I Pretended to Be a God of Fortune in the Fantasy World

Vol 2 Chapter 1343: Forbidden Demon Domain, Eight Immortals Relics

The chaotic change of yin and yang brought a great sense of crisis to Su Li who was in the mysterious mining area.

After Su Li gradually approached, his whole body had a tendency to be suppressed by the rules of this mysterious chaos.

This is a place where demons are forbidden, and it forms a special domain itself, where the rules of the chaotic yin and yang rule.

Stepping into this area is equivalent to entering the other party's domain, and naturally they will be suppressed in various ways.

Su Li saw countless corpses in front of this area, and also saw the scenes of corpses being eaten one by one.

"chi chi—"

A depleted corpse was impacted by the chaotic airflow, tumbling and splashing out.

In the void, it gradually shattered and was about to turn into gray-white bone powder.

Su Li raised his hand, swept through the void, and rolled the bones over so that it would not be turned into dust under the twisted rules of the forbidden magic.

Start with dry bones, a piece of ice cold.

On its bones, Su Li saw some special marks.

In Su Li's eyes, the Great Destiny and Great Time flashed past.

After a ray of purple light converged, the dead bones in Su Li's hands seemed to be transformed into a projection.

"Wang Chan, you deserve death!"

"Xiao Yuan, it's you who deserves to be damned! With your Dao bone and soul source, my innate Dao rhyme can grow further! It's your honor to sacrifice you to fulfill a talent like me!"

"You, you are simply moths of the human race! The great summer is about to fall, what should you do, to persecute Tianjiao like this, you—"

"Oh, persecuting Tianjiao? Are you worthy? Well, go with peace of mind. I will take good care of your sister-in-law and younger sister. They are rare and good."

"Ahhh—beast, I will fight with you!"

"Bah—it's just you? Old Wang, break all his bones, cut off his soul, don't kill him, I have to absorb it for a while."

"Yes, master."

This bone, in Su Li's hands, showed the karma of his obsession before he died.

The projection screen is very moldy.

But the appearance of 'Wang Chan' and the old butler in it is extremely clear.

It was a young man with a particularly arrogant and unruly expression, with a handsome appearance, long and narrow eyes, cold and evil.

His cultivation base has actually reached the perfection of the sixth stage of refining the spirit and returning to the void, and he is about to step into the seventh stage!

Such a realm, in such an era, is particularly shocking.

In Su Li's hand, after the projection of the withered bone appeared, the withered bone was neither shattered nor dried up, but instead shone with a glowing purple-red streamer.

Su Li raised his hand, and threw the dry bone directly into the yin-yang chaotic space area.


In the chaotic area of ​​yin and yang, a wisp of off-white gray mist and evil air flow immediately spewed out, which was accompanied by a pure power of light source.

The two forces circulated, and the various breaths and particles in them, like thousands of terrifying sword lights, all pierced that dead bone in an instant.

The purple-red streamer on the dry bones, like an unwilling obsession, collapsed completely in an instant, and then disappeared.

Not even the powder was left.

Su Li looked at it quietly for a moment, then gathered a breath of the Three Thousand Great Dao and directed it towards that area.

"chi chi—"

This time, the aura of the Three Thousand Great Dao also encountered a severe impact, but it was not annihilated.

The mysterious gray mist and white light could not cause substantial damage to the Three Thousand Avenues.

But the aura of the Three Thousand Great Dao was also distorted and fluctuated violently.

"There should be special means to enter."

"Brother Hua is obviously trapped in it."

"If it is directly eaten away, then there will be no future Brother Hua."

"Also, even if I'm just a clone, I'm still stronger than Brother Hua."

"There's no reason he can hold it in and I can't get in."

"It's just that if you go in, you should be more cautious. This is a special forbidden magic area, and it is the enemy's domain. The enemy is not banned."

Su Li moved in his heart, and after some analysis, he planned to use the special three thousand way to open the way.

However, when the Three Thousand Ways converged on him and strengthened properly, Su Li's forward pace suddenly stopped.

He carefully looked at the chaos again.

"It obviously imitates the yin and yang chaotic artistic conception of the Taiji diagram."

"In the final analysis, its origin still comes from the rules of yin and yang chaos."

During Su Li's contemplation, he observed for a while.

Immediately, he analyzed all the visions that happened here before.

The next moment, the aura of the Three Thousand Ways all over Su Li's body disappeared.

Instead, it is a special state.

