The current situation of Kaido of the Beasts is simply a very contemptuous look, looking at everyone, because no matter how he now thinks that these guys are very stupid. It's just that I haven't seen what kind of combat power I have, and I simply despise myself very much. I really didn't expect this situation. Everyone thinks that this incident really surprised them, because there is more than one situation in the entire current situation.

They feel that this incident really makes them feel that they have never seen this incident at all, because speaking of the current situation, they simply feel that if they are allowed to come in, they will be very angry , because no matter how you say it, the current atmosphere is so dry, and they feel that everyone in "180" feels the atmosphere of death, because everyone doesn't want to die.

But no matter how they say it, they still feel that the current situation is really shocking, because no matter how it is said, it also makes them feel that the current situation is such a situation, if they want to make a move at all.

It is also impossible to kill this guy, because no matter what the current situation is, it simply makes them feel that if they die, it is a very sad thing now, so this is the current situation. No officer or soldier would dare to propose such a small drug to compete with this guy in front of him, probably because they are very aware of the situation now, and 10,000 Nov is considered to be this guy's The best, because in the current situation, these troops simply think that Ivanov is already a god-like existence.

I just didn't expect that such a god-like existence would end up like Jaeger, so everyone is very angry in the current situation, because no matter what the current situation is, there is no way to do it, and there is no anger to say , So speaking of the current situation, I feel that I have never seen such a situation before, and now that this guy has killed the photographer, there is basically no possibility of guilt.

Moreover, the current situation is simply a natural killing machine. Let’s talk about an army now that they feel that they should retreat and absolutely should not take a step forward, and now Ivanov is their own lesson. , so in the current situation.

Garp also felt the pressure that the players did not have. Because no matter what he did, he never thought that in the current situation, this guy would fail so easily, and in the current situation, he never thought that he thought that he was a capable prime minister. He didn't expect that he would kill such a powerful assistant like himself in one move.

"There are too many monsters. I originally thought that you were a very vain person. I really didn't expect that you are now a very powerful character. I simply didn't expect that there would be such a player. The current situation is indeed let I was very unexpected, I was also very shocked, and even more eye-opening, but now such an infatuation, I still hope you can take a step back, because in such a situation, the two of us Personally, there is no hatred at all.

I also hope that if you don’t have money to spend on something like this, now I can get you a lot of wonderful editions, because no matter how I say it, I don’t need money now, but to be honest, I also hope that you can quit From now on, we will not meet each other in Jianghu at all, and now I very much hope that the two of us can become friends.

Because in the current situation, the Garpal Pirates are still a very good existence, because in the current situation, if you can buy in, I can give you the second deal now, If you want to replace my life now, that's fine too.

In such a situation, I also hope that we can resolve this matter peacefully, because no matter in such a situation, if the two of us fight, you may not be able to leave unscathed, so I am in such a situation now, I hope you can discuss it, because the current situation is basically a very important situation, if we fight now, we will only lose both sides..."

There are too many peddlers, and now I simply feel that there is no discussion or right about this matter, because now I simply feel that it is impossible for this guy to discuss with me at all, because I want to let this guy See what kind of strength you are.

If I simply feel that this guy is in such a situation, negotiating with this guy is simply a very worry-free thing, because how can I say that I am also a very powerful character, a character in Legendary.

Everyone should know that he is a person who should not be laughed at, so in such a situation, such a matter, the fund simply thinks that this guy should see what kind of ability he is.

So he immediately rejected such a room for negotiation, because in this way, in the current situation, I simply want to let this guy see what kind of possibility he is, so now in such a situation In one case, it is deployed to open up, and it is about to prepare for a 2.5 duel with Garpell.

But now he did change his mind a little bit immediately, that is to say that this guy should be kept. Besides, this guy is also a very qualified pirate now, so in this situation. He is also employing people now, and he should keep this very powerful person to himself, so in the current situation, he immediately felt that this guy might be able to be used by him.

"If what you said is true, then I am willing to have a room for negotiation with you. I will talk about it later. In such a situation, as you said, we didn't have much before. hatred, so I just feel that such a thing now should be discussed after we have a duel."

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