I Pretended to Be a God of Fortune in the Fantasy World

Vol 2 Chapter 1346: The road to Qingyun, the real body on the top floor

Seven of the Eight Immortals of China risked their lives to die.

There is only one person who did not participate in the whole process.

Su Li looked at the void surrounded by green air in front of him, and stepped on the last bluestone steps under his feet, with an extremely calm expression.

He looked ahead, but a scene that happened in the dream world appeared in his mind.

In the former dream world, Feng Qianwei said something.

That passage, Su Li's memory is very deep.

In that sentence, it was clearly mentioned that Yin Tianshu was a traitor to the Eight Immortals of China.

"Brother Renhuang, thank you for your trust, although you are still hesitant, I am very happy instead.

Well, that's it, here are the last traces I left.

This should be my special ability, let the Goddess of Time and the Immortal Empress use me as a tool to send you a message, I am still worried that something will happen to you.

It is really an honor for Qianwei to take on such a big task and to expose a traitor of the Eight Immortals of China named 'Yin Tianshu'.

Well, that's it, bye.


That time, Immortal Light Blue also mentioned that Yin Tianshu was no longer abnormal.

But at that time, Su Li and Immortal Light Blue had the same judgment.

At the level of the Eight Immortals of China, will it really leave abnormal traces several times?

Is it possible that Yin Tianshu was not a traitor but was planted?

This was something that could not be determined at the time.

In particular, at that time, Hu Chen clearly locked on the fact that Yin Tianshu was a traitor, and even gave a hint.

But that's how it is often.

Because of Hu Chen's karma, Su Li couldn't accept it at will, and couldn't believe or not believe it at will.

Whether the answer given is true or false, the power is extremely powerful.

Otherwise, that side of the world would not have the means of the cage of truth.

Even, whether it is Su Wangchen or Hu Chen, they have actually given a lot of truth, but these truths are only the tip of the iceberg of the truly huge truth, and the method is similar to abandoning the car to protect the handsome.

These methods are used with great proficiency, and it is difficult to deal with them.

Moreover, after that, when Li Juan was punished and convicted by Tongtian Tower World, the Announcement of the Voice of the Great Dao mentioned—

"Among them, Li Juan, Jiang Yan, Jiang Xinli, the evil king Ji Xie, Ji Jia Jifa, Ji Chang, the cold-blooded king Zhao Sikong, and the green bull king Yin Tianshu seriously violated the rules and regulations."

In Su Li's mind, he used the Great Karma Technique and the Great Destiny Technique to trace the past karma.

Soon, the ability to listen to truth revealed part of the cause and effect of his past experience.

Scenes of cause and effect manifested, but the real traitor was still unable to be identified.

But among them, Zhao Sikong and Yin Tianshu appeared very frequently.

"Great Karma, Great Destiny."

Su Li took the initiative to use the Three Thousand Ways to infiltrate cause and effect.

Afterwards, in the depths of Su Li's mind, fog lingered and gradually gathered.

Then a scene of very model light and shadow appeared.

Among them, it was actually a conversation between the old willow head Liu Cangqing and Li Juan.

Li Juan: "What about the seven? How many have surrendered?"

Liu Cangqing: "The first ones to surrender were the Green Bull King Yin Tianshu and the Immortal Gourd King Jiang Junshang.

Then you know, the cold-blooded king Zhao Sikong.

The unicorn king Zhao Yang surrendered after being forcibly coerced, bone-shattered and soul-strength tortured, and of course he also threatened his sister.

But his sister has already been refined to death long ago, deprived of the Qilin blood, this matter was done by Jiang Tianxin and has nothing to do with us.

When necessary, I'm going to tell him the result, but I won't show it publicly, but only draw it.

That way the hate won't fall on us. "

Li Juan: "Didn't any of those women surrender?"

Liu Cangqing: "No, those few are actually pretty much the same. Fairy Shennong Zhao Xiaoxiao, this is the disciple of Human Emperor Fuxi, she is not very good at using extreme methods, but she doesn't know us well, so she doesn't have much hostility, and she can follow the temptation. , Let her betray without knowing it.

As for Yun Shiyin, this has actually been countered by the policy long ago and she didn't know about it. She certainly didn't know about it, and thought it was some kind of reverse undercover agent.

In fact our initial information came from her.

Now that she has known part of the truth, her mentality has been completely broken, and she has surrendered. "

Li Juan: "What do you mean by 'sort of'? Yes means yes, no means no."

Liu Cangqing: "She has already surrendered, but her attitude is still wavering. As for the reason for the wavering, it is probably because of the sadness of the inner demon."

