant. They were all sitting at the dining table at this time, and turned their heads to look at Nami who came in through the door. .

In an instant, she realized how Mr. Jiu felt yesterday.

"Heh, what can't you do, eat and sleep first." Nami said and managed to stay away from Zoro.

The black line on Zoro's head, didn't he just sleep a little longer, as for mocking himself like this.

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