I really didn’t raise a dragon

Chapter 157 Ye Kong comes out of the lake and the killing begins!


Someone is coming again?

A group of people had just left, but I didn't expect that someone else would come so soon. read


At this time, the tentacles on both sides of Ye Kong's mouth moved slightly.

At this moment, he clearly felt something, and his golden pupils shrank slightly.

A fat-looking middle-aged man said while stroking his beard.

"Gather the essence of heaven and earth, condense the aura of mountains and rivers."

"There's something down there."

One of the men wearing a mask also spoke calmly at this time.

His voice sounded a little hoarse.

"Shall I go down and take a look?!"

The middle-aged man thought for a moment and then said.


The masked man said calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the round face of this fat middle-aged man suddenly changed.

It turned into catfish-like cheeks!

The next moment, he jumped directly into the Purple Star Lake.

"Canghai City."

"It seems interesting."

The masked man stood on the shore of the lake and said calmly.

The man with a head like a catfish was swimming very fast as soon as he entered the water.

There were long tentacles on both sides of his mouth, which began to flutter at this time.

It's like an induction radar.


There seems to be nothing.

He kept swimming underwater.

He was very fast in the water, and his eyes could clearly see everything at the bottom of the lake.

This Zixing Lake is really weird, there are no creatures seen at all.

Not a single fish was seen.

Could it be that the mask feels wrong?


But soon, he seemed to see something, and his eyes suddenly opened wide.

He immediately rushed towards the bottom.


Soon, the mask standing over there could clearly see a huge skeleton flying up directly from the lake.

Along with a lot of water splash, the skeleton fell directly to the shore.


When the masked man saw the skeleton, he immediately raised his eyebrows.

At the next moment, the figure of the middle-aged man flew directly out of the lake.

His catfish-like cheek also returned to its original shape at this time.

"Only found this."

The middle-aged man said helplessly.

"White-spotted Salamander."

Looking at this skeleton, the mask said calmly.

"It's him!?"

"Why did he die here!?"

The middle-aged man's expression changed at this time.

The white-spotted salamander is a member of the fourth order.

And he should have come in advance yesterday.

When he and the mask came here today, they had not been contacted yet.

"I'll call and check."

Without hesitation, the man took out his phone and started making calls.

But the call didn't go through.


The mask stared at the lake, and the expressions in its eyes were changing.

"Let's go, the things in the lake should go."

As he made a sound, he left here.


The middle-aged man picked up the huge skeleton and threw it into the lake again.

The most important thing for them now is on the coast.

The two of them disappeared here the next moment.

"It's organized by Black Moon again."

"And the person wearing the mask just now is very strong."

At this time, Ye Kong, who was in the middle reaches, also went upstream from the waterfall and returned to the lake just now.

With his extremely powerful perception, he could clearly feel at this time that the two people were gone.

"It seems that things tonight are not that simple."

Ye Kong's expression also became serious.

"You can think about it carefully and give me an answer when the time comes."

At this moment, Zhao Shuangshuang, who was on the other side, waved to Su Mengyao and Ye Qianqian, and left at this time.

"She is really from the special operations team..."

Seeing Zhao Shuangshuang leave, Ye Qianqian also breathed a sigh of relief.


"Go back first. We have to prepare tonight. Let Brother Kong go over there."

Su Mengyao said in a deep voice at this time.

Now the situation in Canghai City is getting more and more complicated.

If Ye Kong continues to be there, he may be discovered.

Now, we need to help Ye Kong evolve faster.

Ye Kong said last time that eating a lot of lampreys made him evolve. This time, there should be a lot more on the seaside.


Ye Qianqian also nodded slightly.

Soon, night fell.

The time stretched directly to eleven o'clock in the evening.

"about there."

Su Mengyao, who was at home, put her hands on the keyboard and began to operate.

Block the camera!

Block them all!

"Qianqian, it's time to take action."

Su Mengyao pressed a button on the table while speaking.


Ye Qianqian, who was wearing black sportswear, also put on a black hoodie at this time, and jumped out from the balcony here.

She wants to use physical shielding methods to remove all the cameras that cannot be hacked.

Buzz buzz——

At the same time, Ye Kong on the other side of Zixing Lake also clearly heard vibrations coming from the other shore.


At this time, Ye Kong's body emerged directly from the lake.

The huge body reflected the slightest light under the moonlight.

"You can go."

Su Mengyao put down a signal receiver there before.

As long as the signal receiver vibrates, it means that the plan can be acted upon.

"Lamprey, ocean, here I come."

At this moment, Ye Kong dived directly into the lake.

Rushing madly towards the downstream!

Its current speed in the lake was simply terrifying. In just a short moment, it had already rushed to the downstream side.

Then follow the branch of another river and continue rushing past!

Soon, he rushed to the river closest to Zixing City.

"That's almost it."

Soon, Ye Kong rushed out of the lake here.

A large amount of water splashed out along with his huge body, splashing around.

You can clearly see many buildings in the front.

But the cameras here have been completely blocked by Su Mengyao.

Not only were they shielded, but the street lights were also taken out.

It looked pitch black.

Ye Kong's golden eyes looked very strange in this dark night.

"Your grandpa, I'm here!"

Thinking that there were a large number of lampreys along the coast, Ye Kong, who had just stepped ashore from the river, also rushed towards the area in front of him crazily.

Even on the shore, Ye Kong's speed was ridiculously fast!

Tonight at the beach, strong winds were blowing.

There were countless ripples in the sea water.

Boom boom boom——

At this time, there was another slight vibration on the coast!

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