I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 550. Do Not Want To Talk

Kaido doesn't want to talk now, because now he simply feels that there is no need to talk now, because why is it necessary to talk to a teacher and student in such a situation now, so in such a situation now, he is simply going to put this guy defeat.

Then show everyone what kind of power he is, because now he also knows very well that he is no threat to this guy at all, because no matter what he thinks now, he still feels like this.

These people simply feel that now they feel that they are very easy to bully, because they have never seen how they killed people, and now they will introduce how this guy died and how miserable he died. So in the current situation.

He simply feels that his follower is not angry and pretentious now, and under the current situation, these soldiers all feel that this guy is indeed born with a kind of venting, and in such a situation, they They all feel that such a situation makes them feel very scared, although in the current situation, they feel that there is no meaning of fear at all, because no matter what the current situation is, there is no fear at all. necessary.

Because in saying so now. They are a pirate group at all. For example, tens of thousands of people are saying this. In the current situation, if this guy dares to make mistakes, he is simply a real guy. So the current situation is fundamental. I just think this guy is a very stupid guy, how dare this guy come to Zhejiang alone, no matter what we say about the current situation, I feel that my leader is also a very powerful person.

It is basically a well-known pirate, the leader of the group, how could he be defeated by this guy in person? So in the current situation, everyone thinks that this guy is simply a Very stupid guy, and now in a situation like this,

Ivanov is basically a very powerful character and a very well-known character. He is also a character that everyone admires in this pirate group, so now everyone is full of confidence in this guy. Because how to say now, this guy is basically beating a dozen or twenty Common people, and there is no problem at all, so if the current situation is like this, I simply want to see too much of this hawking.

How powerful is this guy? Is this guy a very stupid person or a very smart person, because this guy is indeed a very stupid person in such a situation, because how can a person who is so smart defeat him? How about so many people? You know, there are tens of thousands of people, so in the current situation, I simply feel that the current situation is like this, and I basically look at such a thing with the mentality of watching a movie.

Ivanov is now very happy to be encouraged by the leader, because he also feels that this matter is a huge opportunity for him.

In my dreams, I want to become a very powerful person, to become a general, so in the current situation, he is ready to realize such a thing immediately, because he also feels that in the current situation If you can realize your general dream, it is also a very good thing.

He wanted to be a general since he became a dragon, but he never realized it, so now he has found the value of his existence in the Garper Pirates, and now he is ready to suck up his strength at all costs Give it all - use it up.

Then kill this guy and become a real general-level figure, because he is still a very young figure now, only 30 years old, and under such a situation, this man is also But he is just a 20-year-old guy, so in this situation, there is no room for fear at all, not to mention that I am fighting at home, and many people cheer themselves up with the current one. case yourself. Originally, I felt that such a thing is now.

...... Ask for flowers‥

If I have such a credit, then I can basically get out of the order, because now as a lower-level officer, I don’t have any way out of the order at all, maybe because I said that now Kaboo and the pirates are all They are all men, and few girls talk about the current situation.

If the temperament I have now is to stand out from the crowd, then this few girls may fall in love with me now, because she also wants to start a family of her own now, including this one, this one It never occurred to me to do so. Selling and pioneering is actually so powerful, and in such a situation, I don't think it is such a thing now.


I didn't even think that such a guy would turn himself into a corpse as soon as he made a move. Of course, he doesn't have any imagination now, because he has already turned into a cold corpse, and Too much to make this guy turn this guy who has some famous names into a corpse, but he just used one trick, that is to say, in a second, this guy has now become a corpse, and now he is still a corpse. Part-time job with a very incomplete body makes him very afraid to do it at home, because this guy has become very divided and died very badly. Such a situation makes him feel very difficult to be confident. .

Because no matter how you say it, everyone thinks that this guy can't lose so badly. If they think that if more than 10,000 households fail, it is reasonable, because this guy is really a very The characters in Legendary died so badly and so early, which made them feel very surprised, because no matter what the current situation is, if they want to make them feel that they have no choice at all , and now Garp also didn't expect him to be like this at all, we have already reimbursed B for this capable subordinate. .

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