A state of ability that he had practiced before.

The scriptures of the great yin and yang mixed hole!

It is also a title of "The Comprehension of Great Yin-Yang Harmonization Demon Art".

Su Li clearly remembered that at the beginning, after performing the "Mysterious Technique Channeling Spirituality" of "Looking for Dragons and Acupuncture Points", he manifested in the void with a destructive level of innate gossip diagram, and took a photo towards the underground of Huayue Valley.


At that time, the earth shook, and immediately, the environment of the entire Huayue Valley seemed to turn black and white all of a sudden.

And in this black and white, underground of Huayue Valley, a gigantic yin-yang formation of a giant is manifested.

Black and white are intertwined, and various phantoms of gods and beasts, phantoms of royal powerhouses, etc. are manifested.

That scene was extremely shocking.

At that time, Su Li raised his hand, and on the spot, part of the scene on the fourth floor of his memory restricted zone manifested.

And that part is very similar to this part!

Now, this kind of scene seems to overlap with that part of the scene in memory, as well as the scene in the restricted area of ​​memory.

"So that's what happened."

Su's heart has already been determined.

In the next moment, he evolved the "Great Yin-Yang Harmony Magic Art", turning himself into a Yin-Yang curve in the chaos.

Afterwards, he stepped into the chaotic and terrifying empty area without hesitation.


Distorted storms immediately erupted from the two voids.

However, this kind of storm all passed through Su Li's side and did not cause any impact on Su Li.

Su Li is like the Pisces line in the Taiji diagram, forming a cutting arc, directly dividing the yin and yang gap into real yin and yang.

And no matter how the gray fog or white light raged, it had nothing to do with Su Li.

Even, any changes in them have to revolve around Su Li.

Su Li seemed to suddenly become their core master.

Sure enough, when such arcs continued to penetrate, Su Li's body quickly passed through the void.

"chi chi—"


But in a moment, it seems that a long time has passed.

Su Li passed through a ripple like flowing water, and then penetrated a layer of mysterious light curtain, and came to another space.


The next moment, Su Li's body directly hit an extremely smooth stone wall.

On the stone wall, there is a glimmer of light.

Within the light, there are pieces of crystal clear spinach green.

It's as if the entire stone wall is as translucent as the top-level jadeite rough after the light shines on it.

Su Li withdrew his gaze and looked around.

At this time, he felt a sense of down-to-earth reality.

At the same time, an unimaginable gravity made him feel unprecedentedly heavy.

This kind of gravity, as well as the environment in the void, as well as his own heartbeat, breathing, breath, etc., made Su Li immediately realize that he was currently inside the 'Forbidden Land' and was also affected by the rules.

Here he is like an ordinary person in an underground cave, unable to display many abilities.

Su Li sensed the ability of Three Thousand Ways again.

This ability is still there, but most of the abilities have also been suppressed.

It has a certain effect when cast, but the effect is reduced by at least a million times.

This made Su Li secretly startled.

Being able to be suppressed is not easy in itself.

And being able to be suppressed so much is even more shocking.

What made Su Li even more fearful was that it could be used, but he didn't want to use it.

Because if it is used in someone else's field, most of it will be infiltrated and mastered by others.

But Hua Qiudao was trapped here and was harvested, so he had to come.

The surrounding environment was completely presented in Su Li's eyes at this time.

Surrounded by smooth stone walls, he seemed to be trapped inside the stone walls.

This inner space just accommodates his existence.

Su Li stepped forward, and suddenly, there was a huge resistance from the smooth stone wall in front of him, but after touching Su Li's body, it quickly shattered.

The stone wall began to shrink, allowing a certain amount of space.

After Su Li took a step forward, the stone wall behind him returned to its jade-like shape.

The entire stone wall, as if it had life, possessed terrifying resilience.


With a thought in Su Li's mind, a sword of soul energy gathered from the power of "Great Yin-Yang Harmonization Magic Power" appeared in the palm of his hand.

This is a sword made of sword souls, and now it has become real in Su Li's hands.

Holding the soul sword in his hand, Su Li used the power of Yin and Yang to split open the jade and move forward.



Soon, after traveling about ten kilometers, the entire stone wall was penetrated by the soul sword.

In front of him, a hazy green light rushed towards his face.

It's like entering a bright emerald world.

This is the real lingering green light, which makes people panic.

After Su Li stepped into this space, the jade disc behind him quickly returned to its original shape, and began to glow with a faint purple light.