Li Juan: "Then let her give up completely. Dealing with women is actually nothing more than humiliating her body, making your body rotten and making you a man. Then destroy her will mentally, and let her behavior and morality make you worse." It's enough to be reviled by thousands of people..."

Li Juan: "The Eight Immortals of China have extraordinary backgrounds, so there is no need to resort to extreme measures. Your consideration is correct.

In other words, Qin Ruyu, the Kunlun Fairy, is the only one who hasn't taken it yet?

Has this been suppressed? "

Liu Cangqing: "It has been completely suppressed. The special ancient forbidden method of Juehun and the method of locking the soul of the nine robberies combined with the method of locking the soul of the seven dragons, it is difficult to fly with wings!"

Li Juan: "Well, I see, from now on, you release it."

Li Juan: "You'll know as soon as you let it out, part of her cause and effect is on Su Yan, or on Su Li.

There are still some things that Su Li can use.

He should have a strange treasure in his hand that can be derived from reality and emptiness, similar to a roulette wheel of fate.

You know, the destiny disk in my hand can be simulated and deduced.

This thing, on our side, resembles a Sims simulator.

But if you don't understand this thing, it can actually be classified as a secret derivation, and the effect is quite impressive. "

Li Juan: "This thing is actually not very useful, because it will be the cause, and I haven't used it for a long time.

Most of the time it is not dangerous.

But if it is used, there will almost always be abnormal deaths.

And after you know this kind of death in advance, you will be afraid of it, and then you will change your way of doing things and style. It is precisely this kind of change that will actually lead to this kind of death.

This situation...

Do you understand? "

Liu Cangqing: "My lord, are you going to give such a rare treasure to Qin Ruyu for use?"

Li Juan: "No, I just want to try to use it this time. Now that I have all the chances of winning, I just want to see if there is another way to kill me.

As far as my background is concerned, if I deduce it like this, what will happen if I avoid the abnormality, and what will happen if I don't avoid it. "

In the past, even if Su Li planted a karma cage against Li Juan to counteract this conversation, he still didn't really get the karma.

In other words, this cause and effect relationship is very important, so even if Su Li obtained it, the previous body avatar would not be able to open the corresponding memory, and would not be able to carry this cause and effect.

Now, on the bluestone steps, Su Li really heard the truth.

These words are all true.

It is also very consistent with the cause and effect he detected this time.

The same is true, Su Li has already understood that if things are allowed to go to this point, the Eight Immortals of China will almost be defeated.

But now, everything is fine.

"The closer you are to cause and effect, the more you can deduce fate."

"If Zhao Sikong drops Cheng after Jiang Junshang."

"Then, the current situation is that Jiang Jun is still lying on this bluestone step."

"However, false contributions obviously cannot stand up to the bluestone steps here."

"Then... look at Jiang Junshang's karma."

In Su Li's mind, Jiang Junshang's words resurfaced.

"The family is unlucky, the Jiang family has been infiltrated, the crime is unforgivable!"

"Jiang Junshang, I am willing to make atonement with my body."

"I don't want to ask all sentient beings to forgive the Jiang family, but I hope to continue a ray of light for the hope of the human race."

"If there are future clansmen, they should take Daoist Hua as the core and fight against foreign enemies together."

These few words played back and forth in Su Li's mind.

The cause and effect that could not be touched originally, and the traces that could not be listened to, have some changes at this time.

After the light and shadow of the same model lake converged, another dialogue appeared.

This conversation came from Jiang Xing of the Jiang family and another old man.

The figure of the old man is very similar, but between his brows, there are three cyan dao marks, as if the symbol of thunder and lightning has been engraved on it.

The Jiang family is in charge of heaven's punishment and punishment.

Su Li knew this very early on.

But right now, Jiang Xing of the Jiang family obviously has a high status and can communicate with the old man with the lightning symbol.

"This old man feels very familiar to me."

"Why is his aura so similar to 'Tongtian Realm Lord'?"

"Moreover, it's also very similar to the aura of the 'Zeng Wangchuan' who appeared last!"

"Could it be that the Master of Tongtian Realm is Zeng Wangchuan?"

A momentary information judgment appeared in Su Li's mind, but he couldn't confirm it.

Because, the upper layer in the Tianta World has so many identities that it is impossible to determine how many clones they have and how many small fruit positions they have established.

However, what is certain is that the old man in the shadow lake is really very similar to the aura of the Lord Tongtian.

