I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 584. Kneel Down To Intercede

The king now feels that it is very good to be able to build a life now. He still thinks of the king, so he just thinks that he should kneel down and kowtow now. For example, this guy has completely lost his dignity now. .

It’s worse than a common man in Common. Now the whole guy knelt down immediately, hoping he could get a quick one, but now Bell thinks that this guy is a very useful person to him. If he doesn’t want to be too much, he still hopes to Adding this point of view, this guy is also a polygamist for himself now, but no matter how he is interested in himself, he can have such a status now, it is all because this guy has improved himself a few times now , so in the current situation, even though this guy already hates him to the bone.

But saying this now is to give this guy a face, so he will let the beasts develop immediately, and give this guy a face. At the beginning of Baidu, now I see that this guy is a relatively good person, a very good general, so He said that he was going to win over this guy, so now he was going to give him such a face, because if he loved his subordinates very much now, it would be a very good thing, and he could see it. That General Carville is also a person who repays his kindness, so now he feels that it is a very good thing to give them face, so he gave the king a way out.

"You guys listen to you now, card position, I will give you face if I plead with you again, because no matter how to say that Cavel is in such a situation now, I must give him face now, You guys are already very disliked by the common people in Yurou Township, so now I feel that you deserve to die, but no matter how you are now, you still get your unscented love, so I now I just feel that such a situation is still giving you a face.

So from now on, you will become a common man, don't have any unreasonable thoughts and don't do bad things again, if you know that you are a bad thing, I will never forgive you when we are here now, because no matter what Say I am Kaido of the Beasts now, you must understand such a thing now, it is very easy for me to find you, and it is also very easy for me to kill you, so you Do you understand?"

The king originally thought that this guy was very powerful, but he didn't know who these people were, and he didn't expect that Kaido of the Beasts was in front of him, so now he also felt that the atmosphere was very sad, because no matter what I said that I still feel that I don’t have this guy now, and I have never had any intersection with this guy. Why did this guy want to overthrow his dynasty? So now this guy is also very rare, but now I don’t dare to do it again, because Now she is also very clear that this guy is a person like Ping, a person who thinks about the common people, and he will never do such ten things for no reason.

So the king doesn't dare to have any thoughts of grief and indignation now. Now that he has become a commoner, he should do what the common people do. So in the current situation, he himself is said to be very rich, but Anyway, it is impossible for such a rich person to leave now, because he has now become a very poor commoner, and now he can only beg for food, so he deserves this end, so it is not right for a guy now If he dared to say anything else, he immediately walked back and left. After leaving the palace, this guy has become a commoner now. In such a situation, being in the palace has nothing to do with him at all, because he just feels like himself. It has become a family that took over the country before, and his army has already moved in. Now everyone thinks that this kind of situation is simply a situation that can be enlightened because of Bai Shukai.

It is simply a very normal situation, a medium-sized country was destroyed by him in two minutes, so everyone is very shocked now, and some people are doing things with Kaido of the Beasts for the first time, so He is even more respectful. I really did not expect that he would be such a powerful character when he went out, so everyone admires him very much now, because no matter what the situation is, there are too many white spots, and I feel that the army is already very tired. I haven't eaten for such a long time, so basically everyone should have a very big rest, so since we are in such a situation, everyone is resting in the palace. And everyone felt that the treatment of photography was very good after they put forward the development just now, because the place in Guangdong like this is basically a place where only the emperor can stay, but they didn't expect it to become a military camp now.

Everyone gets a very good place to rest, and this place is full of people who serve, so now these parks are all full of servants and serve these soldiers, so in this situation , like before, he basically made a very important decision, that is to say, a house must be built now, and there are other people (does Zhao’s) now, but now he thinks that the card is 2 is a very important decision. Good people of course have other people to learn from.

But other people don't understand, the customs and habits of this country, Kavel is now a very good king's staff, if Kawei is the king now, then it should be a very good home now, because of the current situation Next, the back of this family is also a very great general, a very normal person, a person who serves the common people, so he can immediately invite this person to General Carville, and now he also feels that he should be filial to this monster There are too many, and he is also very shocked. Now he has actually seen too many monsters in Legendary. He thought that it would be impossible to create such a Legendary character in his life. He really didn't expect that the two of them would have a coincidence. .

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