It seems that the entire stone wall has begun to be locked.

Su Li wanted to turn around and slash the Soul Sword to try, but he still didn't do it.

Ahead, amidst the green light, there are bluestone stairs going straight forward, across the void of green light.

The green light is everywhere, a green mist like poisonous mist.

Surrounded by light and fog, it gives people a very heart-felt illusion.

And under this kind of green light, whether it is stalactites or other things, there is a kind of terrifying artistic conception, as if suddenly there will be something terrifying rushing out of the stone wall, tearing people into pieces .

If ordinary people were here, they would probably be scared to pee.

This kind of artistic conception, this kind of atmosphere, this kind of terrifying atmosphere, and this kind of traces of the fierceness of the past, etc., are by no means ordinary.

"The road is cumulative."

"It's also changing."

"There is no life here, but terrible existence will be bred."

Su Li stepped on the bluestone steps without hesitation while thinking about it.

The way forward.

Suddenly, after taking more than 7,000 steps, Su Li saw a line of faint traces on the stone wall.

"Hua Qiu Dao leaves traces on the latecomers."

"Stick to your heart and do nothing."

"Don't get involved in cause and effect, don't stir up trouble."

"Everything in the world of mortals does not establish cause and effect."

"The turmoil is like an illusion, stay out of it."

This line of faint traces shone with strands of blood.

This blood is the blood of Hua Qiudao's life source.

This light is also the light of hope contained in Hua Qiudao.

The original blood and the light of hope are both immortal.

Just because, Hua Qiu's heart is immortal, and his hope will last forever.

If the heart does not die, the Tao will not die.

At that moment, after seeing it, Su Li felt a little moved.

Sure enough, Hua Qiudao stepped into this area, and was even trapped in it.

Su Li's eyes fell on that line of text.

After a while, the passivity of Tianji Shensuan was triggered by itself.

The ability of true listening works by itself.

With this ability, Su Li was not worried about being intercepted or spied on.

Because this ability is not his active operation, but passive.

Just like the circulation of breathing and blood flow, even in other people's domains, others cannot spy on and intercept this 'instinct'.

Not to mention, he doesn't have a clone, and has a body to guard the origin in the modern world, so he doesn't need to worry about these.

Su Li felt a part of the truth in the instinctive listening of the divine calculation.

Hua Qiudao was not suppressed here.

Instead, he took the initiative to come here to be suppressed.

Use yourself to kill the growth of this place, and prevent this place from achieving great momentum.

It's like a nail nailed to a dragon seven inches.

Without this nail, Jiaolong might turn into a real dragon.

But with this nail, a lot of Jiaolong's growth must be consumed on this nail, and his own transformation will be infinitely delayed.

"He is using his own origin and destiny to obliterate the growth of this world. It's like a thorn stuck in the enemy's throat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is a game derived from time!"

"Until this kind of game can't end, this side of the world will not be able to truly take shape, and can only continue to grow slowly."

"Hua Qiu said, the crisis has been prolonged to the maximum."

"This is really a respectable existence."

In an instant, Su Li got the truth.

In the long river of time, as long as he has personally experienced it, he will no longer be confused or doubtful now—unless these involve a larger cause and effect in the future, he will not be able to see clearly.

Su Li was shocked and touched when he learned the truth.

It turned out that Hua Qiudao paid so much!

keep going.

Su Li saw some other traces on the stone wall.

"The Shennong Ding can't bear too much karma, so I can only put myself in the Shennong Ding."

"I am Zhao Xiaoxiao, and I will use my life to wear away the shackles of this world, so as to delay the disaster."

After Su Li continued walking, he saw the marks carved by another practitioner.

Leaving these traces means that they have come here and already know that they cannot go back.

Su Li stopped walking.

In his mind, he recalled a few words that Hua Qiudao once said.

"In the ancestral land of Huaxia, Hua has several friends.

Over there, we all have our own names—

Merit king Hua Qiudao, Qingniu king Yin Tianshu, cold-blooded king Zhao Sikong, Qilin king Zhao Yang, fairy gourd king Jiang Junshang, Shennong fairy Zhao Xiaoxiao, Kunlun fairy Qin Ruyu, Qinse fairy Yun Shiyin.

The eight of us were dubbed the "Eight Immortals of China" in China..."

In his mind, Hua Qiudao's words about the Eight Immortals of China sounded again at this moment.

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