I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 594 Don't Try To Pull Me Into The Water

But if he was taken away by himself, and the Konoha Village ninja saw this situation in his eyes, then he would definitely be indispensable at that time, so he had to explain it carefully.

In a short time, Kaido had a lot of things in his mind.

After thinking of this, he couldn't help but slightly shook his head, it was a bit different from what he had imagined before.

Judging from the current situation. Things don't seem to be that simple.

In a very short period of time, you finally thought of various methods in your mind, but they were all abandoned by him.

Things are not as easy as they seem on the surface.

So at this moment, after all, he did not act rashly.

Although Kaido didn't move at all, after seeing Kaido in front of him, the two Sand Shadow Ninjas had already stood in place.

Apparently they mistook Kaido for the helper of Konoha Shinobi behind.

And at this moment Konoha Shinobi revealed his true colors.

He was still wearing Anbu's mask before, but after coming here, he has taken off the mask directly.

Revealing the original face inside.

Kaido took a closer look at this person and actually saw it himself.

He is Jōnin Moonlight Gale in Konoha.

At this moment, each of his eyes raised his eyes slightly, and he looked at Kaido carefully.

He knows that Kaido is not a member of Konoha, so he wants to know whether Kaido is a companion of the two sand ninjas.

If there were only two sand ninjas, it would not be too troublesome for him to fight, but if Kaido also joins the battle group, he is not quite sure how confident he is that he can defeat the three together.

After all, he doesn't know Kaido's true strength.

So at this moment Konoha Hayate stood where he was, without saying anything.

As for the two sand ninjas, they didn't say anything at this time.

Because they don't even know what is going on with the person in front of them.

To them, Kaido is Moonlight, and Hayate's helpers are the ninjas of Konoha Village.

At this time, one is the pursuer from behind, and the other is the blocker from the front.

For them, they have entered a must-kill situation.

So at this moment, you have seen the two Sand Shinobi ninjas, and I see that you can see a trace of evil in each other's eyes.

But what was obviously different from their expressions was that Duo frowned slightly at this moment.

After thinking about it just now, he has already decided who to help in this situation.

Now he is in Konoha Village after all, so try not to offend Konoha's ninja too much.

Although Kaido needs some ninjas to improve his strength, he is not an idiot. He knows that if some people touch him, he will be in great trouble

Although Konoha Qifeng is just a common Jōnin in Konoha Village, the impact of Jōnin in Konoha Village is only a few hundred people. Such an existence is also their top combat power

If there is something wrong with him, then Konoha Village will never spare the person who attacked him.

Instead of doing that, I might as well establish a good relationship with them first, so that if there is no fight, there will be no fight.

After thinking of this, Kaido smiled slightly. Moonlight Gale said softly.

"How? Can you deal with these two traitors?"

Moonlight Hayate was still wondering if Kaido was a companion of the two sand ninjas.

Hearing this suddenly, he immediately understood.

It turns out that Kaido is not their companion.

At this moment, he had some doubts about Kaido's identity. He didn't know who Kaido was?

But no matter who they are, as long as they are not two killing companions, it will be a huge benefit to them.

So after a short thought at this moment, Moonlight Gale smiled slightly.

"As you said, these two guys came to our Sleepy Leaf to spy on the enemy!"

"This friend, can you help me kill him together? As long as you can help me kill a few people, we, Konoha, will definitely give you a corresponding reward!"

After hearing what he said, Kaido chuckled.

"Don't say that, it's not easy to deal with the two of them with your own strength!"

"You don't need my help at all!"

It is true that Moonlight Gale has the strength of Jōnin.

Now that Jōnin has been reached, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can defeat.

Although the two sand ninjas look very powerful, their actual combat power is only around Chūnin.

With such strength, he still can't reach the ability to fight against Moonlight Gale.

So it is very clear who wins and who loses in this battle.

Kaido is also well aware of this.

That's why he didn't plan to help Moonlight Gale.

And Moonlight Hayate confirmed that Kaido is not the companion of the two sand ninjas, and he will not help sand ninjas at all when he is fighting.

At this time, he also put his heart in his stomach, let out a sigh of relief, and started to attack the two sand ninjas with his left hand.

The two sand ninjas are obviously not the opponents of Moonlight Gale, but they will not wait to die willingly.

After hearing the conversation between Kaido and Moonlight Hayate, they immediately turned their attention to Kaido.

Although these two people are not familiar with Kaido, according to Kaido's previous conversation, he should be able to withstand the attack of Moonlight Gale.

If they can get Kaido's help, the troubles they will encounter today will be easily solved.

So at this moment, the two looked at each other, and immediately one of them whispered directly to Kaido.

"Little brother, we are from the Sand Ninja Intelligence Department. It is indeed a bit abrupt to come out to complete the mission this time, and we have been discovered!"

"Little brother, can you help us escape this hurdle? As long as the little brother is willing to help us Sharen, I will definitely give the little brother a generous reward!"

“Definitely satisfy the little brother!”

"That's right, as long as the little brother is willing to do something, our Sha Ning Kingdom will never forget the kindness of the little brother. (Qian's Zhao) will also arrange a position for the little brother if he is willing at that time!"

When Kaido heard it, there was a slight gleam in his eyes.

"Not to mention, the conditions given by the two of them are really good!"

Compared with Yueguang Gale who didn't give him anything, these generous treatment are very exciting.

But Kaido's heartbeat is the idea of ​​no action.

He just shook his head with a slight smile.

"No...no......you have to die to get something that is no longer good. Helping you will be life-threatening. I don't want to take this risk!"

Saying this sentence, it can be regarded as depriving the last glimmer of hope of the two sand ninjas.

It marked that these two people must die.

As a result, the faces of the two of them became unattractive at this moment.

But they are also very bachelors, and found that Kaido can't be said at all, they almost didn't think about it, and immediately separated and ran away. .

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