I really want to hit the street

Chapter 234 Books and books’ constitution cannot be generalized

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Pu Jie waved his hands on his quilt, looking excited.

How come there is a collection of 20,000? ? ?

One recommendation position, one day, 20,000 collections, is it too exaggerated?

Even if this location is really good, it is right on the homepage of the app. You can basically see it when you enter it. It is second only to the most recommended location.

But this is not a reason to collect 20,000 a day!

Pu Jie sat up from the bed, turned on the computer, found Qidian Data Network, and checked the effect of this recommendation on other recent books from above.

"Wu Dalang's Life Simulator": 7000 collections.

"My Mirror Prison": 7400 new collections.

"Police Land Order": 6800 new collections.

"DNF Master of Metaphysics": 5100 new collections.

"This is normal! Why do I have 20,000???"

Pujie didn't understand.

I took a look at the subscription data. It was too luxurious to look at.

The average order has increased by 1,000, and is still growing rapidly!

Trembling to open the Kaidian bestseller list.

No. 10: "Infinite Time and Space".

"Damn! How come you're in the top ten again! Damn it!!!"

He remembered how horribly dominated the previous game "Legend of the Stars" was by traffic. At that time, he was often in the top ten and reached an average subscription of 20,000.

The list increases exposure - exposure brings new readers - new readers increase subscriptions - subscriptions lead to an increase in the ranking of the list - the list increases exposure.

"Fuck! The vicious cycle has begun again!"

Pu Jie was numb.

This is completely different from the script he wrote.

“What went wrong???”

Going back to 2 days ago, Styx set a day for Pu to apply for a recommendation.

He looked at Pu Ding's ordinary lv5 writer interface and felt that he didn't quite agree with Pu Ding's identity.

With my own editing rights, I added a line of introduction to Pu Ding.

[The second part of the Twelve Kings of Kaidian. His writing style is simple, straightforward and interesting. He is good at creating new themes. He is the king of the first generation of new media and a famous screenwriter. Both of his works were adapted into TV series by himself. The movie "The Man from Earth" 》is currently in theaters. 】

If it weren't for the word limit, Styx would have to add a few hundred words of essay, otherwise it wouldn't be enough to describe the magic of Puding.


After Pu Ding became an officially certified boss.

This was originally a treatment that only great authors could get, but with Pu's success in writing a new book, it was almost certain that Qidian would sign a great deal with him. The only shortfall was that the word count would reach 1 million, and all the conditions would be met by then.

The day of recommendation has arrived.

Readers see this book in a very prominent position.

After reading the title and introduction, and then seeing the officially certified master, I immediately became more patient.

The first few chapters are generally bearable.

If you are a newbie at level 1, you will not understand the first three chapters, and you will just say "I don't understand what you are talking about, the author should just go ahead and make some mistakes!" and then run away.

This is why fast-paced articles are popular in Qidian now, especially for newcomers!

If they don’t write fast-paced, they will die miserably.

Readers won't give them much patience.

On the contrary, slow-paced writing has become exclusive to great masters.

They can have enough time to lay out the plot, slowly lay out the baggage, and then make a big explosion, completely igniting the readers, saying that it is so enjoyable, and the previous persistence is worth it!

Just because he is a great god, he is more tolerant.

Of course, the master's writing style is interesting enough even for daily routines and foreshadowing. This is the result of many years of accumulation, and newcomers will not be envious of it.

Obviously, although Pu Ding's writing style is average, it has a magical power that makes people want to keep reading.

In terms of plot, I can only say that it is original YYDS.

No matter what readers say, the original plot is the most attractive. The sense of unknown, mystery and exploration are feelings that cannot be brought by fan works or copied works.

In other words, most readers like novelty.

Of course, male readers are relatively single-minded in life.

They will always like 18 year old girls.

Is "Infinite Time and Space" original?

Purely original!

It's even a bit too original, with one world view per volume.

Is "Infinite Time and Space" new?

So damn fresh!

Was "Infinite Time and Space" written by a great god?

Officially recognized boss!

So, what can readers do?

Of course I’ll save it on my bookshelf and read it later!

Of course, there is another small reason why the catalog of "Infinite Time and Space" has a title of "10,000 updates per day", which is equivalent to telling readers nakedly: the quantity is large and the management is full.

Readers immediately collected it.

Very soon!

Ye Xuan.

An ordinary office worker with no special characteristics.

60 points of face, 60 points of work, 60 points of life.

Generally speaking, there are only four words: less than the superior, more than the inferior.

He is just like most ordinary people.

I go to work when I go to work, spend time with my family after get off work, and have some little hobbies of my own.

In order to save money, he gave up his photography hobby and focused on his other hobby: reading novels.

He is a silent reader.

I hardly talk or participate in any activities. I read novels I like when I find them. After I finish reading them, I choose a few new books to add to my bookshelf and read them slowly.

For readers with mixed tastes like him, the books recommended on the homepage are very suitable.

Because according to his experience, those whose grades are recommended on the home page are generally good in writing, with at least one or two bright spots.

It won't be the kind of book that is purely useless and makes people sick after reading it.

He remembered that Twelve Heavenly Kings had been published some time ago, and there were many good books, but he was very busy at that time and did not pay attention to reading it, and then he forgot about it.

After reading the book, continue searching from the homepage.

Today was the 10th, and he happened to see a book called "Infinite Time and Space".

He tilted his head and thought about it.

"It sounds interesting. Multiple worlds? Dreams within dreams? Or parallel worlds?"

He still quite likes this kind of writing with a slightly sci-fi attribute.

One look at the author and I’m convinced!

"Oh~~~ I don't know him. But from the introduction, it seems to be very famous? His previous works have been adapted into TV series, so this book should be very powerful, right?"

Unconsciously, he put on colored glasses to read this book.

Ye Xuan frowned and pushed through the first three chapters that were supposed to be the most discouraging.

"The next one will definitely be exciting, right? How about the first work that has over 10,000 orders?"

Then it was great!

The more I watch, the better it gets!

After getting used to the rhythm of changing worlds, I became more and more fond of this idea of ​​traveling between worlds.

He didn't say a word from beginning to end, he just silently subscribed to all the chapters and read them slowly.

“The book written by this master is so beautiful~”

90% of silent readers have their own aesthetic logic.

"Infinite Time and Space" is a work that can satisfy the aesthetics of many readers.

The article is good and breaks everything!

The title and introduction of his book are not as attractive as those of those who play tricks, but if. He and the same period had 30,000 readers click to read the book.

In the end, "Infinite Time and Space" was able to retain 20,000 people.

Other works can only leave 6 or 7 thousand people.

This is the gap!

Books and books have different constitutions and cannot be generalized.

"Infinite Time and Space" once made 20,000 collections in one day when I was extremely angry!

A good book only needs one exposure to take off!

After this data came out, major author groups were in an uproar!

There are only so many places to recommend on the home page in a day. The authors know which book has gone up and which book has gone down, and who has increased more and who has decreased less.

However, this collection of 20,000 really scared the author of Qidian.

"Good boy. Is this a work that can be written by a human being?"

"Damn it! The books that had this happen last time are now at the top of the bestseller list!"

"The Twelve Heavenly Kings have been decided, this one is going to kill the gods!"

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