I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 595 Overthinking

This sudden scene made Kaido and Moonlight Hayate the same.

Because I didn't expect that they would escape separately.

Moonlight Hayate glanced at Kaido worriedly.

"How? Do you want to chase with me?"

This kind of thing has nothing to do with Kaido.

He didn't bother to involve himself in it either.

Subconsciously, Kaido will refuse.

But think about it again, an existence like Moonlight Gale has a certain status in Konoha Village, if he helps him today.

Then maybe you can enter Konoha Village and other human countries.

In comparison, the Land of Fire has quite a reputation, and it has an extremely terrifying explosion.

Entering it by himself will definitely benefit him a lot now.

More importantly, Kaido knows these benefits, which will definitely become his strength improvement in the next time.

The most important point is that if you go to perform missions with other ninjas from the Nation of Fire, you may encounter extremely powerful existences at that time.

The existence of these powerful strengths may seem dangerous, but as long as you make good use of them, you can improve your own strength a lot.

After thinking of this, 330 Kaido nodded slightly.

"give it to me!"

After speaking, he chased towards one of the directions.

Seeing that Kaido agreed to his request, Yueguang Haifeng also showed joy on his face, and immediately chased him in another direction.

Although the two sand ninjas are relatively large in number, they are all of Chūnin's strength. Under the strong chasing ability of Kaido and Moonlight Hayate, it is impossible for them to really escape and ascend to heaven.

So it didn't take long for Kaido to catch up to one of them.

This sand ninja was still desperately running forward.

But he also sensed the figure that suddenly appeared behind him.

Looking back, it was Kaido who followed him.

Sand Shinobu's face became a little ugly.

"What are you doing, I have no grievances with you, why are you chasing after me?"

Kaido smiled slightly.

"Actually, you and I have no grievances or enmities, probably because you still have some value to me!"

Sha Ren has been very clear until now, I am afraid that he will not be able to leave here alive today.

After thinking of this, a look of incomparable anger appeared on his face.

Almost without thinking, he pulled out a handful of kunai from his waist.

"Okay, since you said so, then you can stay with me!"

After finishing speaking, Kunai was thrown out.

Kunai's attack is not even a child's disease for Kaido.

Sand Shinobi is not a fool, and letting people know that this kind of attack can only confuse the other party.

So when he threw Kunai, he immediately found a considerable number of detonating symbols in his body.

The moment the cry was thrown out, those burdens also flew over.

When his revenge appeared, Kaido was slightly shocked in his heart, but a smile appeared on his face immediately.

"That's right, this is the ability you should have!"

If someone else had encountered so many service improvements, he would definitely be worried, but Kaido didn't care at all.

He wasn't worried at all that those burdens would really fall on him.

After Sha Ren saw this scene, a gleam of joy appeared on his face.

"Hmph, arrogant boy, you will pay the price for your ignorance and arrogance in no time!"

When he finished speaking, he improved his service awareness analysis and arrived in front of Kaido.

It looks like Kaido will be included.

Improving the power of service, not to mention dealing with Kaido, even some, Kage-level ninjas are also prohibitive.

Although it is a relatively cheap means of attack.

But the powerful strength formed by its attack is far beyond the general attack method.

So when this moment occurs, it has already marked how powerful this kind of attack can be.

Kaido still has a chance if he dodges early.

Even if you don't use Body Replacement Technique or some other hand (cgee) methods, you can keep him alone.

But it just didn't do that.

Keep the puffs completely close to your body.

This situation is like a person who doesn't understand the specific effect of carrying a burden at all, facing this kind of attack.

So when Sha Ren saw this, his heart couldn't help shaking.

There was a look of incomparable excitement on his face.

If this can be successful, then the situation in front of it will be self-defeating.

Why didn't he feel happy in his heart.

But what he never expected was that the moment when the detonating talisman was about to detonate.

Kaido's body suddenly expanded outwards with a ray of light.

"Following that revenge, none of them exploded!"

But at the moment when it was about to explode, all the explosive power disappeared without a trace.

When Sha Ren saw this moment, he couldn't believe what he saw.

But after he observed carefully, he found that the main reason for the disappearance of those detonating powers was absorbed by Kaido.

"This...how is this possible? What happened just now?"

Sandy couldn't believe what he saw.

In his thoughts and memories, this situation was simply too unimaginable, and he never thought that such a situation would appear.

But now, even with the incomparable shock in his heart, there is no advantage at all.

Because Kaido stared at him with a smile the moment he absorbed those powers.

"How? Do you still want to continue to do it now?"

When everyone was absorbed by Kaido, the face of Sand Shinobi became quite ugly in the first moment.

He had never seen such a powerful person.

It can directly resolve his attacks.

Now he can't find an adjective to describe Kaido at all.

If it's just some other circumstances, it's not particularly troublesome for him.

Even if he fights with Kaido when the time comes, he won't have any worries or concerns.

At most, it seems to be a little bit disadvantaged.

But the situation is different now.

Kaido's fighting style gives him a very eerie cleanse.

Then he couldn't see the specific reason at all.

So when this scene happened, the sand ninja in front of him had already been killed.

"What the hell are you?"

In Sand Shinobi's heart Legendary, only some powerful monsters can have such abilities.

None of the ninjas he had ever seen had such a possibility.

Even if there is, it is a human group that has absorbed those powerful monsters.

Monsters are different from tailed beasts. The power of tailed beasts lies in the existence of extreme Chakra.

Monsters do not own Chakra, but their own strength should not be underestimated. .

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