Previously, Su Li had never been able to grasp the top-level cause and effect of the Lord Tongtian, and if he wanted to fight back, he could hardly cause substantial damage to the opponent.

But this time, from Jiang Junshang's karma, he peeped into this corner, which made Su Li realize that he also began to really infiltrate the place.

While thinking, the cause and effect of the scene also came from the light and shadow.

Jiang Xing: "Fellow Daoist Wangchuan, when you establish the Tongtian Fruit Status, then the Sky Tower World will naturally become the Tongtian Tower World."

Wang Chuan: "According to the current progress, the time is a bit too long. Our Tianta World can't afford it."

Jiang Xing: "This is the most stable method. In our era, the Tian family stole the karma of Qi and replaced it in an upright manner. It took several generations of hard work. And this is just the vanguard of the imperial power, which belongs to ordinary people. The realm of human struggle.

There are many things that cannot be rushed. "

Wang Chuan: "I know it, but the Jiang family is still unable to fully handle the punishment, which after all makes us quite disappointed. Disappointment will affect the overall situation, and it is also a kind of lack of your ability. reflect."

Jiang Xing: "Fellow Daoist Wangchuan, hasn't the current Jiang family been almost replaced? This is exactly the same method of 'usurping order', very smooth and smooth. Now, everything is ready, waiting for Jun Shang's bones to be shattered." , that side of the ladder turned into a special place for nourishing the soul.

At that time, it can be built into a spiritual mountain of cause and effect, leading to the status of Jun Shang Tai Shang Guo, just usurp it.

In this way, the Jiang family is completely replaced, and cause and effect are established, and the false spirit mountain can also be replaced by the real spirit mountain. Once you get out of Hangu in the west, fellow Taoist Cangwu can also become the master of the Taiqing world. "

Wang Chuan: "So, it's quite—"

In the middle of speaking, Wang Chuan was actually vaguely aware of it, his eyes suddenly raised, and he suddenly looked towards a certain place in the void.

But at this moment, Su Li's heart moved, he used the Great Karma Technique without hesitation, pulled the "Eight Nine Mysterious Art", derived a ray of Karma from the Great Time Technique, and penetrated it.

The cyan light flashed fiercely, and then, it was about to disappear immediately.

"court death!"


A terrifying streamer suddenly sprang out.

In the depths of the void, a miserable howl suddenly came.


It was the scene where a green bull was instantly wiped out.

At this moment, Su Li decisively cut off all causes and effects with the Great Karma Technique.

"Can it still be discovered?"

"I am the cause and effect of the peeping past!"

"I'm standing in the future of the past—huh? No, I'm in the past now, in an earlier past. This scene, on the contrary, is equivalent to the future."

"No wonder it is perceived in the dark—peeping into the future in the past will definitely be targeted."

"Because the past is never as good as the future."

"However, what he beheaded was the cause and effect of Qingniu—no matter how he traces it, he will only be traced to Yin Tianshu, the king of Qingniu."

Su Li thought for a while ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then felt relieved.

As for being discovered, or inquiring about him, Su Li - this is naturally impossible.

Because his body is in the present, in the present—it seems to exist in the past, and it is easy to be peeped by the future.

In fact, Su Li lived in the present, while the other party lived in the past.

And Su Li has always insisted on his own way.

Therefore, the other party has no way of peeking at the truth.

"The identity of the Sanqing Realm Master seems to be confirmed."

"It turns out that this group of existences has always had an end, but they just appeared in a special capacity and I didn't know it."

"Zeng Wangchuan."

"Cang Wu."

"Although these two may not necessarily correspond to the top-level World Master Tongtian and Taiqing World Master, but..."

"It's easy to know your identities."

Su Li felt a little relieved, and his confidence was even stronger.

He looked at the green mist lingering in front of him, and as soon as he thought about it, countless soul sources gathered together, turned into a blue light, and shuttled forward directly.

Bluestone stairs?

No need.

The bluestone staircase itself is actually the 'predecessor' form of the Ancient Life Road.

And the magical celestial road like the Ancient Life Road...

Su Li walked by it many times, and even fully understood the structure of that ancient road.

Therefore, in a single thought, the blue light under Su Li's feet turned into a miraculous celestial road, leading directly to the front.

This is the so-called 'Road to the Blue Clouds'.

Qingguang moved forward, and Su Li strode forward.

This time, the distance of the road was only about 70,000 meters, and it came to an end.

At the end of the road, Su Li saw an incomparably grand and huge palace.

All around the golden palace are bones.

But in the palace, Hua Qiudao's aura was extraordinarily pure and clear.

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