I really want to hit the street

Chapter 235 Things got bad, and I got a big blow

Pu Jie looked at the soaring collection and fell into a daze.

This familiar feeling seems familiar.

I also experienced it when "Legend of the Stars" entered the top ten on the best-seller list for the first time.

Needless to say, the gold content of this kind of list.

Old readers all know, where to find books?

Bestseller list!

This list shows the real sales volume of a book, and it is difficult to fake it.

Because if you cheat, you will have to spend a lot of money to subscribe. Only 40% of this money will be paid as your royalties, and you will also have to pay taxes.

Therefore, brushing subscriptions is not appropriate.

The books at the top of the best-seller list have very high sales. If you try hard, you will lose too much. (Hard brush with an iron head)

Therefore, based on the above elements, the bestseller list is currently the most valuable list, and it is much more real than the monthly ticket list.

Experienced readers will choose books from here.

This is the first time a work is in the top ten, and the bonus is very scary.

It's equivalent to a best-seller selection.

Pu Jie: "."

Rounding it all off, he was on two best-selling picks.

The exposure of "Infinite Time and Space" was immediately full, and it was even more popular than when it was released before.

"It's so uncomfortable!"

"No! If I continue like this, I will be doomed. The company's money can't be spent to begin with. If we add more, won't we have to find ways to spend it again?"

No matter how much money "Infinite Time and Space" makes, he will lose the same amount of subsidies, and at the same time, he will get 10 times less conversion of this money.

Double loss!

What a loss!

"Isn't this book going to have an average subscription price of 20,000? The last book had advertising and TV dramas to attract traffic, which kept the traffic for 2 months. After finishing the book, I also did a lot of tricks and sold the copyright. , only reaching 20,000 per order.”

"Just order this book for 20,000 yuan?"

"Hi~ So scary!"

Pu Jie felt that the situation was no longer under his control and couldn't help but want to mess it up.

But as soon as he started writing randomly, he was immediately warned by the system


"We must get a sword man!"

"If I don't stab someone, I'm afraid I'll die suddenly!"

From all his past actions, Pu Jie only found this one effective method that had saved him.

"I'm sorry, brothers, you have to go back to Lao Ba Gourmet"

The shit feeding plan starts again!

"The first knife will drop 50% of the subscriptions, and the second knife will drop 30% of the subscriptions. It can be seen that the effect is diminishing. Readers are almost developing antibodies after being struck by my knife. The effect of daily knives is getting smaller and smaller. ”

He originally planned to take on Dao Daxiong Zhan, who is considered an old team member. He has experienced a lot with Zheng Tuo and has a higher status in the hearts of the audience than Rong Hao.

After all, no LSP can refuse a big bear girl.

However, it seems inappropriate at this time.

Useful but not entirely useful.

Just drinking poison to quench thirst.

"This time, the knife will be a big one!"

Pu Jie had a crazy idea in his mind. What would happen if he killed all his teammates?

“Then wouldn’t all the readers have fled?”

Pu Jie felt happy and gave a thumbs up to his genius idea.

"Just finish writing this world!"

Everything in the company has been arranged, so he doesn't need to worry about it. It's Mr. Pu's daily time again.

“It’s just the right time to save the manuscript.”

After a week's worth of manuscripts were used up, I still felt a little empty. It was like I had been stuffed all the time and suddenly everything was gone. That feeling was very uncomfortable.

This refers to the Writer's Assistant Draft Box.

In the blink of an eye.

a week has passed.

Duoyu Company’s money is gradually being invested.

Friday, June 17th.

I heard that the game department has taken over some outsourcing projects. They will debug and debug them this month. If there are no problems, they will pay the money.

Duoyu Company may not have enough money to pay it all until the royalties from the Internet Literature Department arrive next month.

This is good news for Mr. Pu.

This week, Pu Jie finished writing the world of "Alien 2" at hand, and completed the rewards and redemptions in the world of reincarnation.

Go to the next world, a world where everyone is destroyed.

Pu Jie took a look at the subscription data as usual.

Average order: 16521.

24 hours follow-up order: 10,000+.

"Okay. It's very strong. It would be nice if such a strong book wasn't mine."

Pu Jie sighed helplessly. A recommendation put him into the top ten of the best-seller list, and he never came down.

For book lovers, the quality of this book is too high. Many new collections are added every day. Moreover, due to the volume of updates, the sales volume of more than 10,000 average orders is higher than others' average order of 30,000, so naturally it is Can't get off the bestseller list.

The average subscription is rising at a terrifying speed every day. If it is not controlled, it will just wait for a backstab from the Styx and directly push the average subscription to 20,000.

A sarcastic smile appeared on Pu Jie's lips.

"Does the Internet really have no memory? It's only been one world, and has it already forgotten the fear of being knifed?"

“What does this 99+ daily ‘quick update, keeping you awake at night’ mean?”

"It's time for this to end,"

"Wherever you stand up, you will fall down. In the next world "Resident Evil 2", let us welcome the destruction of the group!"

Pu Jie has already thought of a whole set of operations to kill all the plot staff of the Huaguo team, leaving only Zheng Tuo alone.

From team to lone wolf.

It can be said to be poisonous, a classic within a classic.

Pu Jie believes that no one can withstand the toxicity of this wave.

Thinking about it himself, he would die of discomfort.

But he had no choice. When things got to this point, there was no better way. He could only go all the way to the dark side.

"The only one to blame is Styx. If I could just live my life, I would never do so many tricks. Every wrong has its owner, so you go find him to avenge him."

Pu Jie has already thought about it. After writing this plot, he will quickly find a place to hide. He will not go to class or go to the company.

After all, he is now considered a celebrity.

Yesterday, he searched for his name on Baidu, and there was already a Baidu entry!

"Pu Dingle, whose real name is Pu Jie, is a student of theater, film, and television literature at Beiyi Institute of Technology. He is a well-known online author and screenwriter. He is the author of online novels "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King", "Country Scoundrel Doctor", "Legend of the Stars", and "Infinite Time and Space" ( (currently being serialized), screenwriter works "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" (playing on Penguin Film and Television), "Country Love" (expected to be broadcast on Neiku Film and Television in July), "That Man from the Earth" (now being shown). Culture Co., Ltd. develops the 'Duoyu Tingshu app' and online writing-related businesses."

In short, see through him.

These things cannot be hidden, and those who are interested can search them on Tianyancha.

And the company location can naturally be found.

The only thing not exposed was his residence.

"This surgery is not a trivial matter. Safety measures must be taken. Otherwise, the readers who come next time may not be as calm as the ones in Shanghai."

He remembered what a reader said: "Criminal law is not your talisman" and shuddered.


Then start cutting people.

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