Baishu Guy Luo is a person who likes to drink very much. Of course, this general is also a person who likes to drink very much now, so the two people now have a common hobby and chat with each other, so now the two basically live together, and Now this kind of wine basically uses sweet and acetic acid, so now both of them are addicted to alcohol, and now both of them think that all the people who can drink now are some very economical personalities.

So now these two people are very easy to talk about. General Cavill now feels that a super idol who is very surprised by him appears in front of him, and he immediately becomes very excited and has a lot to say, and Now there are too many things to talk about in vain, so the two of them have become half confidantes at night. Of course, Mr. Kai Pyer is the first to speak now, because these generals also feel that they are now with the locals. Scholars have a lot to say, because now they don't understand why Pepsi suddenly wiped out such a country, because there seems to be no other country like this. 880 Although this guy, the group leader, is very violent in his own country and is very bad to the common people, but he has never done any aggressive behavior to the outside world, and he is also a very law-abiding guy. Why did he get one now? Explaining it like Xiaotang's police station is now makes him feel very uncomfortable. It is getting wider and wider, because Baishou has pioneered, and now he understands very well that the suffering of the common people now makes him very dissatisfied.

Under the current situation, no matter what this guy is doing is good or not, as long as the common people suffer, he must eliminate this aspect, so now this guy doesn’t have any fish at all. The possibility of hooking, so now this guy deserves such an end. General Cavill like this, in the end, I feel very moved and very passionate, because Lu Shuo also feels that this guy is a very righteous person now.

He is a very clear-headed person, so in the current situation, he feels that he should discuss with this person if the situation is different, so he has decided on such a thing right now I have expressed my loyalty by going up.

Because now I feel that although the former king was good to me, he is really good, and now I am so angry with Xuan Han, I now feel that this guy should be in such a fate, and my wife is also a very good person .

It’s like this between two people, but I can think that the emperor is now flat fork 1-sticking mandarin ducks, making his wife think of his wife, so when I think of this situation now, I think it’s very different from the locals. Angry, this guy has come to such an end now, because he made himself feel or have this sentence, although this guy is very good to him, but he still has the same hatred as he does now, so he now I just feel that I should be more loyal now.

"Marshal, I just feel that I have made a very big decision on this matter now, that is to say, from now on, I will go wherever you go based on you, and there is not much traffic in recommending it to the country. Now I feel that my current wife is a very good thing. It is a very good thing that I am by my side now. It is a very lucky thing that you can have my wife by my side. A great thing to say.

So now I just feel that I am very grateful to you, because after I was in Tongzhi (cgef), I targeted you. I hope you are not working because I am also very clear now. In your current situation, a big man, now With a subordinate like me, he can be regarded as a very good person, because I am good, and I can be regarded as a good general, because now I have very rich experience in war, and I have suffered a lot from the enemy. I just feel that for such a thing, maybe the two of us can go on to a great cause together, because I am in the same situation in the countryside, and you are very clear about it, so tell me if you are willing to take me with you now . "

Kaido of the Beasts thinks that this matter, of course, should accept the kindness of this guy, but now it is said that, so now it should also feel that this guy should do something bigger, because now the dog emperor is basically He was exterminated and became a beggar-like figure, so now this country cannot live without a king, so if he thinks he can be such an emperor now, it is of course a very good thing, because he Now we need such an emperor to lead the way, so in the current situation, the common people are very happy at all, and they are also very happy under a general. What kind of state are the common people now, so the laser smile like this is also hope This guy can be emperor in such a country, that's what he wants to say to this guy now.

The general now also thinks that this is very good, because no matter how he thinks he is in such a position now, he can give full play to his talents, and he is also very sympathetic to some ordinary people in his heart, and he also feels that the ordinary people It was very hard work, and now I feel that Baishou Pioneer is a very great person. It would be a very good thing to control this country under the leadership of Baishou Pioneer, because no matter how I say it, I still feel that this matter is my own. It is very suitable at all, and my wife is also a figure in the world, and now she is a queen-level woman, so in the current situation, it is impossible to give such kindness to her. Retired, so he made a statement right away.

"The matter of Marshal is that if you can trust me, I am of course willing to do such a thing later. I feel that such a situation is of great significance to me. I just feel that Now the common people are indeed very hard. If I become such a king, I will definitely be completely different from the previous king, because now I just feel that the present is just a light, and it is completely unsuitable. .

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