I really didn’t raise a dragon

Chapter 158 The countless lampreys at the bottom of the sea!

On the coast, it can be clearly seen at this time that the sea water is spreading up. read

Sea levels have risen quite a bit again.

Now the buildings along the coast are a bit tilted.

Because the federal government has arranged for the residents nearby to evacuate.

Therefore, there are no people at all in the buildings here.

It was dark everywhere.

Bang bang bang——

At this time, Ye Qianqian, like a smart cat in the dark night, began to shuttle through the streets.

With a dull sound, all the street lights on this street were blown out.

"Sorry, I'll put it on for you tomorrow."

Soon, Ye Qianqian ran to the coast.

Following the route provided by Su Mengyao, destroy all the cameras that cannot be blocked by the network, as well as the street lights on the route.

"Now, brother should be here soon, right?"

Ye Qianqian also hid on the second floor of a dilapidated house at this time.

A pair of eyes looked outside from the window.

I heard that this beach can be very dangerous at night, and there may be federal government or other people here.

She didn't want to be discovered.

She continues to wait here.

The surrounding area was very quiet, so quiet that it was as if you could hear your own heartbeat.

Her hands were only clenched into fists at this time.

There seemed to be sweat slowly overflowing from the palms of my hands.


At this moment, she seemed to feel something as she had good ears, and the pupils in her eyes suddenly shrank slightly.

His eyes subconsciously looked towards the street below, and he could clearly see a huge black shadow passing through!

Ye Qianqian's eyes widened at this time.

That figure is...

"Qianqian, don't come out."

elder brother!

At this time, hearing the sudden sound, Ye Qianqian also reacted.

Obviously, this voice is his brother!

Ye Qianqian did not come out at this time, and looked directly at the coastal area through the window on the other side.

If you look carefully, you can clearly see... Ye Kong's figure!

The moonlight is a bit strange tonight. The moon actually seems to be a bit red.

It's strange. The red moon in the past was not something that only happened once in a long time. Why is the moonlight now so strange?

At this time, under the moonlight, Ye Kong's body seemed to reflect a faint red light, which looked very strange.

Ye Kong's golden eyes were staring at the area in front of him.

"The sea level has actually risen here."

Under his gaze, everything here can be clearly seen.

"I want to see if there are really so many lampreys down there."

Ye Kong's slightly opened mouth also revealed the upper and lower rows of extremely sharp teeth.

The next moment, his body rushed directly into the sea water!

As soon as he entered the sea water, Ye Kong obviously felt a little uncomfortable.

Because I have always lived in fresh water before, and now I suddenly go to sea water, it does have a different feeling.

However, this discomfort only appeared for a moment, and Ye Kong soon adjusted back.

Is this what the sea tastes like?

A little salty.

But now that we are in the ocean, it is really more comfortable than on land.

The tentacles near the mouth also began to float at this time.

With strong perception ability, he can clearly sense the surrounding situation at this time.


"There are so many creatures!?"

Ye Kong's eyes widened at this time.

Although I haven't seen those lampreys yet, I can still clearly sense through my own perception that there are a lot of life fluctuations below.


At this time, Ye Kong couldn't help but secretly swallow... sea water.

Without any hesitation, he swam directly down there.

Soon, it was obvious that the area below, the base layer of Canghai City, had been chewed out with a large number of potholes.

"It's just like being bitten out of a stage of death."

At this time, Ye Kong was also a little surprised.

At this time, if you continue to get closer, you can clearly see countless lampreys biting the basal layer below Canghai City.

The moment Ye Kong approached, the lampreys seemed to feel something and immediately stopped moving.

Then he turned around suddenly and rushed towards Ye Kong!

Under this seabed, the speed of lampreys is really too fast.

It was like bullets, attacking Ye Kong's body!

In a short period of time, countless lampreys rushed into Ye Kong's body.

Their sucker-like mouths bit Ye Kong's body crazily!

In a short period of time, Ye Kong's entire body was covered by countless lampreys!

"Brother, I don't know what's going on."

Ye Qianqian, who was in that building, also spoke secretly at this time.

At this moment, her ears suddenly moved.

It seems that I heard something clearly!

who! ?

The pupils in her eyes shrank slightly.

At this moment, he subconsciously turned around and looked behind him.

He just turned around and looked behind him, and he could clearly see a figure appearing in front of him.

"it's me."

Su Mengyao covered her mouth and whispered.

Ye Qianqian could clearly see Su Mengyao's figure at this time, and nodded slightly.

"Mengyao, when did you come?"

As Su Mengyao released the hand covering her mouth, Ye Qianqian also spoke out.


"Brother Kong is here?"

Su Mengyao also lowered her voice and said at this time.

Although I had made an agreement with those people before that no tourists could come over these three nights.

But maybe there are people from the federal government showing up here.

It would be bad if you were discovered.

"Well, I just went into the sea."

Ye Qianqian also nodded slightly at this time.

At this time, there was also worry in her eyes.

I don’t know what will happen to my brother now that he has reached the bottom of the sea.

"Well, we can just wait here."

Su Mengyao nodded slightly.

But at this moment, she looked towards the distance and seemed to see something, and the look in her eyes changed slightly.

Someone! ?

"Be careful."

At this time, Su Mengyao reacted quickly and pulled Ye Qianqian to the side.


"Is there anyone?!"

Ye Qianqian's eyes widened.

"It's from the federal government or from the special operations group."

She also carefully lowered her voice at this time.

"It doesn't seem to be the case."

"It's a man wearing a mask."

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