I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 586. Happy Life

So now I feel that if I were the king, the common people would live a very happy life. Now I want to have a lot of interviews in the palace. If I were the king, I would be white now. It is to distribute all these valuable things in the palace to the common people, and then the common people will have a very good year, because when you say that I think this matter is very important now, what do you think now?"

So he is also very clear that there is indeed a very good tea ceremony in this palace now, and now the guys in this country simply own such things for themselves, and they always feel that all these things are related to Is there anything like Wang Tu in the world? It is a very important idea for me. 0

Because he knows very well that the common people are suffering very much now, and all the things that this guy implements now come from the common people, so he can solve it, so it is really not a good thing to let the king, If I let myself choose again, maybe this guy won't have any surviving team leader, and now he can't even be a beggar, so the current situation also makes Kaido of the Beasts very happy, because He is also very aware of such a situation, so he should make a change immediately, so he is ready to give up the position of emperor to General Carville, this general is also a very good person, because now Do, so I made such a decision now, and then I feel that it involves criminality, so let's start implementing it tomorrow.

After listening to it, he also felt that the sooner the matter, the better, because no matter how he said it, he felt that he had obtained family happiness now, and his wife would also be by his side. In the words of the emperor, let the people get rid of the current environment where heat and heat prevail, because no matter how they do it, he feels that such a situation should not continue at all, because such a king has caused the current situation. If you can't keep up with a situation, you should make up for it immediately, because the common people would rather come again now, because no matter how you say it, they feel that this matter must be reversed as soon as possible, otherwise the common people simply can't bear it now, so Kaido of The Beasts are now preparing to announce such a thing on the second day~.

On the second day, two people appeared in such a King's Square at the same time, because now this square is simply a very large square, which can basically accommodate tens of thousands of people. Speaking of the current situation, the common people basically all came to such a place, and if they didn’t come, they elected their own representatives. Let’s talk about the current situation, such a big square is basically It is said that there is no air conditioner, and all of them are occupied by ordinary people, so it is said that everyone is a matter of the Ministry of Xin'an, waiting for a very good thing to be announced, so in the current situation, both of them Stand - at the highest point of the square.

"I'm very happy that everyone can reach such a place, because my follower is going to announce a very important thing, that is, we are going to carry out a very important reform soon, because no matter what the current situation The situation simply cannot be the same as before, because everyone has heard that such a country is about to enter a new era, because such a country cannot be like the previous dog king at all. I simply treat everyone like pigs and dogs, so I just think that we should elect a new king for this matter, and everyone is very familiar with this new king, even General Cavill. , Capel’s education is a very good one, and a very capable one, so now I think this matter should be to let General Cavill become your emperor, what do you think now?”

The common people think it is very good, because now they feel that in such a situation, a new emperor should be elected at all, which is a very good way, and now General Carmel is also loved by everyone, although the current This guy's current situation is that many people don't know this general, but he always said that this general is also a very powerful general. Everyone knows this very well. This guy has never fought any battles. It is still said that the failure of the thunderstorm now basically means the destruction of the country, but how can I say that a new emperor has come in the current situation, and it will be very good to everyone in the future.

……ask for flowers……

Now, such a situation is basically handed over to General Carville to preside over it, so in the current situation, the common people are still tied up until now. If the card position can bring joy to the common people, then what kind of The generals are all right, so now he just thinks that in such a situation, he should serve the common people at all

Therefore, the representatives of the common people are basically saying what is in their hearts, that is, anyone can be the emperor, but they must make a very great contribution. All the bad habits that should have should be changed now, because it is also very important to say how to deal with the current situation.


So now the common people are in their hearts. General Carville immediately burst into tears when he heard such words, because the common people are also very simple, because under the current situation, whoever treats him well is considered to be the emperor. As for the current situation, it is simply saying that It is very suitable, so in such a situation, Ka'er immediately took office, and now he has won the support of the people, so he will become a new king immediately, and such a new king is basically obtained The love and love of the common people also makes Beasts feel very good, because now I am starting to conquer the next country, because such a country basically makes me feel that there is no pleasure at all, because this country is really It is too easy to eliminate, so he is now ready to make a deal with General Carville, because he also knows very well that General Carville should make such a deal with himself now. .

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